José Antonio Meade, Mexico’s Secretary of External Relations: Sure, we might take some Syrians from Lebanon! (This must be a joke!)
As Mexico happily unloads its poor on America and allows Central Americans easy passage through Mexico so they too can ‘benefit’ from US generosity, the government of Mexico is considering becoming a recipient of impoverished Syrian refugees (and most will be Muslims).
They think they might like to follow in Uruguay’s footsteps (we already know the Uruguay experiment is failing,see here).
MEXICO CITY, Mexico – After a high-level meeting between the representatives of Mexico and Lebanon, the world’s largest Spanish-speaking country could follow in the footsteps of fellow Latin American nation Uruguay by accepting Syrians fleeing from the unrest in their homeland from overburdened refugee camps in Lebanon.
The Lebanese Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants, Gebran Bassil, was in Mexico City for a meeting with his Mexican counterpart, José Antonio Meade, to “solidify political dialogue at the highest level” and “strengthen the ties of friendship and cooperation” that unite the two countries.
Meade acknowledged that the impact this sort of encumbrance has on a nation is “huge,” both in terms of the economy and society as a whole. Lebanon should be noted and praised for its “generosity, dedication and international commitment to this massive humanitarian issues.”
Secondly, the Middle Eastern country should be lauded for its “expressions of support for any measure of help that becomes available from any point of view,” according to Meade, who then added that “Mexico is open to the reception of refugees.”
If Mexico does go ahead with the acceptance of Syrian refugees, it would make it the second Latin American nation to officially do so after Uruguay.
And, if they have the resources for Syrian refugees, why didn’t they take care of all those ‘Unaccompanied alien children’ (the so-called refugees) who passed through Mexico last summer?
Good ol’ USA is taking in Afghan Muslim refugees while their fellow Muslims in Pakistan want them out. Just yesterday we reported on one of those refugees we welcomed from Afghanistan when he was sentenced to 25 years in jail for his Islamic terror plans.
We have written previously about Pakistan’s demands that the Afghan refugees go home. At the center of the news this morning is the subject of that photo I bet everyone of you has seen at some point in the last three decades—the National Geographic cover photo of Sharbat Gula.
Sharbat Gula (then and now), the Afghan refugee who became famous after her photograph was put on the cover of National Geographic is getting attention again for another picture taken 30 years later.
Here is the story about how Gula has an illegal ID card. They are overrunning us!
As evidenced by the anger over Gula having a CNIC, many Pakistanis are ready for them to return to Afghanistan. “We need them to leave Pakistan because we are badly suffering,” Hamid-ul-Huq, who represents Peshawar, told The Guardian. “All our streets, mosques, schools are overloaded because of them. It is time for them to leave Pakistan honorably.”
***Update*** More here at the Huffington Post thanks to reader Joanne.
And, be sure to see a post we wrote in 2009 where UNHCR Antonio Guterres declared that the world’s ‘welcoming’ heart for refugees comes from Islam—from Shariah law. (I laugh every time I think about that!)
This is the third in a series of primers of sorts for the media on the present Refugee Admissions Program. The first two are here and here.
(I’m doing this series so that I don’t have to give lengthy explanations to reporters! Looking for a quote, below are the offices you should call!)
I wish I knew how to make one of the those flow chart things, but since I don’t, here is a list of who is responsible for which refugees are resettled in the US and ultimately where they are resettled.
At the top of the pyramid is the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
The present UNHCR is Antonio Guterres the former Socialist President of Portugal.
UNHCR Guterres and Asst. Sec. of State Richard. LOL! is this how Guterres looked when he heard about the FBI testimony and learned that the US can’t resettle the 9,000-10,000 Syrians he wanted us to “welcome” this year?
Then next is the President of the United States who sends a determination letter to Congress each September which contains a ceiling for the number of refugees to be admitted in the upcoming fiscal year (fiscal years begin on October 1 of the preceding year, thus we are nearly 5 months into FY2015). The President also sets ceilings for various regions of the world.
The ceiling for FY2015 is now at 70,000.
Supposedly Congress can change what the President wants, but as far as I know no one on the House or Senate Judiciary Committees ever says boo! about any of it.
BTW, the determination letter is prepared in the US State Department after what amounts to phony hearings where they say they want public comment on the “size and scope” of the program for the upcoming fiscal year, but they really only listen to their contractors (see contractors below).
In the House of Representatives, the present chairmen of the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security (of the House Judiciary Committee) is Rep. Trey Gowdy.
In the Senate, the present chairman of the Senate Immigration and the National Interest Subcommittee (of the Senate Judiciary Committee) is Senator Jeff Sessions.
Both the House and Senate Homeland Security Committees are involved too.
Under the President there are three cabinet level agencies intimately involved in Refugee Resettlement:
US State Department where the Asst. Secretary of State for Population Refugees and Migration is Anne C. Richard. Under Ms. Richard are Lawrence Bartlett(in charge of bringing refugees in) and Barbara Day(in charge of working with contractors to distribute them around the country).
The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for screening refugees. At the USCIS, Barbara Strack is the chief of the Refugee Affairs Division.
And, finally in the Department of Health and Human Services the Office of Refugee Resettlement, which basically acts as the distributor of money to refugees and contractors, the new director is Ken Tota.
I should mention that there are State Refugee Coordinators which have varying amounts of power depending on which type of Refugee program is being carried out by the contractors. Here is a directoryof those contacts.
Then ostensibly under all those layers are the nine major resettlement contractors, but LOL! it is often said that they are in fact running the show! They call themselves VOLAGs (short for Voluntary Agencies but they are paid mostly from the US Treasury). There are 350 subcontractors under the nine biggies who are resettling refugees in your towns and cities.
