UN tells US to take care of “refugee” children, aka illegal aliens

Cute kid! They surely wouldn’t put some tough teens on the cover! http://www.unhcr.org/53206a3d9.html

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees told the US that we better darn well take care of the tens of thousands of Mexican and Central American kids coming across the border without Mom or Dad, that these “refugees” are our responsibility.

Regular readers know this is the latest push by the one-worlders to force open our borders—send in the “kids.”

In the Wall Street Journal piece last week, note how the word “refugee” is applied to the mostly teen invaders who are really illegal aliens.  The definition of ‘refugee’ does not include running from gang violence where the alien’s own country simply can’t enforce the law.

Real refugees or asylum seekers must prove that they are escaping persecution for their religious or political beliefs.  This is about changing the rules by changing the language.

From the Wall Street Journal:

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has called on the U.S. and other governments in the Americas “to keep children safe from human rights abuses, violence and crime” in what the agency says is a surge of undocumented minors trafficked into the U.S. by criminal smuggling networks.

The report, “Children on the Run,” was released in Washington, D.C., Wednesday by the U.N. refugee agency. It said such trafficking involved 21,537 children last year, up from 4,059 in 2011.

It is the latest call for action in response to a rising tide of child refugees emerging from Mexico and the Central American countries of El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.


The program, run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, cost the federal government $376 million in fiscal year 2013, and this year has a budget of $868 million.

A large portion of the millions being spent on the “kids” is going to a couple of the contractors:  US Conference of Catholic Bishops and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services.  Here!

What happens when the “kids” turn 18?  They are released into America as “dreamers.”

UN wants 100,000 Syrians resettled in West in 2015-2016

For this year (FY2014) the UNHCR is looking for commitments for 30,000.

So far, the only semi-official number we hear for the US is 2,000 for 2014, here.  Although keep in mind that the refugee resettlement contractors recently testified in the Senate that they wanted 12,000-15,000 in 2014.  The US Conference of Catholic Bishops was pushing for the highest number—15,000!  Remember that the contractors are paid by the head by the US State Department for each refugee they resettle.  And, keep in mind that none of the resettlement contractors have said a word about protecting Syrian Christians as a priority!

UN spokesman McNorton: We expect our goal for 2014 to be met by a “significant number of submissions to the United States” [the UN does not think 2,000 is “significant” enough!—ed]
On Friday, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees set a benchmark for 2015-2016.  From Reuters:

GENEVA, February 21 |(UNHCR) – The UN refugee agency on Friday called upon countries around the world to make multi-annual commitments towards a goal of providing resettlement and other forms of admission for an additional 100,000 Syrian refugees in 2015 and 2016.

UNHCR had earlier called upon states to offer resettlement or other forms of admission to 30,000 of the most vulnerable Syrian refugees by the end of 2014. To date, 20 countries have offered more than 18,800*** places towards this goal. “UNHCR remains confident that the 30,000 goal will be met by the end of the year through a significant number of submissions to the United States,” spokesman Dan McNorton told journalists in Geneva.

UNHCR anticipates that, in the coming years, there will be increasing numbers of vulnerable Syrian refugees who will be in need of resettlement, relocation or other forms of humanitarian admission. “In light of the growing needs of the Syrian refugee population, the goal of 30,000 in 2014 represents only the first benchmark in securing solutions for this group,” said McNorton.

***Note that they are short by just about the same numbers the US resettlement contractors are lobbying for!

To give you some idea of how many other countries are taking, go here for a graph we posted earlier this month (Germany’s death wish!).

Concerned readers should contact your US Senators and Members of Congress to express your views on this next wave of mostly Muslims (chosen by the UN) and proposed for resettlement to your cities and townsWith Iraq, the open-borders contractors and lobbyists could argue that we caused the problems for Iraqis, not so this time!  Ask your representatives why the Syrian civil war is our problem!

Saudi Arabia deported 12,000 Somalis since the first of the year, says Human Rights Watch!

Farhia, deported from Saudi Arabia last month, says she was a domestic worker there for ten years.

I gotta hand it to ‘Human Rights Watch’ which seems to be the only private or public sector organization with the nerve to call-out Saudi Arabia.

The UN (where S.A. sits on the Human Rights Council) has been silent while it has been busy blasting Israel for its supposed mistreatment (“warehousing”) of Africans.   Israel is not deporting thousands weekly and detention in Israel is in a new cushy facility where the would-be asylum seekers can leave for a portion of the day.

Saudi Arabia is clearing out its ethnic diversity!  I guess they aren’t buying that multiculturalism is beautiful PR, or that they need to be charitable to their Muslim coreligionists.

Saudi Arabia for Saudis!

From Human Rights Watch:

(Nairobi) – Saudi authorities have deported more than 12,000 people to Somalia since January 1, 2014, including hundreds of women and children, without allowing any to make refugee claims. Saudi Arabia should end the summary deportations, which risk violating its international obligations not to return anyone to a place where their life or freedom is threatened or where they face other serious harm.

Seven Somalis recently deported from Saudi Arabia told Human Rights Watch researchers in Mogadishu, the Somali capital, that the Saudi authorities had detained them for weeks in appalling conditions and some said Saudi security personnel beat them. None had been allowed to speak with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to discuss possible refugee claims before being deported. UNHCR said in mid-January that “south central Somalia is a very dangerous place.” UNHCR also said the Saudi authorities have denied its staff access to detained Somalis in the country.

They don’t want those undocumented foreign workers!  Are there jobs Saudis won’t do?  Maybe not!

