Scottish first minister changes her mind about inviting Syrians to share her home

Invasion of Europe news……

No surprise is it!  A lot of political big shots as well as Lefties in the entertainment business bragged in recent months that they would invite Syrian families to live in their homes.  Now that Syrians are actually on the way (in this case to the UK) there is much backtracking on that obviously politically motivated promise of just a few weeks ago.

Nicola Sturgeon home
Nicola with hubby in their lovely home: Syrians welcome to share it (NOT)! Photo:

Case in point is this story about Nicola Sturgeon, first minister of Scotland and head of the Scottish National Party.
Let me be clear!  Anyone who is willing to open their home to indigent people and use their own private resources to care for them is to be greatly commended.  However, and this is a driving force behind my writing, stealing money (yes stealing!) from taxpayers to fund one’s charitable endeavors is an abomination in my view.
Why should some struggling family, with two parents working to just get ahead, have to be taxed so some rich big shot do-gooders can don their white hats of humanitarianism and pat themselves on their backs for being charitable?
And, I find it shameful that this Pope and his US Bishops are also stealing from taxpayers to fund their faux ‘Christian charity.’
The Pope has invited one Christian Syrian family to live at the Vatican—big deal!
Here is the story at the Daily Mail (but I see it reported lots of other places as well).  Emphasis below is mine:

Nicola Sturgeon was accused of backtracking last night after it was revealed she had ‘no plans’ to let Syrian refugees live in her home despite promising to do so during a television interview.

The Scottish First Minister made national headlines after she claimed she would be ‘absolutely happy’ to open her home to people fleeing war and violence in the Middle East.

But as the first of the 20,000 Syrian refugees due to come to Britain by 2020 arrived on Tuesday, Ms Sturgeon said she would not be offering them the chance to stay at her home.

Her spokesman said: ‘She said she would be willing to do it if that’s what it took, but she did not say that there were any plans for that to happen. So if you’re phoning to find out if there’s an update, then there is no update.’

Asked in an interview on Sky News on September 6 if she would house Syrian refugees in her own home, Ms Sturgeon replied: ‘Yes, I would.


Thousands of people have offered to house refugees in their homes in recent weeks, among them Live Aid founder Bob Geldof, politician Yvette Cooper and actress Emma Thompson.


Scottish Conservative MSP Murdo Fraser said: ‘This just demonstrates the dangers of politicians making glib promises to get favourable headlines, when they have no intention of delivering. First Nicola said she’d welcome a refugee family to her home, obviously for political gain.

‘Now she is quite clearly back-tracking. It is very insincere indeed, but this is what we’ve come to expect from the SNP. The public now see they’re a party that will say anything for a headline, then when it doesn’t suit them, they do the complete opposite.’

Continue reading here.
By the way, since the UK is going to rely on the UNHCR to pick their Syrian refugees, the vast majority will be Sunni Muslim Syrians that inhabit UN camps in Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon.  Christian Syrians, we are told, do not go to these camps out of fear for their safety.
Inhabitants of those camps (in Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon) will not be permanent residents with citizenship, however, all those coming to the US, the UK, Canada, etc. will become voting citizens of our western countries.
Click here for our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ series.

British Navy to turn migrant boats back in the Mediterranean (maybe!)

British ship
HMS Richmond to be stationed off Libya

Invasion of Europe news….

Although they say they will arrest and prosecute smugglers they catch, the article is not clear on what happens to the migrants on board.
Longtime readers know that former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott told Europe they must do that or suffer the enormous consequences they are now experiencing.
This plan by the UK may slow the flow (a little!) from the North African coast, but I sure don’t see how this will help the present crisis of boats launching from Turkey into the Aegean Sea.
One ship isn’t going to do it!
Where is the Navy to turn them back to Turkey?

smuggling map
Look at this Europol map showing migrant routes to the UK from earlier this year. What the heck will one ship do?

From The Guardian:

A Royal Navy frigate is to be sent to take part in a blockade-style naval operation aimed at “boarding, seizing and diverting” refugee boats in the Mediterranean, the Ministry of Defence has said.

The British warship HMS Richmond is to take part in a “more aggressive” phase two of a European Union naval operation operating off the coast of Libya aimed at ending the people-smuggling trade across the Mediterranean.

