Update November 17th: This publication is calling RRW a “conspiracy site” due to my tagline: They are changing America by changing the people!
A writer for a website calling itself Citizen Truthand claiming to be alternative news for free thinkers! reports on the latest attack on the President, his aide and us by the Southern Poverty Law Centercalling RRW a “fringe” anti-immigrant and white nationalist website.
“Peter Castagno is a freelance writer with a Master’s degree in International Conflict Resolution. He has traveled throughout the Middle East and Latin America to gain firsthand insight in some of the world’s most troubled areas, and he plans on publishing his first book in 2019.” https://citizentruth.org/author/peter/
I wasn’t going to bother with the latest broadsidefrom the SPLCin which a Breitbart writer who had been fired by the publication apparently (shamefully!) went to the SPLC with a trove of e-mails from Miller in 2015 and 2016 when Miller was a high level staffer for then Senator Jeff Sessions.
However, I thought you should know about this especially as the writer for Citizen Truth singles out RRW for special attention.
I’ll bet writer and ‘truth-teller,’ Peter Castagno, has never read any of RRW’s9,000 plus posts.
Oh, and let me be clear, I am very happy to learn that my work was being shared at high levels in Washington, DC.
But, before I get to that, hereis what Citizen Truth (hilariously) says about its publication:
Citizen Truth is an independent and alternative media organization dedicated to finding the truth, ending the left-right paradigm and widening the scope of viewpoints represented in media and our daily conversations.
Have the “free thinkers” and ‘truth-tellers’ have no shame? How can they write that s*** and then publish this:
Dem Leaders Call For Stephen Miller To Resign After Proof Of White Nationalism
Democratic leaders are calling for White House senior adviser Stephen Miller’s resignation after new evidence of his extreme white nationalist views was published by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SLPC) on Tuesday. Critics argue the evidence proves that Miller, the chief architect of the Trump administration’s immigration crackdown, is projecting his racist views into deliberately cruel policies.
Resign! says Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
“Stephen Miller, Trump’s architect of mass human rights abuses at the border (including child separation & detention camps w/ child fatalities) has been exposed as a bonafide white nationalist,” tweeted Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. “He’s still at the White House shaping US immigration policy. Miller must resign.”
The SLPC’s investigative report is based on a collection of over 900 emails from 2015-2016 that showcase the relationship between Miller and the far-right website Breitbart. Miller, a staffer under then-Senator Jeff Sessions at the time, demonstrates an obsessive focus on race and immigrant related issues in the correspondence, mentioning the themes in more than 720 of the emails as he shares ideas and sources to influence the hard-right website’s 2016 election coverage.
The 1973 NOVEL was incredibly prescient about the invasion of Europe unfolding before our eyes right now!
Miller provides links to fringe white nationalist and anti-immigrant websites like VDare, American Renaissance, and Refugee Resettlement Watch to former Breitbart writer Katie McHugh in the emails, and praises the explicitly racist book “Camp of the Saints,”telling McHugh someone at Breitbart should write an article connecting its grotesque depiction of immigrants to the Pope’s pro-refugee rhetoric.
The Leftwing never quits, and that is what I wanted to try to get through to all of you when I wrote my post about community organizing here on Thursday.
Never forget that anyone who suggests there must be limits to immigration and that reforms are needed will be labeled by the Leftists and their media lackeys as “white nationalists,” “racists,” or “haters” of some sort, so toughen your hide!
Note to Peter: I know you are trying to look really cool on that horse, but you need a riding lesson or two. Just saying!
One more refugee crime case where in addition to the pain and suffering he caused, not only did we pay for his resettlement, but taxpayers will pay for his trial and incarceration for life. I think the cost of criminal trials of refugees and the cost of their time in prison should come out of the US State Department’s budget and out of the contractors’ hides. Of course it is still all your tax money, but at least it might cause the resettlement industry to be more careful about who they bring to your towns and cities.
By the way, we have 1,556 posts in our ‘crimes’ category, here. Happy reading!
Back in February, the Eagle Forum produced a reportthat could serve as a blueprint for any Republican running for office about how campaigning on the issue of reducing immigration numbers (yes, even LEGAL immigration) is a winner.
And, it isn’t just about winning the election, but saving the Republic.
The report went largely unnoticed by the establishment Republican Party (they probably actually panned it, but I haven’t the time to search).
In fact, the hard core establishment Republicans are largely influenced by the likes of Grover Norquist and his ilk (here and here) who are in the business of promoting the idea of needing laborers (cheap labor) for their big business clients. It is about the almighty dollar for many of the so-called leaders of the Republican Party. (The Democrats too, it’s just that they have that humanitarian white hat firmly planted on their heads and they have another interest as well—reliably leftwing voters***.)
