Immigrant food stamp scammer helps Obama stimulate the economy!

Here is one more case* of a Middle Easterner running a convenience store and ripping off the US taxpayer, but to hear Obama’s Secretary of Agriculture say food stamp transactions stimulate the economy, maybe we should be thanking this guy for helping pour more cash into the economy!

From AP:

Providence (AP) – A former 7-Eleven franchisee in Rhode Island has been accused of taking food stamp benefits for cash at his Providence convenience store.

A complaint unsealed on Friday in U.S. District Court in Providence says 43-year-old Syed Shah [not named Mohammed this time!] charged an undercover investigator $60 in food stamps for $40 in cash. The complaint does not disclose how much investigators believe Shah fraudulently pocketed in food stamp benefits. Investigators say food stamp redemptions at his store skyrocketed from $228,000 in 2008 to nearly $1 million last year.


Authorities say the average monthly food stamp redemption at Shah’s store was $69,025, compared with a combined monthly redemption average of $8,770 at the other five 7-Eleven franchises in the area.

Now here is Obama’s Secretary of Agriculture telling us how Food Stamps stimulate the economy through the redistribution of wealth—your wealth!

I should point out, when you talk about the SNAP program or the foot stamp program, you have to recognize that it’s also an economic stimulus. Every dollar of SNAP benefits generates $1.84 in the economy in terms of economic activity. If people are able to buy a little more in the grocery store, someone has to stock it, package it, shelve it, process it, ship it. All of those are jobs. It’s the most direct stimulus you can get in the economy during these tough times.”

Of course it’s entirely possible that Shah was redistributing your wealth and stimulating the economy of some Middle Eastern country.

* For new readers, we have written dozens of stories about ‘food stamp fraud’—simply type those three words into our search function for our archive on the subject.  I continue to wait for a real live investigative reporter to pull all this fraud together into a comprehensive investigation.

Denver Post tries really really hard to convince us that everything is peachy in Ft. Morgan

Somali boy in Ft. Morgan, CO:

“This is the United States….. Everyone can come.”

I haven’t written about the “welcoming” city of Ft. Morgan in a long time.   In 2005 a large number of Somalis got the word that Cargill meatpacking was the place to work and have been flooding into the city ever since.  Just search RRW for ‘Ft. Morgan’ and you will see what I mean.

However, now comes a HUGE article in the Denver Post spinning so hard to prove it’s all just going great with the Somali “community” in Ft. Morgan.  I have to laugh because for every ‘problem’ the reporter tells us about it’s followed by a big BUT—but, everything is working out just fine, problem solved!  Everyone is happy!  Move along!

Below are bits from this feature story entitled, ‘Somali Muslims finding a place in Ft. Morgan.’  (for all the ‘buts’ below, return to the Denver Post).

An estimated 1,000 to 1,200 Somalis — most of them refugees — now live here, drawn by employment at Cargill in the last six years.

Their arrival has provided a test for both them and the town in an era of economic uncertainty and raised tensions after 9/11.

The police chief, school superintendent and other community leaders have smoothed the waters by attempting to counter fears with facts and build bridges with a Somali community that is fragmented.

Still, difficulties have arisen over the accommodation of Muslim prayer at school and in the workplace, the support they get from the government, their loitering and poor driving — and a murder.

BUT, everything is getting better….

[You see that mention of the murder—the reporter references me!  You will see further in the story.]

The spread of Islam in the U.S. is very much a story of immigration. College students, doctors and engineers came decades ago. The latest migration from poorer African nations is different, creating a new Muslim underclass of plant workers and cabdrivers.

BUT, it’s o.k., this is America everything will be fine—a Muslim underclass, nothing to worry about!

Word had been spreading in the Somali expatriate community about work at the Cargill plant in Fort Morgan, where wages that start at $13.25 an hour, plus benefits, beckoned — and no English or experience was required.


“It was like, all of a sudden, boom, here they are,” said Steve Dunn, the owner of a downtown shoe store.

Police Chief Keith Kuretich started to field complaints: Groups of 30 Somali men were loitering and littering outside a store. Somalis were haggling over price at Walmart and holding up checkout lines. Their driving was dangerously bad.

BUT, everything will be o.k. because the Police Chief “cares” and he has assured the citizens that he will take care of all the problems.

Real problems, however, do exist, including two or three domestic violence cases. Abdinasser Ahmed, a college-educated Somali who works at the middle school, said beating one’s wife is accepted in Somalia and the community here must discourage it.

That might be part of our culture, BUT, it’s o.k. we are going to stop beating our wives in America!

Then this is infuriating!  What a lazy sack of a reporter!

On Nov. 3, 2009, a Somali man from Greeley fatally stabbed his 27-year-old Somali ex-girlfriend in a Fort Morgan apartment hallway — the eighth homicide in the city since 2000 at that time.