British defence and foreign ministers gave their informal approval to the EU plan at meetings in Brussels last week, after being told by the Italian admiral in charge of the naval force that 16 boats used by the smugglers could have been seized or destroyed in recent weeks if the new phase had been in force.

HMS Richmond, which has surveillance technology enabling it to operate across a wide area, is likely to be sent to the waters off Libya, where it will be stationed at least 12 miles off the coast. Although it will be able to rescue refugees it comes across, the Ministry of Defence said its primary role would be to board and seize vessels in the southern Mediterranean.

Sounds like just another rescue mission to me.
For all of our news on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ click here.

Archbishop of Canterbury: UK plan to take 20,000 Syrians discriminates against Christian refugees

And, that is because, as we have told readers before, the United Nations refugee camps are housing Muslim Syrians and NOT Christians.  The US and now, according to UK Prime Minister David Cameron, Great Britain, are only taking the UN-chosen refugees from UN camps!

Another Christian leader gets it! Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby: US and UK Syrian refugee policy discriminates against Christian Syrians!

Why aren’t the Christians in the camps?  Because the Muslims “attack and target” the Christians in the camps run by the UNHCR.

If, during Sunday worship today, you hear from your pastor or priest about Syrian refugees (remember the Leftwing campaign we told you about yesterday), you must ask what the plan is for truly persecuted Christians and let your fellow congregants know that the US State Department has almost exclusively brought in Sunni Muslims so far!

From The Telegraph (emphasis is mine):

The Archbishop of Canterbury has warned David Cameron that his Government’s refugee policy is discriminating against Christians facing oppression in Syria.

The Most Rev Justin Welby is understood to have met the prime minister last week amid growing concerns that Christians in Syria will be largely excluded from the 20,000 refugees due to come to the UK over the next five years.

Archbishop Welby raised the issue with Mr Cameron at a private meeting last week, according to a well placed source, over concerns that Christians in Syria will not be given the opportunity to come to the UK.

The Government, in line with European Union policy, is committed to taking in refugees from UN camps in Syria and neighbouring countries. It cannot discriminate in favour of any one religious group.

But the Archbishop has raised concerns that Christians have avoided refugee camps because of fears of persecution from rogue Islamist groups operating inside refugee camps.

In a speech in the House of Lords last Monday, Archbishop Welby said that “within the camps there is significant intimidation and radicalisation, and many particularly of the Christian population who have been forced to flee are unable to be in the camps.”


“Christians are not to be found in the UN camps, because they have been attacked and targeted by Islamists and driven from them. They are seeking refuge in private homes, church buildings and with neighbours and family.”

A coalition of faith groups from 14 organisations has issued a statement accusing the US and UK governments of ignoring the plight of Christians and other ethnic minority groups by effectively failing to discriminate positively in their favour.


The coalition of groups said; “Many governments, including the US and UK, have proved unwilling to make provision for endangered religious minorities to be evacuated, despite private individuals, charities and churches offering to cover the costs of the resettlement.

“Government plans, including those of the UK, to accept refugees from UN camps in Syria will not address the problem, because Christians, and other minorities do not dare to live in those camps.”

There is more, continue reading here.

Why are US government-affiliated “religious charities” remaining silent on Christian persecution?

First, be sure to read about the brave Catholic Bishop in Hungary who is sounding the alarm about the Muslim invasion, here!  It is such a relief to know that not all Christian leaders have sold out to the Islamist agenda.
I know we can’t take in the whole world because even the US can’t afford it, but we are a Christian nation and Christians should be at the top of our priority list, don’t you think?
The so-called religious charities among our nine major resettlement contractors have never (to my knowledge in the last 8 years) ever expressed a concern for the Christians of the Middle East. If they had any guts they would say out loud to the Obama Administration—put the Christians (and other non-Muslim minorities) at the top of the list of those to be resettled in America.
One more thing!  If you are asked to open your home to a refugee or refugee family, remember, it will be a Muslim family (unless US resettlement policy changes) and expect to take care of them for a very long time at your personal expense!
Update:  More here on the Left using the Pope’s upcoming US visit as PR opportunity.

