Blogging is changing the rules of journalism, and it’s about time!

This article brought a smile to my face when I saw it last night in the Washington Times.   It’s about the woman who taped Obama’s now famous “bitter” comments and it’s subheading says it all:  Dividing line blurred between amateur, traditional journalists.

Mayhill Fowler is no longer an unknown California blogger. In the past 48 hours, she has generated international press coverage, a profile in the New York Times and sparked furious discussion among journalists, pundits and campaign strategists.

The enterprising Mrs. Fowler, 61, and her digital recording device are behind “Bittergate.”

It’s about time!  Those traditional (professional) journalists have been sifting the news for us for my entire lifetime (and way before that), so it gives me great joy to see the mainstream media pooh-bahs brought low. 

“This situation clearly illuminates the fact that in the citizen blogger, amateur journalism world, the rules that govern the relationship between traditional journalists and their sources are not present. A traditional newsroom would not have allowed someone who was a campaign donor to cover that candidate,” said Mark Jurkowitz of the Project for Excellence in Journalism.

Too bad, Mr. Jurkowitz. 

For the first time in my adult life, I see some hope for reforming our political system by getting the sifters of the news out of the way.   The public should be given all the facts so they can then make up their own minds about public officials or public policy.

Blogger busts — an online exclusive amplified in big media with serious repercussions — have emerged as an increasing threat to unwary public figures and a cautionary tale.

Yup!   And, as I have said on several previous occasions:  Start a blog!