United Nations unhappy with slow movement of Syrians to permanent resettlement

Not much new from the New York Times as they point out that Obama could be embarrassed at the fall session of the UN because the flow of Syrian Muslims to your towns is going too slowly for Ban Ki-moon.

Portrait of SG
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon wants Obama to step up the Syrian Muslim resettlement to the US. Obama will be on the hot seat at fall meeting of UN if he doesn’t deliver! Trump should use that September meeting to highlight his views on relinquishing our sovereignty to the UN.

There are two bits of information in here that were somewhat informative and that is why I am posting it.
Here is how the NY Times story begins:

UNITED NATIONS — The Obama administration’s effort to step up asylum for Syrian refugees is going so slowly, it may not meet the president’s deadline for accepting at least 10,000 by the end of the fiscal year.

More than seven months since the president pledged to resettle the most vulnerable Syrians, the United States has let in less than a fifth of that number — 1,736 through the end of April, according to government figures.***

That slow pace could undermine the administration’s diplomatic push to advance the cause of refugees at a time when other countries are putting up taller barriers to their entry. President Obama and the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, have said they will raise the issue of refugee resettlement at this year’s General Assembly session, and Mr. Ban issued a report on Monday calling on world leaders to rally around a new “compact on responsibility-sharing for refugees.”

This is the first bit of information you should know.  I’ve been telling you about how the NO-borders agitators are attempting to broaden the definition of what is a refugee.  Watch for a push for us to take in “climate refugees.”

The report that Mr. Ban issued this week also pressed countries to start negotiating a deal to embrace migrants who are crossing borders for reasons other than war, including “hazards related to climate change.” Those discussions, which he said he hoped would start this year, are likely to be even thornier.

And, this is why Russia could continue to gain dominance in the world—-they aren’t taking in the mostly Muslim Syrian refugees! Putin isn’t marching to Ban’s orders!  Of course, China doesn’t take refugees either.  Their thinking surely goes along these lines—why burden our economies, bring in cultural upheaval and possible Islamic agitators.

Russia, a major supporter of the government of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, has not resettled a single Syrian refugee, according to the United Nations.

More here.
*** Just checking “government figures” as of May 10th.  We admitted 1,943 Syrian refugees (of the 10,000 Obama wants) and 1,922 were some flavor of Muslim. That keeps the percentage at 99% Muslim for the Syrians resettled in your states so far this fiscal year.

Guest commentary: United Nations Agenda 2030 primer

Editor:  Late last month, here, we mentioned that the United Nations-driven Agenda 2030 now involves the use of ‘refugees’ migrating around the world as an important tool for The Agenda.
A reader, Sharon Shaw, from Kentucky has been following the issue closely and has offered to provide us with a series of informational pieces to help bring us all up to speed on the larger agenda designed to destroy individual freedom, and diminish American sovereignty and power as decisions for our future would be made at an international level.
This is not in the realm of conspiracy theories, they are right up front about it.  So, maybe if we have that understanding from the beginning we won’t waste a lot of time asking, is it happening, why is it happening and just get to work defeating them!

Obama at 2030
On September 27, 2015, Obama presented remarks at the UN Agenda 2030 closing session. His drive to pour third world refugees into your towns and cities is a major objective of this agenda and so, as we have reported, he is pretty darn angry at any of you trying to impede the directives he has been given from on high. See his speech here: https://www.whitehouse.gov/photos-and-video/video/2015/09/27/president-speaks-2030-agenda-sustainable-development-goals

Agenda 2030 is Agenda 21 on steroids, she says!
Here is Sharon ….

Agenda 2030:  Interpreting the components

You will likely be hearing more about the UN’s Agenda 2030 in the upcoming months.  What is it?  It is the UN’s Agenda 21 on steroids.  Agenda 21 was presented to 178 world leaders at the UN Earth Summit in 1992.  The US was among the participants and the President, George H.W. Bush and his administration began adopting parts of the agenda into American laws and lives.

President Clinton, in 1993, signed Executive Order 12852 to create the President’s Council on Sustainable Development in order to “harmonize” US environmental policy with UN directives as outlined in Agenda 21.