Comment from a Brit: We are headed for a disaster of epic proportions

Editor:  This is a comment we received from a regular reader ‘misterpaul5a’ to this post this morning.  To say he is frustrated would be a gross understatement. The events of the last week should be galvanizing all of us to do more, to dig deeper into our reserves of energy, to save Western Civilization for OUR children and grandchildren.
Misterpaul5a (we have broken the text into paragraphs for easier reading and highlighting is mine):

Once again Cameron has reneged on a promise. “We will not be taking refugees, we will be taking refugees”, “we will reduce immigrants to TENS OF THOUSANDS” (as if that were not thousands more than we need) instead of which we took in ,wait for it, 350,000. These people simply have no SHAME. What a coward he is proving to be. In the Obama mold to a great extent The man is a pathetic puppet being pulled this way and that by forces we do not see but certainly devoid of courage.

Securing a future for the British people or for the Muslim migrants? David Cameron caves:

The only person we can trust in British politics today is Nigel Farage. The only person in the USA, Donald Trump.

Without a shadow of doubt we are heading for a disaster of EPIC proportions unless there is a complete sea-change in our handling of this massive fraud perpetrated on the civilized West.

This state of affairs just cannot continue. I have been of a conservative nature all of my life until fairly recently, having chosen the UKIP path a couple of years ago. BUT! There MUST be a revolt by the people who really keep our countries afloat, and that is the put-upon guys and gals who, whether they like it or not, are having their hard- earned funds, in the form of taxes, snatched away from them at every turn – simply to be spent on a work-shy, bed-hopping, alcohol -swilling, dope-peddling, self-centred underclass of Orwellian proportions.

I am no longer able to carry the flag forward at any great pace – my batteries are running down. But even at my age I know I would be able to lend a hand to those true folk who are willing to, take up the challenge and oust the self-seeking jerks who call themselves ‘politicians’ – what a grubby, lying, greedy breed they are.

And the most shameful thing of all in the coming years will be those among us who will further disgrace our ranks by putting their crosses against the names of Muslims both in the USA and in Europe on voting slips, thus contributing to our own impending downfall.

NO! I have NOT given-in! But the stark warning I have been giving in these pages, consistently since I joined the discussions, is that we cannot blame anyone but ourselves for the tragedies to come – our kids and grandchildren will curse their elders til the end of time if the challenge of the evil of Islam is not faced – AND NOW!

We have a special category, here, for comments worth highlighting and guest commentary. This post is filed there.
By the way, you can be sure that Obama will not allow himself to be upstaged by Angela Merkel and David Cameron, so watch for a dreadful announcement from the White House this month.

Pope calls rejection of migrants "an act of war"

Invasion of Europe news….

Pope Francis has been chastising Europe for years now for not welcoming the hordes of migrants arriving on European shores and across its eastern borders.  There is nothing new here.   Apparently he must have gone to Lampedusa again.
I wonder how many migrants have been ‘welcomed’ to live at Vatican City? Does anyone know? Has anyone asked?

Meanwhile, British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond is quoted as saying: “marauding” migrants threatened the British “standard of living,” which brought howls of criticism from members of the ‘human rights industrial complex.’

From the UK Independent:

Speaking to a youth group, he said the situation where desperate migrants were bounced from country to country seeking shelter was “an unresolved conflict… and this is war, this is violence, it’s called murder”.

In his speech on the island of Lampedusa in southern Italy the Pope called on European powers to do more to help the migrants that have been arriving on the island, according to the Gazzetta del Sud.Pope Francis has called the rejection of migrants fleeing violence “an act of war”.

Speaking to a youth group, he said the situation where desperate migrants were bounced from country to country seeking shelter was “an unresolved conflict… and this is war, this is violence, it’s called murder”.

In his speech on the island of Lampedusa in southern Italy the Pope called on European powers to do more to help the migrants that have been arriving on the island, according to the Gazzetta del Sud.

No surprise, the Independent goes on to criticize David Cameron quoting the Mayor of Calais calling Cameron a racist and then says this (below).  Frankly, at the moment the UK is holding firm and trying to save itself from the invasion that is washing across southern Europe and into Germany and most of the rest of Europe.

Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond caused further controversy on Sunday when he told the BBC he believed “marauding” migrants threatened the British “standard of living”. Amnesty International condemned the remarks saying they were “mean spirited” and “shameful”.

For more in the ‘Invasion of Europe’ at RRW, go here.