Islamists’ twenty steps to wage the stealth jihad in America

Reader BL sent this interesting post today from ‘Citizen Warrior.’ I’ve seen this before—it was first posted in 2003, but thought it worth mentioning again as the plan is much more visible today than it was several years ago.  I think all of you will recognize some or all of these strategies.  Of greatest interest to me this morning are 9 and 19 posted below.  But, please read the whole list at Citizen Warrior.

ISLAMISTS CANNOT WAGE all out war on the U.S. and expect to win. But they have a religious duty to try to wage jihad in some way and eventually conquer all countries, including the U.S. There are more devious ways to conquer than straightforward war, however. In the excerpt below, from an article by Anis Shorrosh, author of Islam Revealed, shares what he sees as the Islamists’ 20-year plan to conquer the U.S.

It is going to take them longer than 20 years if we resist, but one thing most Americans can’t wrap their minds around is that Islamists don’t even care if it happens in their lifetimes—they don’t care if it takes 100 years because the most fanatic of them are not focused on the here and now (what sort of home they have, how many cars in the garage, their kids’ sports prowess), but on the larger goal of caliphate building.

Here are two points that interest me the most today:

9. Accelerate Islamic demographic growth via:

* Massive immigration (100,000 annually since 1961).

19. Send intimidating messages and messengers to the outspoken individuals who are critical of Islam and seek to eliminate them by hook or crook. [Dear critics of RRW, take note, it won’t work!—ed]

Author Shorrosh is missing one critical point (unless I didn’t read the list carefully), so I will call it  #21.  BUILD A COMMUNITY CENTER (AKA MOSQUE) IN EVERY SMALL AND LARGE CITY IN AMERICA.

See Logan’s Warning for a post this week about standing up to mosque construction in Sheepshead Bay in Brooklyn, NY.  Note the naive Americans carrying the water for the Muslim Brotherhood.

Refugees needed to take over slums? Rebuild cities?

These spin-doctors in the refugee industry are good, I gotta hand it to them. In 2007 when many of us were scratching our heads about why federally contracted resettlement agencies were placing refugees in the worst neighborhood they could find locally, the only obvious conclusion was that they were cheap.  If they found cheap housing for refugees  their resettlement dollars would go further—never mind the crime and horrible living conditions in such neighborhoods.

Then I saw Chris Coen’s post at Friends of Refugees and marveled at how the contractors now spin this placement of poor traumatized refugees in dying sections of poor cities—they are using the refugees to rebuild inner cities!  Oh brother!  And, we were told the refugee program was to help humanity, the poor and the downtrodden.  Since when was it to build the tax base of rotten Democratically-governed cities (every decaying city in America has been governed by Democrats for decades)?  Are the contractors going to be advertising this on their websites anytime soon?

Read Coen’s post here where he rightly criticizes the scheme because it frankly hurts the refugees.   One of the points that continues to motivate my writing at RRW is that all of you who want to help refugees must understand that the “leaders of this refugee industry” are not all driven by a simple desire to be good toward the individual human being, there is a financial motivation as well—even if its for their own individual pay checks.    Now, it looks like they are selling refugees to cities which are losing population.   Fine, but at least be honest about it!

Erie, PA example!

The Friends of Refugees post was about Buffalo, NY, but here we have the same admission inserted in an opinion piece  ostensibly about Peter King’s terrorism hearings.   Columnist Ed Grode* says:

The only population growth in Erie over the past 10 years has come from refugees of all faiths. Our state and federal subsidies rely on census stats.

Refugees, often Muslim, are instrumental in rebuilding our inner city. Often they will purchase poorly maintained homes — homes that poor white and black Americans would not attempt to purchase and restore.

Federal taxpayer money flows to cities based on census data! What happens when the federal government runs out of money!   And, here is another dirty little secret.  Refugees and immigrants are eligible for all sorts of micro-loans to establish businesses and special government programs to buy homes that are not available to poor white or black Americans. (More on micro-loans which are available through the federal resettlement contractors later).

*So who is Ed Grode?   From the end of his column:

ED GRODE, of Fairview, is a board member of the United States Committee for Refugees and Immigrants in Alexandria, Va. He is a former administrator at four Erie public high schools and is the retired director for the Institute of Geography Education at Mercyhurst College.

On the board of USCRI!!!   USCRI is one of the top federal refugee resettlement contractors headed by Lavinia Limon a former head of the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and now USCRI’s former VP, Eskinder Negash, is head of the ORR from which your tax dollars flow to the resettlement contractor, in this case USCRI!  The revolving door at work!

