Important free speech case involving Twitter moves forward

I first told you about the case filed by Jared Taylor (American Renaissance) against Twitter here in February.
Now we learn that Taylor’s lawsuit can advance as a California judge refuses Twitter’s effort to dismiss the case.

Editor: I use Twitter almost daily and was steadily moving upward in follower numbers until a few months ago.  It isn’t my imagination, I know that Twitter is doing something (maybe shadow-banning to some of my 14 thousand followers) to keep my numbers down. So they don’t have to ban you outright as they did Taylor, they simply make sure you can’t expand your reach.

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More of Australia's rejected migrants headed to your American city

It has been quiet for awhile—months I believe—since we’ve heard of another shipment of Australia’s rejected asylum seekers to America in that dumb deal Obama made and Trump is continuing.

Manus island detainees
Some of these men are your new neighbors!

Unlike feckless European leaders, Australia’s government at the time, rightly and successfully, blocked the arrival of migrant boats about five years ago and apprehended those trying to break in to the country.  They were packed off to offshore island detention centers and efforts were made to get them to return to where they came from.
Most didn’t, and Obama rode to the rescue and said, sure, send these ‘refugees’ to America. 
(Readers, this is a completely unorthodox and possibly illegal use of the Refugee Admissions Program.)
None had arrived yet when Donald Trump first set foot in the White House, so he could have (should have!) stopped the airlift before it began.  He didn’t and they are coming to a town near you—mostly Muslims, mostly men, from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Burmese Rohingya.
New batch is on the way…
Continue reading “More of Australia's rejected migrants headed to your American city”

US war ship picks up 40 migrants off coast of Libya, now what?

Overshadowed by the huge controversy surrounding the rescue boat Aquarius’ this past week, is the news that a US naval vessel has picked up 40 migrants off the coast of Libya, and as of this writing is stuck with them.
trenton caption
Other so-called ‘rescue boats’ won’t take them fearing that they will be blocked from landing in nearby European ports.

Could the illegal aliens be brought to the US?

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Lewiston, ME: Man attacked by gang of Somali teens dies

We told you recently that roving gangs of Somali ‘children’ and teens were terrorizing park goers in the Somali capital of New England, see here.
Now someone is dead.

Donald Giusti (Facebook photo)
Donald Giusti died after a Somali refugee ‘youth’ smashed in his head with a brick.

Here is the brief article from the Lewiston Sun Journal that hints at a racial component but incredibly never mentions the ‘S’ word—Somali.   (Hat tip: Maine First)

Lewiston man dies from injuries sustained in Tuesday night fight

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In new age of 'Aquarius', Mama Merkel between a rock and a hard place

As you can tell, I am fascinated by the sea change in Europe seemingly brought on in less than one week after Italy blocked the landing of a so-called ‘rescue ship’ with more than 600 mostly African men and boys on board.
The ‘Aquarius’ was ultimately “welcomed” by Spain, but that won’t solve the EU migration crisis where frontline countries get the brunt of the invasion unless Socialist Spain wants to keep them and all the future migrants who will surely head that way now.

mama merkel sign
Mark Steyn astutely pointed out that Angela Merkel, like most European leaders, actually has no children—no personal stake in the future of German culture.

For new readers to my ‘Invasion of Europe’ series, German Chancellor Angela Merkel created the recent migrant surge when she began ‘welcoming’ Middle Eastern and African refugees to Germany in 2015.
Germans aren’t producing enough children and she argues that they need young workers who would support old Germans in their dotage.  Yeh right!, sure they will!
Continue reading “In new age of 'Aquarius', Mama Merkel between a rock and a hard place”