For reporters focusing on your own cities or states, here is a link for a directory of subcontractors in almost every state in the nation. Do you see the abbreviation in the left hand corner of each listing? That is the abbreviation for which of the nine biggies that subcontractor is affiliated with.
The UN is testing a new way of keeping track of who is who in refugee camps around the world, but here is the hitch—they first must have real proof of who you really are. They don’t say that of course, but that is the ultimate problem with the system. You could be anyone who shows up at a camp and reports that you have no papers (you were running for your life, but maybe you have a criminal record in S. Africa), give a name, any name, and soon have a rock solid identity and a UN ID card.
So who, exactly, am I? Refugees line up at Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi.
Come to think of it, wouldn’t it be great to have such an ID (with Iris data!) to vote in the US (of course with the proper paperwork to prove who you are in the first place and that you are a legal citizen). Walk in, have your Iris scanned and then vote!
DZALEKA, Malawi, January 22 (UNHCR) – The UN refugee agency has completed initial testing of a new biometrics system that should help it better register and protect people, verify their identity and target assistance for the forcibly displaced in operations around the world.
The identification management tool, which is being developed by UNHCR with a private sector company, was tested here at Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi last month. It stores fingerprints, iris data and photographs for facial recognition and will include an emergency feature to aid in fixing populations in advance of full registration. For refugees without ID, this becomes a vital record.
Refugees questioned by UNHCR said they were happy because now there was a permanent record of their identity. Many refugees lose their documents during flight and this can cause them problems later and restrict access to aid and protection. “I can be someone now. I am registered globally with the UN and you’ll always know who I am,”said 43-year-old Congolese refugee Olivier Mzaliwa, echoing the thoughts of other refugees.
When I first started this blog in 2007, this 2005 United Nations report about Utica was being blasted around America! The news today shows what ten more years of overloading a city with refugees will do.
They really should file a case against the refugee contractors and the US State Department and the Office of Refugee Resettlement too!
This is an incredible piece of news published at the Wall Street Journalyesterday and thanks to the ever-watchful ‘Pungentpeppers’ for spotting it.
This needs to be a lesson to every one of the 180 plus “welcoming” cities that host federal refugee contractors! You will not escape the same fate; it’s just a matter of time.
Before I get to what the WSJ reported, here is the propaganda the UN and the US State Department reportedfrom Washington ten years ago:
“Utica loves refugees,” Gene Dewey, former Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration in Washington, told a Senate hearing in 2005. Utica’s size has stabilized at around 65,000 and 10,000 of these residents nearly one in six are refugees. They come from around 30 countries and have vastly different backgrounds. Thirty-one languages are spoken in city schools. Utica has benefited from refugees. The town was going downhill, but it is now reviving because of refugees.
Entitled, ‘Small Cities Fight for More School Aid From New York State,’the WSJbegins with the predictable struggling student profile and then says this below (by the way, why are we still bringing refugees from Cambodia?). Emphasis below is mine:
District officials say Utica schools lack enough resources for their 10,700 students, including 1,800 who are foreign-born. Hundreds of refugees from Somalia, Myanmar, Iraq and other war-torn lands settle in the area each year through a federal program.
Utica is one of eight small cities fighting for more state aid in a legal battle that will begin oral arguments Wednesday in state Supreme Court in Albany. The attorney general’s office has sought for six years to get higher courts to throw out the lawsuit. Lawyers for the plaintiffs say the court’s ruling could affect needy districts statewide.
On average, New York’s per-pupil education spending is the highest of any state, though there are wide gaps from district to district. According to state data, Utica spent $15,323 per pupil in the 2012-13 school year, compared with the state average of $21,118. Some affluent districts, such as Great Neck and Briarcliff Manor, spent more than $30,000 a student.
Utica officials are grappling with high poverty rates, rising enrollment and big deficits. [But wait, we were told the refugees were bring the city back from the brink of poverty!—ed]
Other cities in the case, Maisto v. New York, are Poughkeepsie, Jamestown, Port Jervis, Niagara Falls, Mount Vernon, Kingston and Newburgh.
Each city has its own concerns. Utica gets hundreds of refugees a year through a federal partnership with the nonprofit Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees***.The newcomers move into inexpensive housing that was left vacant as the local manufacturing sector has waned over the past half-century. The area has lost textile mills and a General Electric plant, among others.
Utica now serves children speaking 42 languages, including Nepali, Somali Bantu, Arabic and Bosnian. Teachers say they need smaller classes and more interpreters, social workers, guidance counselors and tutors to help students who lag behind, including American children from low-income families. [Remember in 2005, the number of languages spoken in the school system was 30!—ed]
Many of the city’s children enter kindergarten with the skills of a 2-year-oldand would benefit from more individual attention, said Lori Eccleston, the district’s curriculum director. Some arrive suffering from malnutrition or lead poisoning. Several students born in African refugee camps are blind, she said, because they didn’t get drops in their eyes at birth to prevent infections.
In Utica, 15% of children in grades three to eight passed state tests in language arts last year, and 19% did so in math. Statewide, 31% passed in each subject.
By the way, the next time“WELCOMING AMERICA” (a federal contractor and UN propaganda pusher) shows up in your town peddling one of those economic studies supposedly showing how refugees and immigrants will bring your struggling city back to economic boom times, show them the door!
New York residents should know that your state is always in the Top Five states welcoming new refugees.
See all of our previous posts on Utica by clicking here.
*** Be sure to see the glowing praise for the Mohawk Valley refugee contractor from Hillary Clinton, here at their website.