Renewed effort on US mass immigration policy

Because I’m overloaded, and the time I spend researching and writing this blog and the other blog I publish(ed) consumes my free time (this is a volunteer effort after all!), I’ve decided to take a break from writing about national and Maryland political issues generally to re-focus my efforts here at RRW where we discuss legal immigration programs that are changing your towns and cities.

Except for occasional mentions at the websites of large immigration restriction groups, there is very little written on a daily basis to educate citizens about the negative side of legal immigration (except VDARE!).  LOL!  The goal here is to balance the news being fed to you daily by mainstream media stories about the American melting pot mythology (you know! ‘nation of immigrants,’ blah! blah! blah!).

Here is what reader, Paul, said when I announced a hiatus at Potomac Tea Party Report.  I believe this is right on!

I think you’re 100% correct to focus on the immigration issue. Bad laws can be repealed, evil politicians can be voted out, stolen lands can be reclaimed and lost fortunes rebuilt. But a lost people are lost forever.

It should be clear to all after the recent election results that  the Socialist/Communist/Islamist Left (with some help from the corporatist Right) isn’t so much changing minds as they are changing the people—including the make-up of the US population.  In addition to turning a blind eye to illegal immigration, the US government provides myriad programs through which third worlders are entering the US (besides the Refugee Resettlement Program) and people need to learn about them.  Surely, some of those new immigrants are here to try to improve their lives through hard work, but there are many more who are here for a handout (sorry to sound so harsh, but it’s the truth).

You can’t have mass immigration and a welfare state (for long)! (ask Sweden, Denmark, the UK, France, Belgium, Spain, Greece, etc.) 

We also need to understand that there are government contractors and political operatives who have other agendas for the people they are importing, and using.

I humbly encourage everyone to find your niche, and focus on something that will help America survive the coming onslaught.  It’s fun and tempting to be a news junky, a gadfly and to pontificate across a whole range of issues, but we need workers/researchers to focus and educate (through blogging, facebook, opinion writing for your local paper, etc) the public on specific topics on which you have become the expert.   Remember, there are no real investigative journalists anymore in the mainstream media.  (Where are the investigations of food stamp trafficking fraud for instance?)

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