Fast forward to September 2015:  The UN holds another world summit with hundreds of world leaders “Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”  It is basically Agenda 21 revised, but its intentions are much more far-reaching to change the planet according to UN guidance.  Posing as an altruistic plan for the good of all mankind, this plan is designed to rob individuals of freedoms through its mandates and to take individual countries’ sovereignties away.

What does all this have to do with refugee resettlement?  The two go hand-in-hand, literally one supporting the other so to speak.  The main goal, as stated by the UN, is sustainable development.  Although there are 17 goals included in Agenda 2030,

What is sustainable development?  According to its authors, the objective of sustainable development is to “integrate economic, social and environmental policies in order to achieve reduced consumption, social equity, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity.”  Authors of Agenda 2030 insist that every societal decision be based on environmental impact, focusing on three components; global land use, global education, and global population control and reduction.

In the Agenda 2030 document, under the heading “The New Agenda”, para. 29:

“We recognize the positive contribution of migrants for inclusive growth and sustainable development. We also recognize that international migration is a multi-dimensional reality of major relevance for the development of countries of origin, transit and destination, which requires coherent and comprehensive responses. We will cooperate internationally to ensure safe, orderly and regular migration involving full respect for human rights and the humane treatment of migrants regardless of migration status, of refugees and of displaced persons. Such cooperation should also strengthen the resilience of communities hosting refugees, particularly in developing countries. We underline the right of migrants to return to their country of citizenship, and recall that States must ensure that their returning nationals are duly received.”

This statement boldly defines the “open borders” policies adopted by the European Union, policies which, as currently evidenced, have failed miserably.  At its core, Agenda 2030 is a methodology utilizing refugee resettlement as a tool for this “new universal Agenda” (quote from Agenda 2030 preamble).

Stay tuned for our next article exploring Agenda 2030 as we delve into its components and what it means for our country, and, indeed, all nations.

Thank you Sharon!
We have an entire category here at RRW entitled, Comments worth noting/guest posts where you will find this archived for future reference.
Related information:  I’m finding that few people even know about Obama’s Task Force on New Americans which was finalized back in April.  Here is the report which lays out very clearly how Obama is changing America by changing the people and how that fits very nicely with plans coming down from the United Nations level (and whoever runs the UN!). 
One final thought….every time there is a slaughter of innocents by devout Muslims (who don’t want the UN agenda! They have their own!), as we saw in San Bernardino this week, it sets the UN/Obama agenda back as more Americans wake up to the migration piece of the plan to control us. I think that is why we don’t see a normal sad emotional response from our dear leader.  I believe deep down he is feeling it’s another setback to The Agenda because more Americans will be wakened and objecting to the transformation of their cities!
Don’t forget!  If you want to stop the migration this is where we start…..

Action Alert:  Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15! Please call by this Friday, Dec. 4th.

UN blasts Sweden for “Afrophobia”

Move over Islamophobia!  For all of you who don’t want to see your countries overrun, the United Nations has identified a new phobia they claim you are suffering from.



Look at this incredible story at the Daily Sabah, a Turkish newspaper (hat tip: ‘Pungentpeppers)!

By the way, there is a lot going on in Europe right now and if it seems we are spending too much time discussing the invasion, we aren’t.  What is happening in places like Sweden offers a profoundly important message we all better heed (and quickly).

ISTANBUL — Sweden, a European country known for its long history of openness and tolerance, now suffers from growing racial discrimination towards people of sub-Sahara African descent. In response to “a heightened xenophobic and racist attitude against migrants and refugee communities with African descent,” the United Nations called on the Swedish government to take significant measures to end “Afrophobia” within the country.

“Afro-Swedes and Africans with whom we met expressed their experiences of multiple forms of discrimination based on their skin color, race, religion and sex,” the U.N. human rights experts said, following a five-day official visit to Sweden. The working group urged the Swedish government “to develop a Human Rights Strategy and other measures that would address racial discrimination against Afro-Swedes and Africans.”

