My first thought when I read Rebecca Bynum and Elizabeth Noble’s expose in New English Review on the Muslim immigrants in Nashville, TN was, well this must be one of the target cities Imam Yahya Hendi told the Saudis about last summer. See our 30 Muslim Mayors by 2015 post here. Entitled, “Muslim organization in Nashville, Tennessee, an overview,” you will see in Bynum’s article the blueprint for how a city will devolve; its institutions, its business, and its government inexorably moving toward Islamic control. As Hendi said last summer in the Washington Times.
……U.S. Muslims were working on “nationalizing” Islam as part of the fabric of U.S. society….
Did you know that there are Muslim Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops? And, Country Western fans this will break your heart. Read all about it in Bynum and Noble’s shocking story about how far gone this city famous for its Grand ol’ Opry is. More on this later.