James O’Keefe’s NPR sting has relevance here

Thanks to Judy for interrupting what is supposed to be my afternoon for taxes (well at least one of my afternoons) with this great piece by William Tucker at American Thinker.    Admittedly it doesn’t take much to bring me back from taxes to blogging but this is so funny and so great, you gotta read it too!

So, who are these suckers—the supposed smart people?

James O’Keefe’s NPR sting has to be one of the most beautifully orchestrated deceptions in the annals of journalism. I think the academy award for performance in a documentary should go to that bushy-bearded “Arab” who, on hearing NPR executive Richard Schiller say, “Let me take off my NPR hat” and launching into his Tea Party rant, intones in a marvelously phony North African accent, “I like it when you take off your NPR hat.” That was the laugh line of the year.

So now everybody will be talking about how embarrassing it was and how NPR has put its neck in the noose and how they will soon be losing their federal funding — which they say they don’t need anyway. All that scurrilous badmouthing of the American public will be reverberating around the political arena for quite some time.

The question that hangs in my mind, though, is this: How could people who think of themselves as so intelligent be such suckers? How could they be taken in by an American black and a bushy-bearded “Muslim” talking in a grade-B Hollywood accent and really believe they were being offered $5 million? After all, these are people who define themselves as being intelligent. They’re the “educated elite” of whom we supposedly don’t have enough of in this country. And yet they were no more alert than a bunch of high school dropouts sitting around a shabby ACORN office in Baltimore. How do you explain that?

This is hilarious, read on!

For liberal “intellectuals” everything is about race:

….. for liberal intellectuals, race is the key to everything (alright, the holy trinity of race, class and gender, I’m abbreviating). If you get on the right side of the fence on race, everything else falls into place. It was an absolute stroke of genius for O’Keefe to send in an American black to tell Schiller he could have $5 million if only he could be a little more balanced in his coverage of Hamas and Hezbollah. Could it have possibly crossed Schiller’s mind, “I wonder if this guy is putting me on?” Never! His whole body would rise up in anguish to banish the thought. That would be racist! Besides, blacks are on our side! All American blacks are beholden to liberals because they support affirmative action and genuflect to Kwanzaa and therefore how could a good-hearted African American possibly be deceiving? Instead, one must only assume the proper patronizing tone, as Schiller did throughout.


New Study: Hate crimes against Muslims are not increasing

As the hotly debated House Committee on Homeland Security hearings open today, the Center for Security Policy has released a new study countering claims that Islamophobia and accompanied hate crimes are on the rise in the US.

The Center for Security Policy today released a groundbreaking longitudinal study, Religious Bias Crimes against Muslim, Jewish and Christian Victims: American Trends from 2000-2009, based on statistics reported by the FBI. The study contradicts the false assertions that hate crimes against Muslims have increased, and that the alleged cause is widespread Islamophobia in America.

In fact, the study shows that hate crimes against Muslim Americans, measured by the categories of incidents, offenses or victims, have remained relatively low with a downward trend since 2001. For example, in 2009, Jewish victims of hate crimes outnumbered Muslim victims by more than 8 to 1 (1,132 Jewish victims to 132 Muslim victims). From 2000 through 2009, for every one hate crime incident against a Muslim, there were six hate crime incidents against Jewish victims (1,580 Muslim incidents versus 9,692 Jewish incidents). Even in 2001, total anti-Muslim incidents, offenses and victims remained approximately half of the corresponding anti-Jewish totals.

The study provides hard data that disproves the counter-factual statements made by a small number of highly vocal Muslim lobbying groups, many linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as leftwing activists.

Citing these false assumptions concerning Americas alleged Islamophobia and a supposed rising trend in hate crimes against Muslim Americans, these organizations have argued against the March 10, 2011 House Committee on Homeland Security hearings on Muslim American radicalization. The study shows that these arguments against the hearings are not based on facts, but rather on a political agenda.

Read it all, here.

Dear critics: Reporting on food stamp fraud cases and other criminal and terrorist acts by Muslims is not a hate crime!

Is the “Bama boy” dead?

On the eve of House hearings on the Islamic radicalization of American Muslims, Jerry Gordon is reporting on an AP story that says Omar Hammami, the Alabama born and bred Somali fighter might be dead in Somalia.  Check out the Iconoclast here for Gordon’s account.

For a refresher on Hammami see our posts here and here.

I’ve been so swamped elsewhere I haven’t had much time to post here at RRW.   Since we are talking about Rep. Peter King’s radicalization hearings tomorrow, here is a story that informs us that the uncle of one of the Somali-American “youths” who traveled to Somalia to learn to be a Jihadist will be testifying.  The “youth” is believed to have been killed not long after he arrived in Africa.

Another guy named Muhammad rips off food stamp program….

….pleads guilty in Oklahoma.

Ho hum, here we go again.  Only a couple of days ago I told you about other Muslim food stamp fraudsters here.

From the Edmond Sun:

EDMOND — A 28-year-old Edmond man pleaded guilty Monday to defrauding the food stamp program out of $652,614 in benefits, a federal attorney announced.

Sanford C. Coats, United States attorney for the Western District of Oklahoma, said Muhammad Zahid, 28, of Edmond, pleaded guilty to count 4 of the indictment and admitted that he unlawfully redeemed a beneficiary’s food stamp benefits for cash.

At sentencing, Zahid faces up to five years in prison, a $10,000 fine or possible alternative fine of $250,000, and restitution. Sentencing will take place in about 90 days, according to Coats.


Zahid applied and was authorized by USDA on Oct. 15, 2007, to be a qualified retail store to accept SNAP benefits. The indictment alleged that he conspired with others to purchase SNAP benefits for cash on a discount basis of .50 cents on the dollar and would then debit SNAP recipients’ Access Oklahoma cards for the full dollar benefit.

It is alleged that from December 2007 through September 2010, Zahid illegally redeemed $652,614 in SNAP benefits from the USDA, according to court records.

So, Muhammad stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from the taxpayer and might be ordered to pay restitution.   You know that old expression—you can’t get blood out of a stone—yup, you got it.

This reminds me of the article I posted on in 2008 about an Arab publication scratching its head (editorially) over why so many Arab names appeared in food stamp fraud crime stories.  You really need to go have a good laugh here.  What do they all have in common—well, you see, it’s kind of like biker gangs!

NumbersUSA working on five immigration reduction bills

This is very cool.  It’s a chart at NumbersUSA showing the five bills they believe are gaining momentum in the US House of Representatives.  The chart tells us which legislators are signing on to each.  See if your Representatives are brave or too chicken to reduce immigration numbers, here.

Of course the refugee program is never on the hit list—it’s a bridge too far for most of the politically correct in Washington, DC.  However, I think there is one major step that could set the refugee program on a more sensible footing—REQUIRE ALL REFUGEE FAMILIES TO BE INDIVIDUALLY SPONSORED BY PRIVATE (TRULY CHARITABLE) GROUPS AND GET THE VOLAG (CONTRACTORS) MIDDLEMEN OUT OF IT ALTOGETHER!