Now to make it easier for all of us to get the salient points from the report, Paul Nachman at VDARE has a post today on the main messages in the report (even more timely now than when it was released in February) and has taken the time to select key bullet points for us.
To impress obdurately clueless Republican candidates and supporters of what’s at stake, here’s the concluding thought in both the full report and the two-page excerpt from it:
The GOP faces a choice: It can either change its position on legal immigration or it can change its position on almost every other issue.
And then this from the excerpts:
A comprehensive review of surveys in immigrant communities showing their support for big government
A large volume of survey data show that, in general, immigrants and their adult children are significantly more liberal than the average American voter on a host of policy issues, including the size of government, Obamacare, affirmative action, gun control, greater environmental regulation, and other issues championed by the Left …
Because immigrants and their adult children overwhelmingly favor big government, there is no issue more important for conservatives than reducing the future number of legal immigrants allowed into the country each year. Otherwise, legal immigration will continue to add millions of liberal voters every decade, making it extremely unlikely that conservatives will be successful on all the issues they care about.
So the next time you hear someone, especially a Republican candidate for public office say, ‘I’m all for legal immigration, it’s illegal that I oppose,’ I want you to remember this report (new immigrants vote for Democrats who promise them stuff!) and remind them that most of those illegal aliens streaming across our border at this very moment will soon be LEGAL immigrants one way or another—quickly through an executive amnesty or more slowly in the legal asylum process.
Ask: are you for that too?
*** We have said it time and again—for Democrats, immigration (legal and illegal) is about turning red states blue.
VDARE posted a call to action last night for you to contact your state refugee coordinator this week and ask: are the unaccompanied alien minors(UACs) coming to your state?
And, by the way, the federal refugeecontractors have action alerts outthis week to their open borders activists to call Congress for more money for them (the children and the contractor)!
Protesters turn back Homeland Security buses in Murietta, CA last week. http://www.desertsun.com/story/news/2014/07/01/protesters-turn-back-busloads-immigrants-murrieta/11945751/
Hard information on the phony refugee (“The children!”) surge at the Southwest border is hard to come by. This is true even if you’re a congressman—when Jim Bidenstine (R- OK) showed up at a holding camp in his home state he was stonewalled.
Between the ballot boxes (months away) and “the streets” (rare to nonexistent in American history) there’s citizen pressure on our despotic elites and their kept bureaucrats.
This is where VDARE.com readers come in. Are swarms of “The children!” coming to your state?
If they are, your state’s refugee coordinator will probably be among the first to know.So phone “your” coordinator – contact information is below—and, politely, ask basic questions such as Where? When? How Many? and What’s it going to cost state and local taxpayers?
The week starting Monday, July 7 is the time to phone, as VDARE.com has learned that at least some of the coordinators will be on a conference call with the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement during the week. It will help if the coordinators are made to understand that many of their fellow citizens are very concerned.
Read it all for more information and to follow the links!
Here and below is a complete list of Refugee resettlement employees in your state, if you can’t get the coordinator, try one of the others especially see the contact information for “regional reps.” Even those “health coordinators” are going to be informed in light of the health issues the “children” will be bringing to the state.
State Refugee Coordinator: Jana Curran 251.432.2727
State Refugee Health Coordinator: Catherine Potter 251.432.2727
ORR Regional Representative: Faith Hurt404.562.2847
ORR Wilson/Fish Program Manager: Carl Rubenstein202.205.5933
State Refugee Coordinator: Thuan Nguyen916.654.4356
State Refugee Health Coordinator: Marisa Ramos916.552.8252
ORR State Analyst: Goli Bellinger202.401.5144
ORR Wilson/Fish Program Manager: Carl Rubenstein202.205.5933
State Refugee Coordinator: Hiram A. Ruiz786.257.5189 or 305.763.9040 (mobile)
State Refugee Health Coordinator: Kelly A. Browne850.245.4444 x2306
ORR Regional Representative: Faith Hurt404.562.2847
State Refugee Coordinator: Michael Singleton404.657.5118
State Refugee Health Coordinator: Monica L. Vargas 404.679.4981 ORR Regional Representative: Faith Hurt404.562.2847
State Refugee Coordinator: Jan A. Reeves208.336.4222
State Refugee Health Coordinator: Collin Elias208.334.0696
ORR State Analyst and Wilson/Fish Program Manager: Carl Rubenstein202.205.5933
State Refugee Coordinator: John Wilken515.283.7904
