The biggest story of 2009: the emergence of the Virtual Newsroom

Jeffrey Lord writing at the American Spectator today chronicles the demise of the media as we have known it and announces the story of the year—the rise of the virtual newsroom.  It’s a lengthy but thought-provoking poke in the face to the mainstream media and the progressives and liberal ideas they have promoted throughout my lifetime. I still seethe when I think how the American public (including me) was duped about the Vietnam War and how the far left and Walter Cronkite are responsible for the hell-hole of a Communist Vietnam today.

After giving us some historical background on how the old media controlled the news and promoted a progressive (left wing/socialist whatever you want to call it) political and cultural agenda, how conservatism crept in and how the conservative virtual newsroom is in its ascendancy, he wraps up with this:

[Progressives] accustomed to velvet-gloved treatment from their progressive buddies in the Old Media, they simply never factored the existence of the Virtual Newsroom into the equation.

Newsflash to progressives. The Virtual News room is here to stay. Not only is it not going away — in spite of whatever shenanigans may be going on behind the closed doors of the FCC — it is gaining in both size and strength.

And gaining in something else that simply terrifies progressive activists everywhere: the power to seriously influence events.

Which is why, when all is said and done by December 31, it is already clear that the story of the year in 2009 is not President Obama, health care, Iraq or even Tiger Woods.

The story of 2009 is the emergence of a new and powerful player increasingly dominating American politics, culture, education, religion and who knows what else.

That player is the media that is the Virtual Newsroom. And the conservatives who run it.

We are proudly a tiny part of that Virtual Newsroom where the progressives’ ‘presumption of good intentions’ relating to immigration is no longer automatically left unchallenged!

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