Then get a chuckle here.  They don’t tell you that the recent riots*** were perpetrated by the immigrants.

As hate crimes prevail within the country, Sweden was hit by riots over the weekend. During heavy clashes between protesters and police in a poor suburb in Sweden’s capital of Stockholm, 11 young people were arrested for rioting and arson. Many Swedish suburbs with a large immigrant population have been hit by violence, as many fear that it could further boost the far-right anti-immigration movement in Swedish society.

So here is the lesson we should all learn from “welcoming” Sweden.  They invited the world to come and partake of their generous society and what do they get?—a kick in the teeth for it.

Sweden’s reputation as an open society has been deteriorating as more people of African descent are subjected to racial discrimination. As the world continues to suffer from conflicts and political extremism, Sweden received the most asylum applications in the world from 2009 through 2013, according to the U.N. refugee agency, and the country expects that the number of asylum seekers in 2015 will break records. “Our society should be prepared to receive between 80,000 and 105,000 asylum seekers in 2015,” said Sweden’s Migration Board, the government agency in charge of handling immigration issues. Sweden’s refugee policy is also praised by many international humanitarian agencies, as it stepped up its efforts for Syrians by granting permanent residency to refugees fleeing the conflict. In light of the worsening humanitarian crisis in Syria, Sweden opened its borders to all Syrian asylum seekers by granting them permanent residency.

However, Sweden’s liberal policy towards refugees has resulted in decreasing tolerance in Swedish society toward immigrants. [NO kidding!—ed] In the face of a massive influx of refugees and asylum seekers, Swedish nationalism has been on the rise, as far-right groups are deeply critical of the center-left government’s policies towards immigration.

Go here for our complete “Invasion of Europe” archive.  Tomorrow there is expected to be another big demonstration in Germany against Muslim immigration, if you see the news before I do, send it my way.

***See riots last week, you know if they were started by native Swedes they would be making that clear.

World Council of Churches joins enviros to push UN on ‘climate refugees’

The groups are going to send postcards to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon by December 10th to try to persuade the UN to do something to save the people affected by weather.   Isn’t that a cause we should all get behind? Weather affects us all!

Here is the news at AllAfrica:

In order to build on its work for the protection of climate refugees, the World Council of Churches (WCC) joins an innovative campaign “Postcards from the Frontlines” aiming to achieve urgently needed recognition and protection for climate refugees around the world.

According to reports millions of people were forced from their homes due to weather-related events in the year 2012 alone.

Initiated by the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) in collaboration with ByPost, the “Postcards from the Frontlines” campaign allows people to send a free postcard from phone or desktop, which will arrive as a real physical postcard at the United Nations secretary-general’s office in New York, calling for action on climate refugees. The project aims to reach 100,000 postcards by Human Rights Day, 10 December, when a public response will be sought from the UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon.

The campaign was launched on 24 September.

A couple of years ago there was quite a ruckus among the Leftwing groups over the use of the word “refugee” when discussing global warming.  One side of the argument was that the word “refugee” should be reserved for those who are persecuted and essentially come under the aegis of the 1951 Refugee Convention.  They had their feathers ruffled by the climate refugee pushers.  I don’t know if they have worked out their differences, but the phrase ‘climate refugee’ seems to be in common use now.   See our whole category on ‘climate refugees’ to learn more about the squabble.

By the way, we know of one off-shoot of the World Council of Churches resettling regular refugees and that is the Virginia Council of Churches which is almost completely funded by you, the taxpayer.

World Council of Churches a front for communism?

That is what the author Christine Meinsen contends in a little book I just found at Amazon entitled:  Communist Infiltration of American Churches 1887 – 2012: World Council of Churches National Council of Churches .

Here is the write-up at Amazon:

Who knew when they placed their money in the collection plate Sunday morning they were financing the removal of prayer from America’s schools and “giving aid and comfort to the Communist movement”?

This book begins with a detailed list of Communist goals straight from the Congressional Record then, with references included, provides documented accounts of church activity and funding used to aid communist agitators in their pursuit to achieve those precise goals.