State Refugee Health Coordinator: Allan Lynch515.281.7504
ORR State Analyst: Ramon Colon202.401.5085
State Refugee Coordinator: Becky Jordan502.873.2560 x250
State Refugee Health Coordinator: Allison Pauly 502.873.2560 x116
ORR Regional Representative: Faith Hurt404.562.2847
State Refugee Coordinator: Julie Ward 225.242.0311
ORR State Analyst: Pierrot Rugaba202.401.6891
ORR Wilson/Fish Program Manager: Carl Rubenstein202.205.5933
State Refugee Coordinator: Catherine S. Yomoah207.797.2938
Refugee Health Coordinator: TBD
ORR State Analyst: Goli Bellinger202.401.5144
State Refugee Coordinator: Ann Flagg 410.767.2346
State Refugee Health Coordinator: Dipti D. Shah410.767.6664
ORR State Analyst: Rezene Hagos202.205.8051
State Refugee Coordinator: Al Horn517.241.7819
State Refugee Health Coordinator: Al Horn517.241.7819
ORR State Analyst: Goran Debelnogich202.260.7143
State Refugee Coordinator: Gus Avenido651.431.3837
State Refugee Health Coordinator (Acting): Blain Mamo651.201.5535
ORR State Analyst: Lorraine Berry 202.401.5532
State Refugee Coordinator: Steve Milburn 573.751.6789
State Refugee Health Coordinator: David Oeser573.751.6411
ORR State Analyst: Lorraine Berry 202.401.5532
State Refugee Coordinator: Annette Riordan609.631.4534
State Refugee Health Coordinator: Anne Fox609.588.7500
ORR State Analyst: Goli Bellinger202.401.5144
State Refugee Coordinator: Marlene Myers919.527.6304
State Refugee Health Coordinator: Jennifer Reed Morillo919.733.7286 x112
ORR Regional Representative: Faith Hurt404.562.2847
State Refugee Coordinator: Dorothy Addison803.898.0989
State Refugee Health Coordinator: Kate Habicht803.898.0575
ORR Regional Representative: Faith Hurt404.562.2847
State Refugee Coordinator: Holly Johnson615.352.9520 x222
State Refugee Health Coordinator: Michael Evans615.352.9520 x224
ORR Regional Representative: Faith Hurt404.562.2847
ORR Wilson/Fish Program Manager: Carl Rubenstein202.205.5933
State Refugee Coordinator: Gerald Brown801.526.9787
State Refugee Health Coordinator: Amelia Self 801.538.6221
ORR Regional Representative: Dee Daniels Scriven303.844.1147
State Refugee Coordinator: Kathy Cooper804.726.7927
State Refugee Health Coordinator: Jill Grumbine804.864.7911
ORR State Analyst: Rezene Hagos202.205.8051
State Refugee Coordinator: Tom Medina360.725.4636
State Refugee Health Coordinator: Jasmine Matheson 206.418.5603
ORR State Analyst: Makda Belay202.401.5087
Editors note: Daily readers know that the US State Department asks for testimonyevery year on the “size and scope” of the Refugee Admissions program for the upcoming fiscal year.
In past years in addition to mailing in testimony, the State Department invited members of the public to appear and comment in person. This year that did not happen and we can only assume the long-established procedure was abandoned as members of the public who had concerns about the program came to outnumber the contractors and their supporters (I joked with one of our friends there two years ago that I bet everyone in the room was there on salary except us!)
This year only mailed-in testimony was accepted. If you sent testimony and would like it published, please send it to us for our consideration. And, don’t forget to send it to all of your elected officials!
So that testimony doesn’t disappear into a black hole, write to Delicia Spruell (spruellda@state.gov) and ask for the entire public record of the consultation/hearing.
Burmese Muslim Esar Met convicted of raping and murdering child in first month in America. Walker: …stupid-generous America offered the problematic, unemployable young man a new home in the First World.
Walker: It is neither morally right nor Constitutional for the government to harm Americans so that foreigners may be helped, no matter the initial good intentions.
For that reason, the refugee resettlement program should be shut down as an improvement for the American people.
Here is how the California native begins to build her case:
America is in its sixth year of a jobless “recovery,” yet the State Department continues to import tens of thousands of unskilled refugees from the Third World as if the economy were bubbling along with jobs for all who want them. The entire program seems painfully out of touch with the degree of economic suffering in the country and the effect on our poorest citizens of increasing job competition.
Here in California, the unemployment rate has dropped below 8 percent for the first time in six years as of April, indicating the long difficult struggle to climb back from the recession. Child poverty is running around 22 percent this year, another sign of the state’s poor economic performance. But the State Department resettled 5,173 refugees in California in 2012 when the economy was even more dismal.
Also in 2012, it was reported that the government placed hundreds of lead-poisoning-impaired Burmese refugees in Oakland, a chronically depressed city with too much homegrown crime and poverty. The federal program of dumping poor Third World people with learning disabilities has added to an already crushing burden on the city, and seems altogether a cruel use of government power.