An out-of-town website [he means me!—ed] that is critical of refugee resettlement spun tales of an honor killing. Kuretich dismissed that characterization, describing it as a domestic incident unrelated to religion or ethnicity.

BUT, only a little domestic violence, nothing to see here, move along!

The Ft. Morgan Times reported at the time that the murder victim was the step sister of the murderer—NOT his girlfriend!  The link is no longer available because the whole story was buried and the murderer took a plea bargain and was quietly slipped away to prison (or at least I hope that is where he is!).

This is precisely what the Ft. Morgan Times said in February of 2010 (glad I posted it here):

Ahmed Abdi of Greeley entered a not guilty plea in Morgan County District Court on Monday in the Nov. 3, 2009 stabbing death of Warsen Aden Abdi, 27, in an apartment hallway in Fort Morgan.

He is accused of second-degree murder and first- and second-degree assault in the stabbing death of his stepsister.

You see this politically-correct police chief can explain a boyfriend killing a former girlfriend but it gets a lot harder to explain a brother killing a sister.  By the way, since those first few news accounts in early 2010 the whole story disappeared from Colorado news pages.

Now here comes the real villain of this story!  And, she watches FOX News!  Ahhhh!

If there is a go-to voice for anti-refugee sentiment in Fort Morgan, it is Candice Loomis.

She owns Frankie’s Coffee House, where Christmas lights dangle from the ceiling and Fox News is always on. [She is probably a Tea Partier too!—ed]

In 2009, Loomis crafted a petition that chided the government for giving refugees financial support and portrayed Somali refugees as lazy freeloaders who refuse to learn English and talk rudely on cellphones.

She said about 630 people signed it. It was a symbolic gesture.  [Perhaps I missed it, but I never did see any news in the PC Ft. Morgan Times about this petition, did anyone else?]

“It scares me that it only took a few radical Muslims to bring down two buildings, and we’ve brought hundreds of thousands of them here (to the United States),” Loomis said in a recent interview.

BUT, it’s O.K. because Candice, the FOX News fan, is mellowing.

Problems in the schools

When the new faces started arriving at Fort Morgan High School, Karen Liston found herself teaching kids how to hold pencils, form letters and raise their hands.

The simple task of opening a locker turned into a 20-minute tutorial on numbers, the sequence of turning left and right, and combinations.

The sudden influx of Somali families — and, later, other East Africans — tested a rural public school system with limited resources. Some students had been schooled in Kenyan refugee camps. Others, especially older ones, were illiterate in their own language and had little formal school background.


Morgan County schools Superintendent Greg Wagers said the district has sought “a proactive and reasoned approach” to an African-refugee population that continues to grow.

By the end of the 2010-11 school year, the district counted 62 students who spoke Somali, 13 who spoke Swahili, six who spoke Tigrigna (an Eritrean language), two who spoke Amharic (predominantly Ethiopian) and one who spoke Kinyarwanda (Rwandan).

This year, the district shifted around resources to start a “newcomers center” with accelerated English courses and remediation for “over-age and under-credited” middle and high school students.

BUT, everything will work out because the local school system is now pouring tons of money into programs to help the kids.

Don’t you just wonder if maybe Cargill which benefits from the refugee labor might just pay for some of this?  But, I digress.

Back to the Denver Post and demands for religious accommodation in the schools:

Like other school districts with large numbers of Muslim students, Morgan County also sought to strike a balance accommodating midday prayer.

The high school set aside auditorium balcony space, segregated by gender, during lunch to ensure the school schedule was not disrupted, Wagers said.

Some citizens complained that the district was endorsing Muslim practice or giving Muslims special treatment. That prompted Wagers to write a three-page memo to the board of education and the community that included a primer on Islam and the legal framework for the district’s approach.

The scrutiny revealed that some teachers were wrongly letting students out of class to pray, Wagers said. Since then, he said, “it’s been quiet. We just had to find the middle ground.”

But, everything is fine now!  We have accommodated “middle ground” Shariah Law in our school system!

And, as one kid who had been bullied by “Mexican and white guys” who told him to go back to his **** country said:

“This is the United States,” he said when asked how that felt. “Everyone can come.”

Finally we have the story of Amina Barkhadel (who is living with three men not related to her—-I guess she is Americanized now!).

Poor Somali mama had $8,500 just kicking around to buy her daughter an illegal trip to America!

Back in Somalia, she worked in a little shop. In 2008, men in masks with guns came in and killed her 25-year-old brother and hit her.

Her grieving mother gave her $8,500 to pay an English-speaking man to pose as her husband and get her out of the country — to Dubai, Guatemala and Mexico.

She ultimately made her way to the U.S. border. After spending time in Mexican and U.S. immigration jails, she won asylum status in a court hearing.

She worked as a hotel maid in Southern California until friends told her about work at Cargill in Fort Morgan.

Readers, you can be sure this is not the end of the “welcoming” Ft. Morgan story!

