Hillary: You Libyan rebels are bad boys for discriminating against blacks…

….if you don’t stop it, we will just bring them here as refugees!

The US State Department this week released this rather meek rebuke to their Libyan rebel-freedom-fighting-democracy-seeking-Arab friends.   (See our earlier posts here and here about abuse by the racist rebels of migrant workers.)

The United States is deeply concerned about reports of arbitrary detention and abuse of sub-Saharan African migrants and refugees. We also understand that some Libyans are also being victimized based on the color of their skin. Nobody should be detained or harassed due to the color of their skin or their nationality, and measures must be taken to protect individuals from acts of violence.

We have welcomed the Transitional National Council’s (TNC) assurances of their commitment to safeguard the well-being of individuals throughout Libya and the TNC leadership’s cooperation with those international agencies engaged in identifying and assisting those at risk and/or detained, including the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and the International Organization for Migration. We look forward to prompt implementation of these measures.

‘We’ll show you, we will just ship the tens of thousands of African migrant workers to Europe or America‘ (our meatpackers can use them anyway and we will get more campaign contributions for Obama!)—so take that!

The United States is working with its international partners to facilitate safe passage out of Libya for those foreign nationals, including sub-Saharan African migrants, who wish to depart for their own safety.

The next thing you know John Podesta and the Center for American Progress will be calling for an airlift (as they did in 2009 for Iraqis)!

It is maddening, Hillary and Obama’s girls drag us into another conflict in a Muslim country and we get refugees out of it!

Addendum:  Some related links which I don’t have time to post (Libya intervention looks hazy in hindsight, here). And as of yesterday Gaddafi isn’t finished yet in Libya, here.  So, is this Obama’s aircraft carrier moment?

Oh, and here is one more interesting bit of news, the US State Department had previously listed the “rebels” as a terrorist group.

Local communities should decide if they can handle more refugees

That is the gist of an excellent piece by Don Barnett published in The Tennessean yesterday.  I can’t believe, that of all newspapers, The Tennessean would publish anything with this much information about the refugee program.

We’ve written a lot about “welcoming” Nashville and how businesses there looking for cheap labor (hotel workers and meat packers in particular!) and Lefties looking for Democrat voters have pretty much controlled the message coming out of The Tennessean.   The paper has also done “hit pieces” (here is one) on anyone daring to ask why so many Muslims are going to Tennessee and what their agenda might be.  (We have an entire category here on Nashville and you will see what I mean.)

Anyway, here is the whole opinion piece from Barnett (published in its entirety because it will be a handy guide for all of you to keep for future reference and because I fear that the link may not be available for very long at this newspaper).


Refugee resettlement in America has traditionally been the responsibility of sponsors — families who housed the refugees, charitable organizations which provided assistance and employers with jobs.

Until the federal Refugee Act of 1980, refugees were explicitly barred from accessing public welfare. Sponsors had to provide at least a year of lodging and support including medical coverage.

This is not the system we have today.

Today, refugee resettlement is almost entirely the responsibility of the taxpayer — both state and federal; the sponsors have become federal contractors. One of the main tasks of the contractors — misleadingly called Voluntary Agencies or Volags — is to link refugees with social services programs. The contractor/sponsor responsibility ends after just three months in most cases. Needless to say, with such a short period of engagement, assimilation is not on the agenda, even when assimilation is the desire of the refugees themselves.

Thirty days after arrival, refugees are eligible for all forms of public assistance on the same basis as a U.S. citizen.

This has resulted in staggering welfare dependency rates, despite laughable statements about refugee “self-sufficiency” found in official Volag reports.

Sen. Richard Lugar, R.-Ind.*, commissioned a report in 2010 entitled “Abandoned Upon Arrival: Implications for Refugees and Local Communities Burdened by a U.S. Resettlement System That Is Not Working.”

The report concludes that the federal government too often brings refugees to U.S. communities with inadequate resources and little planning who “place demands, sometimes significant, on local schools, police, hospitals and social services. Local governments are often burdened with the weight of addressing the unique assistance refugees require, yet they rarely have an official role in influencing how many refugees are resettled by local voluntary agencies and often are not even informed in advance that new residents will be arriving.”

The report recommends modifications to “Enhance formal consultations with state and local leaders, improve accountability and promote community engagement which improves chances of assimilation.”

