Climate refugees, elephant in the living room in Copenhagen?

Since there is so much titillating news over the last few day about those leaked (or hacked) e-mails and documents calling into question the whole scientific underpinning of the so-called global warming (aka climate change) “crisis,” I thought this “elephant in the living room” reference was a bit overblown.  I suspect the real discussions will center around, not climate refugees, but, well now, how do we salvage this whole mess!

In any case, here is just a bit from one of the latest alarmist screeds on “climate refugees,” a subject that is not expected to be formally addressed in Copenhagen to the chagrin of these authors.

According to this Australian on-line journal, millions upon millions of “climate refugees,” that I notice are quietly being called “environmental refugees,” are expected to be swarming the planet by by 2050.

Until there is a significant movement calling for recognition of climate refugees – under the UN climate convention or another international governance instrument – the issue will continue to be swept under the carpet. This will not make the problem go away. Estimates of likely displacement continue to grow. Professor Norman Myers, who has been researching the topic for decades, suggests that, without serious action to reduce greenhouse emissions, we could be facing the prospect of perhaps 200 million climate refugees by mid century.

Check out this new verbiage we can all expect to see creeping into the mainstream lexicon.

…..campaigns for climate justice for those most threatened by environmental changes.

Climate justice—don’t you just love it!   And then, note that they have recognized the hole they dug with the “global warming” mumbo-jumbo and they then went to “climate change” and now its just “environmental change” we in wealthy countries are responsible for!

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