I know the Food Stamp fraud going on in the US is no laughing matter, but comments by a spokesperson for the Michigan Attorney Generals Office are just too funny to believe. We have written a few times on Food Stamp fraud always with the disclaimer that as far as we know it doesn’t involve refugees, but since it’s allegedly occuring in Hagerstown, MD, it’s of interest to us.
I’ve also told you before that we can see what people are searching for that brings them to RRW and lately there have been a spate of searches for the Food Stamp fraud issue. I decided then to see what all the interest is and came upon this article from The Arab American News in mid-March. They are referring to this case that Debbie Schlussel posted on in February.
Read this amazingly hilarious demonstration of political correctness:
DEARBORN — Twenty seven people arrested by state police in February for alleged food card fraud all seem to be of Arab descent, judging by their names—all recognizable Arab family names.
But a spokesperson for Attorney General Mike Cox’s office said that doesn’t necessarily mean there is a problem specific to the Arab American community._____
“Folks who commit crimes together usually have a common link,” said spokesman Matt Frendewey._____
Sometimes that link, he said, is a common ethnicity. He compared it to biker gangs, often made up entirely of white males, who might commit crimes together._____
“It would be very inaccurate to say that it speaks to the Arab American community.”_____
Frendewey said it was never even apparent to the attorney general’s office that that all those involved were Arab Americans until pointed out by The Arab American News._____
The 27 suspects — owners and employees of eight Detroit party stores and gas stations — are accused of engaging in more than $1.5 million worth of illegal dealing in food card benefits
To the person who asked me last night why our government is so obtuse to the Muslim problem, this demonstrates one reason.
I will say it isn’t all Arab names, in some cases the names are Pakistani. Now, going back to the biker gang analogy, what would Arabs and Pakistanis have in common?