Shockingly, many of these goals have already been achieved. It began in 1887, when Josiah Strong coordinated the General Christian Conference to pool America’s churches into one of the most elusive united fronts for communism the world has ever seen. Strong’s organization morphed and expanded eventually culminating in the National Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches.

Behind the scenes these groups, along with a host of others, founded by politicians and millionaires, have been directing the church’s progressive transformation from one that promotes soul saving evangelism and apostolic training into a mission to advance communism throughout America and the world.

This book provides a brief but detailed account of some of the most shocking activities of the communist front organizations that have infiltrated churches in America and around the globe. Also included is a Resolution to get your church out of these hideously deceitful organizations. What we don’t know, has already hurt us.

Chechen refugee friend of Tsarnaev interviewed by FBI in Manchester, of all places!

Update:  Jeannine reports that the story gets better, Musa was aide to a Chechen rebel leader, here.  What?  Are we doing favors for Russia by taking their troublemakers, just like we did with the Uzbeks?  Is that what we were doing with the Mesketians too?

Longtime readers know that Manchester, NH is one of the (few!) cities fighting back against the refugee resettlement industry for overloading their city with needy third-worlders.  We have dozens of posts at RRW on Manchester (here).

Musa Khadzhimuratov, Manchester NH resident and friend of Marathon bomber. VOA Photo

Now the residents have one more reason to be up in arms.  It seems that Tamerlan Tzarnaev was a regular visitor, and that he went shooting with a wheelchair-bound Chechen there who had clearly come as a refugee (although there is only an oblique reference to the UN bringing him to Manchester).   I’ll bet you a buck that, adding insult to injury, Musa Khadzhimuratov is living off the generosity of US and New Hampshire taxpayers in addition to “helping” Tsarnaev.

And, btw, do we give gun permits to former Chechen rebels? (just wondering)

Sheesh, I want to get back to more mundane topics like the State Department meeting this past week, but all of these refugee terrorist stories keep getting in my way (Uzbeks, Somalis, and now the Chechens again)!

Here is the story from the Union Leader, but do not skip the comments! (Hat tip: Jeannine)

MANCHESTER – Boston Marathon suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev went target shooting at a Manchester firing range and met up with an exiled former Chechen rebel living in the Queen City a month before the attack that killed three and wounded more than 260, according to a Voice of America report.

FBI agents on Tuesday searched the Manchester home of Chechnya native Musa Khadzhimuratov, and examined the hard drives on his computers, VOA reported. Police in Manchester confirmed the FBI agents searched Khadzhimuratov’s home, according to the story, but Manchester Police Chief David J. Mara said police will not confirm anything because it is not their case.

The FBI, Mara said, also are not commenting on the matter.


The Khadzhimuratovs keep to themselves, the resident said, and do no socialize with other tenants. She thought his wife works but does not believe Khadzhimuratov is employed. He is paralyzed from being shot in the back in his native Chechnya.

Khadzhimuratov told a VOA reporter that FBI agents went to his home Tuesday with search warrants and took DNA sample and his fingerprints.

He said he repeatedly met with Tsarnaev over the past several years and that the FBI first questioned him on April 29, two weeks after the deadly attack. Tsarnaev died in a shootout with police while his brother, Dzhokhar, 19, was wounded and later captured.


He said he came to the United States from Chechnya in 2004 through a United Nations program. He is paralyzed from the waist down from gunshot wounds suffered in Chechnya in 2001, according to the VOA article.

He said he first met Tsarnaev seven years ago at the annual meeting of the Chechen Society of Boston. Tsarnaev visited him three times in Manchester and once came with his wife and child.

Chechen Society of Boston?  We were told, in many articles (I wish I had saved them) that there are only a small handful of Chechens in the whole US, but obviously there are enough in the Northeast to have a ‘society.’

There are some great comments at the Union Leader, please read them.

Here is one I liked a lot! From Eric Boyle:

Well done everyone. Every ones comments are dead on. We need to be more vocal about all of this. The liberals get their way because they are loud. Let’s get vocal about what we believe in!

Right on! Right on! Right on!