Likewise, the National Governors Association (NGA) regularly pleads for more state involvement “in the congressional consultation process through which new refugee admissions levels are determined to ensure that program funding is provided to support the level of refugee admissions.”

On its website, the NGA speaks of “a major federal policy change that shifts fiscal responsibility for meeting the basic needs of refugees and entrants from the federal government to states and localities.”

Further, “governors continue to be concerned about the lack of adequate consultation on the part of the voluntary agencies (Volags) and their local affiliates in the initial placement of refugees and on the part of the federal government in the equitable distribution of refugees.

States have continually urged the federal government to establish a mechanism to ensure appropriate coordination and consultation. However, significant progress has not been made. …”

Tennessee is the first state in the nation to pass a bill which will address this issue. The Refugee Absorption Capacity Act (RACA)* provides common-sense guidelines which promote consultation between Volags and the U.S. State Department on one hand and local communities on the other.

The law also provides a mechanism for localities to request a slowdown or a moratorium in resettlement based on the capacity limits of social service providers, public schools, public housing, public health services and so on. The law is very modest in that a community may merely make a request, not assert a right, to refuse resettlement.

Hopefully, it is the beginning of a process where affected communities are granted a say in the resettlement program.

Don Barnett is an information technology professional and free-lance writer in Brentwood.

*We told you about the Tennessee law here, and about Senator Lugar’s damning report here.

FY2012 refugee admission goal to be lowered by a piddling 4000…

In FY2011 the goal for the number of refugees to be admitted to the US from the Obama Administration was 80,000 but it looks like they will be way lower than that — in the 50,000s.   I suppose in some vague recognition of our bleak jobs outlook they are going to shoot for 76,000 in FY 2012.

Thanks to reader ‘Wanderer’ for sending us the official document from the President to Congress.  It is only supposed to be the proposed numbers but to my knowledge Congress just rubber stamps the thing!   The pdf is here.  You can find some interesting numbers on page 5.  I look forward to reading the whole document but wanted to get the link out to any of you who are eager to do your own reading.

It looks like the State Department is expecting the family reunification program from countries like Somalia to be reopened (it was closed in 2008 when they found widespread fraud—people were lying about family members, yes, can you believe it!).

Funny, it was only yesterday that we learned that the number of people living in poverty in the US is skyrocketing, but with tens of thousands of refugees admitted to the US each year we are importing more poverty. Go figure!  See the Reuters story here.

Trial opens today in that Minneapolis Somali murder case

We reported the murders back in January 2010, here, a couple of Somali refugee teens shot and killed three other Somalis in a store they were attempting to rob.

There is much hand wringing in the Somali “community” about why this should have happened when the kids had everything going for them in America.

From AP at the Houston Chronicle:

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Osman Jama Elmi was manning the family corner store on a cold January night, chatting with a cousin who stopped to say hello, when two people wearing masks entered.

Within moments, Elmi, his cousin and a customer were dead, shot multiple times and lying in pools of blood.
Opening statements are expected Monday in the trial of Mahdi Hassan Ali, an 18-year-old charged with murder, in a case that rocked the local Somali community, the nation’s largest.

The ins and outs of the case follow, then this which give us a hint of the morals (or lack of morals) in the Somali “community.”  It starts with Somalis being comfortable with lying!

Mahdi Ali’s age has also been an issue leading up to the trial. Prosecutors say both Mahdi Ali and Ahmed Ali were 17 at the time of the killings, but Goetz has argued that Mahdi Ali was only 15 and should not be tried in adult court.

Goetz [attorney] has said Mahdi Ali’s legal birthdate was fabricated to get the boy to the U.S. As the case proceeded to trial, dental X-rays were ordered to try to prove Mahdi Ali’s age. Ultimately, the Supreme Court ruled he would stand trial in adult court.


Fahia [to learn more about Saeed Fahia and where his funding comes from, go here—ed] and Mohamed Hassan, another community leader, both said the killings ended the lives of entrepreneurs who contributed to the economy, but it also ruined the lives of the two teens. They want justice, but see the case as a tragedy all around.

“The kids could have been saved, and could have been the future of this state,” Hassan said. “I don’t think we are born evil. I think we are all born innocent and nice, but some way, somehow along the road, something happens.”

Yes, and what could that be?

You might be interested in one person’s view of the Seward neighborhood where this crime occurred.  Also, visit ‘Why so many Somalis in Minneapolishere with more on Seward.