Better Business Bureau reports on the Top Ten federal refugee contractors

Your tax dollars:

We frequently mention the Top Ten government contractors* which get to divvy up among themselves and their 300 or so subcontractors the federal grants and contracts that fuel the majority of the nearly $1 billion Refugee Resettlement Program of the US State Department.  That nearly $1 billion in funding for these contractors, also called Volags (short for voluntary agencies), does not, however, include the full cost of resettling refugees who are eligible for many forms of welfare one month after they arrive in the US.

Among the most interesting bits of information in the reports from the Better Business Bureau are the CEO salaries and the amounts of federal and state grant money they get.  Don’t ask me why all the Volag non-profits don’t have a report available!

Here are the Top Ten (follow the link to the reports that are available.)

Church World Service

Ethiopian Community Development Council (NONE AVAILABLE)

Episcopal Migration Ministries (NONE AVAILABLE)

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (NONE AVAILABLE)

International Rescue Committee

US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (NONE AVAILABLE)

World Relief Corporation

State of Iowa, Bureau of Refugee Services (NONE AVAILABLE, presumably because it is a state agency).


I have searched on many previous occasions to see if I could find out how much the US Conference of Catholic Bishops is receiving from the federal government each year.  However, unless someone tells me otherwise,  I assume all their refugee funds are divided up between Catholic Charities groups throughout the US.  That is the type of accounting ‘shell game’ practice that ACORN is accused of using—moving money from agency to agency within a vast network of agencies so it’s hard to follow what the money is used for.   I was especially interested in the Catholic Bishops when I first saw their connection to ACORN here and more recently here.

* To find subcontractors, follow the link at the Health and Human Services (Office of Refugee Resettlement) site to the Volag’s website and then search for either “partners” or “affiliates.”

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