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) says the Somali Interior Ministry expects Saudi Arabia to deport another 30,000 in the coming weeks. The deportations are part of a Saudi campaign to remove undocumented foreign workers.

We will be anxiously waiting for the Obama Administration and the UN to blast those racist unwelcoming Saudis!

Saudi Arabia has not ratified the 1951 Refugee Convention and does not have an asylum system.


Major donors to UNHCR, including the European Union and the United States, should press Saudi Arabia to end its deportations of Somalis.

Meanwhile, another boat load of Somalis was rescued at sea this week and taken to Italy where you know all hell would break loose and the UN would blast those Mediterranean countries if they dared deport even one of the Somali illegal aliens.

UNHCR tells countries to take Somali asylum seekers while closing Kenyan camp

Dadaab: Going home to Somalia and to 44 industrialized countries around the world!

I don’t know what to make of this!  While we are getting news that the UN is working toward closing the massive Somali refugee camp in Kenya (the Kenyan government doesn’t want them after the horrific mall attack), and “refugees” are returning to Somalia (here), the UN is also admonishing governments around the globe to take more Somali asylum seekers.

Asylum seeking Somali numbers are high!   How many arrived in Malmo? Are they fearful, or just looking to be taken care of in the West?

From All Africa:

More than 42,000 Somalis sought asylum in neighbouring countries and elsewhere in 2013.

Feeding into their fear, the UNHCR says don’t send them back to Somalia (while the UN scales back rations and sends them out of Kenya?), continued UNHCR at All Africa:

We are appealing to all states to uphold their international obligations with regard to no forced returns, or non-refoulement. Somali nationals should not be forcibly returned to Somalia unless the returning state is convinced that the persons involved would not be at risk of persecution.


Between January and November 2013, 21,517 Somalis sought asylum in neighbouring countries. In addition, Somalis filed 20,600 asylum claims in 44 industrialized countries in 2013, compared to 18,701 claims in 2012. While more than 33,000 spontaneous returns were recorded between January and November 2013, many may not have been permanent. As of end 2012, the number of Somali refugees worldwide was 1.136 million.

If they all went back to Somalia (with the help of the UN!), al-Shabaab would not have a prayer of surviving against a million people encouraged and determined to re-build their country.  The UN seems to be encouraging them to be fearful and expects “industrialized countries” to take care of them.

Maybe it’s time for Somalis to ‘man-up!’

Bhutanese refugees, depressed, accuse UN of separating families

We have written a lot lately about Bhutanese refugees in America with a very high rate of suicide. Here is one story I’ve had kicking around from New Hampshire that I never got around to posting.

But, this was a big surprise to me.  It seems that refugees left behind in camps in Nepal are also depressed and are developing serious mental illnesses.   This is just a reminder to the do-gooders who think bringing refugees to the West and dropping them off in troubled city neighborhoods to work as cheap laborers is always an act of kindness, consider this news:

From ekantipur.com (emphasis is mine):

 Though third-country resettlement of Bhutanese refugees has provided relief to many, the initiative has been the cause of pain for some.

Durga Devi Odari, who was once a lively, happy person, has been on medication for the past three years. Odari went into a state of depression when her parents were flown to the USA and her brother to New Zealand. Her dreams of settling abroad, for which she even divorced her husband, were shattered.

She can’t find her parents!

“I am not sure about finding my parents and I do not know if I will ever be able to find my loved ones,” said Durga.

Durga’s case is not an isolated one: many refugees awaiting resettlement are battling with depression. As the number of people in the camps decreases, depression is becoming a serious issue for those remaining.

Though the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and Transcultural Psychosocial Organisation (TPO) has not officially confirmed the numbers of those with depression, mental disorders, and drug dependency inside the camps, the increase in activity of the TPO, which specialises in providing counselling services, has fuelled speculation that the number of those facing depression is increasing.

Refugees claim UN has separated families!

While the UNHCR has made assurances that they would not separate families without parental consent, some refugees claim that the UNHCR’s actions demonstrate otherwise.

The UNHCR has been working with TPO since 2008, two years after the initiation of the resettlement process.

According to Sanchahang Subba, Secretary of the Beldangi Camp, he receives hundreds of letters per day by those seeking the whereabouts of their loved ones.

How did we come to bring 70,000 Bhutanese to America?    

In 2007: Ms Sauerbrey blamed the refugee leaders in the camps in Nepal for the “intimidation”.

We’ve been writing about this subject since 2007 when then Asst. Secretary of State Ellen Sauerbrey (a Bush appointee) announced the decision to help the UN clean out its camps for Bhutanese/Nepalese in Nepal.  Here is one re-cap.   Keep in mind the UN and our State Department were never in a hurry to clean out the Palestinian “refugee” camps.

Just now I was looking around further on the history of all of this and was reminded that camp leaders were furious when the third country resettlement began and I suspect the woman in our story above, who divorced her husband to try and be resettled with her parents, was probably married to a camp political leader.  The leaders wanted to keep the pressure on Bhutan to take them back until we stepped in and brought tens of thousands of them to the US to work in meatpacking and other menial labor jobs.

Other than our need for cheap labor (and the contractors’ needs for refugee numbers because they are paid by the head!), what was our national interest in getting involved in a dispute involving Nepal and Bhutan?

Here is another writer a year ago on the same topic.

The photo is from this BBC story where Sauerbrey said sending the Bhutanese to western countries (the US took the lion’s share) was all done for “humanitarian” reasons.