Another refugee homeless in Greensboro, NC

This time it’s a Montagnard man as reported by “Chosen Fast” a blog for the homeless in NC:

On 11/28/2009, the News & Record ran a story about a homeless refugee in Greensboro, quoting State Refugee Coordinator Marlene Myers: “It may be the first case like this.” But it’s probably not. [My post on the Burmese homeless man is here.]

Four days earlier, on 11/24/2009, a Greensboro police sergeant had contacted the state agency (and others, including me), seeking direction on how to help a (different) homeless refugee.

“…The City has received complaints about him sleeping there. We hope to get him some help rather than resort to arresting him for trespassing under the bridge…”

On 12/02/2009, a state rep responded, confirming that the man was a Montagnard refugee, and had received resettlement assistance from 2002-2004. She also offered contact info for a group that had worked with the man previously, but by the time she sent her email, the (concerned and resourceful) sergeant already had help on the scene.

This blog, Chosen Fast, looks like a very useful resource. I note in the sidebar that the Salvation Army is giving away free coats.  Gee, I wonder if any “social justice” groups are complaining about that!

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