Could this jeopardize the case against Somali sex traffickers?

While I’m on the subject of Somalis this morning, see earlier post here, this is a story coming out of Tennessee about the case against the nearly 30 Somalis arrested for sex-trafficking of a minor and other offenses first reported here in November of last year.

It’s long and quite a legal tangle, so you will need to read the whole story.  The first thing I thought of was:  I sure hope this doesn’t cause the case to be thrown out of court!

From The City Paper:

What do you get when you put some 30 lawyers in a room together and ask them to agree on something? Those masochistic enough to attend an upcoming federal court hearing could find out, but the punch line won’t be as funny as the setup might promise.

Two weeks ago, District Judge William J. Haynes set an April 26 hearing date to hash out several concerns surrounding a bundle of inmates’ recorded phone calls from jail, including attorney-client conversations, which some believe are privileged despite warnings by detention facilities that they’re being recorded.

What’s more, some of the recorded calls are between attorneys and clients who aren’t even involved in the case at hand.

The issue arose after federal prosecutors distributed the government’s discovery to the defendants in U.S.A. v. Adan et al, the case in which a federal indictment charged 29 individuals (two have since been dropped from the case because they aren’t yet in custody), many of whom are Somali and alleged by the government to be members or associates of Somali gangs.

Defendants in the case face charges of sex-trafficking juvenile girls, perjury, auto theft and credit card fraud. A large part of the government’s voluminous discovery for the case is contained on 142 discs of recorded inmate phone calls from a Davidson County jail and other detention facilities housing the federal inmates in the Adan case.

But one attorney determined that some of the calls on the discs turned over by the government to all of the defense attorneys in the case were unrelated. That sparked a debate over when attorney-client calls are privileged and what the attorneys should do with the discs to which currently, based on an stay by Haynes, they aren’t supposed to be listening.

What a mess!  Read on.

Pennsylvania letter writer got wide distribution (subject Libya refugees)

Here is a letter I came across through google alerts (his/her Congressman appears to have released the letter) from someone (letter is unsigned) in Pennsylvania who took the initiative to write to Washington to express his/her concern for the possible airlift of Libyan refugees to the US.   I’m posting it to give others of you an example of someone taking action.

Refugees from Libya, Egypt, Iraq, etc.- just say no

President Barack Obama
Sen. Bob Casey
Sen. Patrick Toomey
Rep. Tim Murphy

April 14, 2011

Many of these “rebels” in Egypt and Libya and other middle eastern states are members of the Muslim Brotherhood. They have already assumed power in Egypt and The Ivory Coast, and are slaughtering Christians.

DO NOT OPEN THE USA TO THE PEOPLE. By allowing the State Department to waive background checks on people from these places you are opening up the front door to terrorists and inviting them in.

Islam will not tolerated anyone who is not Muslim and they should therefor not be tolerated here. We need to take a clear anti Muslim Brotherhood stance and just say no!

No Refugees from Libya, or anywhere else.

Monroeville , PA

You too should take a few minutes and write to your elected officials about this subject—the refugee pressure is building in Europe and so you need to make it very clear—No Libyan refugees from Obama’s war in Africa.

Comment worth noting: “Somali” says westerners are gullible (among other things!)

This is a comment written last week in response to this post from a reader identifying himself/herself only as Abdi and claiming to be Somali.   This category at RRW  (comment worth noting) was originally included to highlight comments that interest us but might otherwise be lost to most readers who didn’t see that particular post.  Here Abdi says Somalis have no intention of assimilating and the Somalia will always come first.    A couple of other commenters would agree we are gullible if we believe the writer, Abdi, is Somali.    Your thoughts?

Abdi (emphasis mine):

Somalis have learned to cope and manage against a hostile majority, to work in cohesive groups, to have ethnocentrism these things are essential in surviving. Westerners don’t have this because they’re bombarded with multiculturalism, liberalism, and diversity. This benefits us but not the majority (White Americans or Canadians), thus if that’s why there’s no such thing as a White Persons Human Rights Group or Advocacy or anything like that because then that would be “racist”.

The only way to kill a country, is to kill it within. Do Mexicans have more loyalty to Mexico than America? Do Afro-Americans think of America as their “motherland” or is Africa? Are Somalis more loyal to Somalia than the Western nations they’re living in? Are Jews more loyal to Israel or to the States? You people need to ask yourselves. Who are you hosting? And are they loyal to you? Nope not all, I love being Somali and I’m working hard to better Somalia most Somalis are proud of their identity as Somalis and identify with being “Somali” than being an “American”, “Canadian”, or “British”. Only White people can’t be proud of their heritage, thus the Jewish invented “White Guilt” and “White Enslavement of Colored Peoples”. So if there today was a White genocide no one would care, but they would if they weren’t.

More than 99.9% of Somalis are proud their heritage and culture, you will rarely see any of them calling themselves anything. And by the way we Somalis hate White Europeans (Adaan in Somali) more than any ethnic group, even though we hate the Natives (Alibeystaan in Somali), Madow (Black), Shino (Asiatic peoples), also because they are also rivals etc. If you don’t know our history well look at Kenya how we control it, how the MP is Somali, how all the Kenyan businesses are owned by us and the companies, how native Kenyans are depraved from it, how we control the northern part of Kenya: called NFD. If you don’t know our history look at how we forced the British and Italian settlers in colonial Somalia to give taxes to us instead of us giving it to them. If you don’t our history look at how we deprived European Somalis in Somalia in colonial times to have children in our homelands but we went to Europe (Cardiff, Wales in the early 19th centur) and we settled there and built our community there. Now the oldest and largest Somali British community there.

If you don’t know our history look at how the British colonials would sympathize with us, and have beocome what is called “Somaliphiliacs” showing us immense love for our strive for independence and freedom yet we didn’t return the same. And the same generals who showed us were slaughtered by our own hands among them are:

Col. Richard Cornfield
Christavao da Gama (the son of the famed explorer Vasco da Gama)
Severly injuring Sir Richard Burton and John Hanning Speke
Incase you didn’t the British themselves have wrote that we were an extremly treacherous group of people who would only befriend to gain something. For if we help the Sheeshaye (non-Somali) that would be an act of hypocrisy and betrayal to the Sha’ab (Nation/Race).

A few minutes later Abdi sent another comment:

The only thing that I suggest to non-Muslims and especially non-Muslim Somalis is to watch because Somalis are here and we will always be here and more of us are on the way, and there’s nothing you people can do about it. Why? Because you can’t even control you’re own borders of Canada and Mexico so how can you control immigration? Once[Until?–ed] you start to promote your own identity and heritage, and once [until?] you start to clean your house nothing is going to happen.

Now go back to the original post on Toronto and note that readers JJ and RRWHAT? both suggest that Abdi is not Somali, here.   RRWHAT? said this:

Yeah, “Abdi” reads like a Tea Partier with too much time on his hands, Wikipedia, and an online word translator.

So, what do you think?