One last thing, USCRI subcontractors have had some problems with this issue of placing refugees in slums.  There was that mess in Bowling Green, KY linked above, and they were shut down in Waterbury, CT (maybe the State Department didn’t get the memo about refugees needed to rebuild slums), and had financial funny business going on in Erie, here, in 2008.  There were additional locations too where USCRI was criticized for its work of bringing refugees to slums, but I’m out of time to dig out all the links.

Human Rights First: Bring them over from Libya ASAP

It was just a matter of time for the drums to begin beating—bring the North African refugees to America by expediting the resettlement process!

Human Rights First in a press release yesterday stressed the “urgent need” to begin resettling refugees from Libya to the United States.

Don’t be taken in by this, this is what the refugee industry loves—an emergency that allows them to bring more of the third world to America and skip the normal resettlement process.  I warned here a few weeks ago to be on the look-out for the PR lobbying campaign to begin.   Next thing you know they will be demanding an airlift as the Center for American Progress did here with Iraqis in 2009.  Thank goodness, even Obama didn’t fall for that outrageous demand.

From Human Rights First (emphasis mine):

As the international community responds to migrants and refugees fleeing Libya, the particular resettlement needs of refugees in Libya must also be prioritized through emergency resettlement to third countries including the United States.


To make resettlement an effective solution for this population, the United States should immediately remove unnecessary processing delays in the resettlement program that continue to hinder the resettlement of refugees from different parts of the world to the United States.

So what do they have in mind for removing processing delays?

Improve the timeliness of resettlement processing, including through reducing unnecessary delays in the security clearance process.


Develop and implement an emergency resettlement procedure for refugees facing imminent danger.  [airlift?]

Speed up the security process and haul them in here fast!   I’ll bet at this very moment refugee industry insiders are plotting with our Ambassador to Malta to get as many as they can to Malta and make that the springboard to the US.

Again, we are not a resettlement agency

Once again we are getting an increased number of pleas from people around the world asking us to help them get into the US.   We are not a resettlement agency.  We do not work for the US government (we don’t work for anyone actually).  We are merely a news and opinion website.

On the right sidebar you will see that we have this information clearly noted just above instructions for logging in.  We also have an expanded version of that message linked at the top of the page, here.    So, sorry we don’t post comments that give personal information and are requests for resettlement help.

King hearings and the elephant in the living room

“There is a big elephant in the room, but our society continues not to see it.”

Those are the words of Melvin Bledsoe whose son converted to Islam and subsequently killed a soldier who happened to be standing outside of a recruiting station in Arkansas on a fine spring day in 2009.  My posts on the murder are here.  Bledsoe said in testimony yesterday that his son was radicalized in Nashville.

For more on the important and controversial hearings see Jerry Gordon writing at the Iconoclast here, and Steve Emerson at the Investigative Project on Terrorism, here.

Abdirizak Bihi

Note that one of those giving testimony was Abdirizak Bihi who we encountered in 2009 when he wrote to Refugee Resettlement Watch (here) in an attempt to get the story out about his nephew being lured to Somalia for Jihad training.  We reported on Bihi again in November of 2009, here, when he said the FBI wasn’t anywhere close to the “big fish” responsible for recruiting the Somali “youths.”

By the way, the US Senate Homeland Security Committee held hearings in March of 2009 on the radicalization of Somali young men, but they were squishy politically correct hearings and I could barely stand listening to it, here.

Not the “big fish” by any stretch, but readers should know that a former Somali refugee from Minnesota, Mohamud Said Omar, was captured in the Netherlands in connection with funding the trips of the Somalis who returned to Africa for Jihad training.  Last I heard (May 2010) he was fighting extradition from the Netherlands to the US.  I bet he knows if the mosque in Minneapolis was involved in recruiting.

For new readers: We have admitted well over 100,000 Somali refugees to the US.   To check out the numbers visit this post, one of our most widely read posts over the last few years.   In FY2010 which ended September 30th the US State Department resettled 4,884 Somalis (here) to towns near you.

Also, after being closed for nearly two years, the US State Department is on the verge of resuming the fraud-ridden family reunification program that admitted as many as 36,000 Somalis fraudulently to the US between 2003 and 2008.  See the latest on new regulations, here.  The State Department is on the verge of re-opening the program and may already have done so.