Canada seriously hunting down its criminal alien refugees and immigrants

Of course all the media in the US is filled with the news that Obama is going to deport fewer people while Canada goes on a serious hunt for criminal aliens.

From the CBC:

The federal government is seeking the public’s help again in its hunt for people wanted on immigration warrants, focusing on 32 foreign-born fugitives.

“They abused a valued privilege and are no longer welcome in our country,” said Public Safety Minister Vic Toews, launching the Canada Border Services Agency’s new website to identify non-Canadians convicted of crimes in Canada and subject to removal orders who have since disappeared.

Toews announced the latest list Thursday in Toronto, accompanied by his parliamentary secretary Candice Hoeppner, the parliamentary secretary to the defence minister, Chris Alexander, and the president of the Canada Border Services Agency, Luc Portelance.

The 32 people on Toews’s new list are in addition to 30 suspected of war crimes that he named on July 21, when the Canada Border Services Agency launched a website identifying the suspects and calling for any information that could lead to their whereabouts.


This list targets only a few of the estimated 1,400 individuals in the Toronto area, and approximately 2,700 individuals nationally who are currently wanted for removal from Canada.

Nine of the individuals on the new list were born in Jamaica. Four are from China and another four are from Guyana. Four were born in other Caribbean or Central American countries, and three are from Africa. The list also includes two born in India, two born in Sri Lanka, three born in European countries and one born in the United States. Two are women.

“They will find no haven on our shores,” Toews vowed.

Canadian readers may say this is just for media consumption and it’s not enough, but at least the ‘talk’ is headed in the right direction.

Majority of Europeans think there is too much immigration to most countries

Here is an article with links to several studies all confirming Europeans, for the most part, are unhappy with immigration, especially immigration from Muslim countries to Europe.

From Hudson New York:

A new opinion survey shows that more than half of all Europeans believe there are too many immigrants in their countries and that immigration is having a negative impact on their lives.

The findings – which come as Europeans are waking up to the consequences of decades of mass immigration from Muslim countries – point to a growing disconnect between European voters and their political masters regarding multicultural policies that encourage Muslim immigrants to remain segregated rather than become integrated into their host nations.

The survey results mirror the findings of dozens of other recent polls. Taken together, they provide ample empirical evidence that scepticism about Muslim immigration is not limited to a “right-wing” political fringe, as proponents of multiculturalism often assert. Mainstream voters across the entire political spectrum are now expressing concerns about the role of Islam in Europe.

The “Global Views on Immigration” survey was conducted by the London-based Ipsos global research firm and published on August 4. It polled citizens in nine European countries: Belgium, Britain, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Spain and Sweden.

The poll shows a close correlation between the views the natives of a given country have about immigration and the number of, and level of, integration of Muslim immigrants in their countries.

For example, the poll finds that Belgians and Britons hold the most negative views on immigration; these countries also have some of the least integrated Muslim populations in Europe. The poll also shows that among Europeans, Poles have the most positive views on immigration and immigrants; Poland happens to have Europe’s smallest Muslim community, which comprises less than 0.1% of that country’s total population.

The Ipsos poll shows that as a whole, more than 56% of Europeans believe “there are too many immigrants” in their countries: Belgium (72%), Britain (71%), Italy (67%), Spain (67%), Germany (53%), France (52%), Hungary (50%), Sweden (46%) and Poland (29%).

I see they didn’t poll Norwegians, but I would guess the number is close to Sweden’s.   Here is an idea—how about if those countries who do have a problem just flex their sovereign muscles and say NO! to more.   If Sweden, Poland and Norway are happy with their Muslim populations, let them do what they want (until their own citizens wake up).

There is a lot more (with links to more studies) at that Hudson New York report.  Read it all.

By the way, for new readers, we have a category entitled ‘where to find information’ where many reports, studies, statistics are archived.  You might want to have a look there from time to time.

Norway’s Muslim girls not protected by the government

That is according to a recent report from CBN News:

OSLO, Norway — It’s been almost a month since innocent Norwegians were killed by a lunatic obsessed with the threat of Islam.

But the terrible tragedy has not stopped civil debate in Norway over the impact of Muslim immigration.

Several weeks before the massacre in Norway, CBN News travelled to Oslo to investigate reports that that nation’s experiment with Muslim immigration and multiculturalism had gone terribly wrong, that Muslim radicalism was growing along with violence and intimidation against non-Muslims.

Islamists Target Women

In the wake of the killings, some on Norway’s political left call the fear of Islamization a “conspiracy theory.”

However, there are real victims – and they are mostly Norway’s women. Norway has never faced such problems before.

Even though Norway is a democracy, some Norwegian women do not have full rights. They are denied them by their families, and they live in fear for their lives.

At the Red Cross office in Oslo, Monica Berge-Tukh and Anne Marte Stifjeld take calls from Norwegian girls who face honor violence, forced marriage or genital mutilation.

Read it all.  One of the most shocking cases described involves little girls returned to Gambia for female genital mutilation.