Comment worth noting: Australian warns us about Muslim immigration

This is a comment sent to my post on the proposed Iraqi airlift.   A reader named Vle wrote and said he had served in Iraq and we owed the Iraqis the opportunity to live in America.

Last night a reader, BL, sent this response:

Hi Vle, America and the rest of the free world are grateful for your service in Iraq and we thank you. With all due respect to your opinion sir, I am from Australia and live in Sydney, which has a very large community of people from the Middle East, of whom many are Muslims. I am by no stretch a racist, just a realist who views the world for what it truly is.

I am a colored person and my parents migrated to Australia so I do sympathise with the plight of the misplaced Iraqi refugees and their situation. However, having lived in Sydney my whole life, experiencing and witnessing first hand the negative impact that Muslims have had on this City, I can only hope that your beautiful country doesn’t go through what Sydney has had to tolerate for so long. You will consistently hear in the news of another gang rape, gang violence, drug related crimes and another nonsensical rant by a Muslim cleric. Sure, you will argue that many of those crimes are committed by all and not just them but the ugly reality is it is more often them and it’s consistent and in your face. I talk to and have been friends with Muslims and their way of thinking is just different than ours’. It is very hard for me to express and portray all of this accurately but if these leftist groups have their way, America will soon experience what we have had to tolerate for a long time now in Sydney.

The truth behind the unrealistic ideals is that Muslims will not and from my personal experiences, can not integrate with Western society. I do truly wish the ideals of a peaceful co-existence between the Muslim world and Western world was a reality, but sadly it is not so. I can only hope and pray that the Obama administration with all their diluted leftist views, will let logic and real world analysis dictate their policies and world changing decisions in the future to come for America’s sake.

God bless and peace to all.

Comments worth noting is a category we recently set up for important comments from readers, like this one, that new readers might not normally see.

Now, in light of this warning from BL, please go back and read Judy’s excellent post of a couple of days ago, ‘Not everybody is “just like us”‘ here.

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