Canada: Former Iraqi refugee charged with stabbing to death another Iraqi refugee

There has got to be more to this story!

The alleged killer has been in Canada for a couple of decades and helps other Iraqis get to Canada and then kills one of them?  Hmmmm!

I’ll bet you a buck, the alleged killer has been running some sort of crime ring.   Why do I think that?  Convenience stores—he owned three of them!   In the US, immigrant run Convenience stores have become the hub in many cities for illegal drug activity and food stamp fraud.

From The Star:

An Iraqi-Canadian who helped fellow refugees find safety in Canada has been charged with second-degree murder in connection with the stabbing of one of his own.

Azize Sepan, 48, fled Iraq in 1985 as bombs exploded around him and thousands of people died in the Iran-Iraq War. He was a registered refugee, sponsored by the Canadian government.

Since arriving in Canada, Sepan chose to help other Iraqis make similar transitions. He worked alongside World Vision, helping more than 100 Iraqis make the move.

On Wednesday, police arrested Sepan in connection with the fatal stabbing of 29-year-old Evan Gorgees — a fellow Iraqi who moved to Canada two years ago.


It is unclear whether Sepan knew Gorgees or helped him move to Canada.

The Star directs us to another five-year-old story about Sepan where we learn of his “businesses” in Toronto.

Sepan, who owns three convenience stores, a flower shop and a trading company in Greater Toronto, was disheartened last August when his godfather’s application was denied. “It just doesn’t make sense,” said the 43-year-old Vaughan resident. “Private sponsorships don’t cost the government a penny. None of the people I helped sponsor here has taken a penny of social assistance.”

Someone should write a blog (or a book) about Convenience store crimes!  Do the work old time investigative reporters used to do!  Search RRW for Food Stamp Fraud and you will have the outline for your blog or book!

At least one news outlet notices the slanted news on Burma’s Rohingya

I’ve got loads of alerts filled with stories from all over the world declaring essentially that “monks have gone wild” killing Rohingya Muslims in Burma.  So, it was a relief to see that at least this one lonely story is reporting that the world news media is slanted in favor of the Muslims (always the victims!)  and is not reporting the whole truth about recent riots in Myanmar (Burma).

Here is Global Voices:

Eight weeks after Rakhine villages were attacked, the violence in western Myanmar continues to be a top news story in the mainstream and social media. While the international community is highlighting the statelessness of the Rohingya, many Myanmar citizens feel that ethnic Rakhine who were also victims during the riots are largely ignored. Moreover, they are accusing international news agencies, including Myanmar exile media, of covering the issue from a one-sided point of view.

Read on.

The NGOs are busy building a case for more Muslim refugees to be resettled in the US.

Update August 3:

Reader sends another report about the mainstream media manipulating the news.  And, it just occurred to me that if there is no persecution against Rohingya then they cannot be deemed refugees.

Here is the story from

The violence in western Myanmar started from the brutal raping and killing of a Rakhine (formerly known as Arakan) woman by three Muslims, the fact that two of them are reportedly Rohingyas is still a headliner in mainstream media.

The riot occurred in some areas in the Rakhine state, near the border towns of Myanmar and Bangladesh, where most of the population is Rohingya. Despite the riot, other states and divisions throughout the country where a number of Muslims live remained peaceful, proving that the clash was communal-based. Some mainstream media, however, manipulated the news as a religious clash between Muslims and Buddhists in Myanmar.

There is more.