University of Kansas professor to study Garden City, KS adjustment to demographic change

…But even before his research of the educational system and the challenges of a diverse student population it faces begins, he is prejudiced in favor of a positive report.

Here is how the story in the Garden City Telegram wraps up:

Stull [Don Stull professor of anthropology] said that in contrast to many other demographically similar communities that he has studied, Garden City is one of only a few that views diversity as something positive.

“Not everybody is happy about it, certainly, but Garden City, as a whole, has met those challenges head on and has seen the growing cultural and linguistic diversity as something to be valued and celebrated,” he said.

Got a hint now of the tone of the final report on this town in the heartland that has been transformed over three decades of immigrants arriving there to supply the cheap labor needs of Tyson Foods!

Before I launch into the rest of this very informative piece in the Garden City Telegram, check out our archives on Garden City.  We have written many posts about the problems there with the burgeoning immigrant population thanks to readers from Garden City who are the unhappy ones Stull refers to above.

One of my all time favorite stories from Garden City is when members of the Somali community demanded their own publicly funded section of the Cemetery so they didn’t need to be near the infidels even in death.  No assimilation even in death.   For our lengthy archive on Garden City, go here.

Another city in Kansas, Emporia, couldn’t take it when Tysons brought in hundreds of Somali workers, much controversy ensued and ultimately Tysons closed the Emporia plant and moved those workers to towns, like Garden City, that “celebrate” diversity.  See our whole category on what happened in Emporia (there are other posts in that category about how meatpackers are changing towns).  Other struggling meatpacking towns with immigrant controversies may be found in our category, Greeley/Swift Somali controversy.*

Here is the Garden City Telegram story from earlier this month (emphasis mine):

Because of its diversity, Garden City will be the focus of a research study conducted by the University of Kansas, beginning in January.

KU researchers recently were awarded a grant that will allow them to study the impact 30 years of continuous population changes in Garden City have had on local schools, and what that could teach educators in other communities nationwide.

“Garden City was at the forefront of that changing demographic and has been an exemplar, not only of what has happened, but what will continue to happen,” Don Stull, KU professor of anthropology, said. “Schools are one of the places in any community where everyone comes together. That’s not necessarily true of work, recreation, religion or similar institutions. We’ll be able to look at that intersection of school and community and learn a great deal.”

Stull has done research about Garden City for the past 25 years, contributing to his expertise about the impact meat and poultry industries have on communities.

Apparently Stull plans to report that Garden City is an “exemplar” that other cities should follow.  His report will then be used to guilt-trip other overloaded meatpacking towns to not complain about the immigrant labor flowing in and out of their towns.

American blacks have high unemployment rates.

By the way, just this morning Roy Beck of NumbersUSA sent out an e-mail stating that the media is starting to pay attention to the high unemployment numbers for black Americans.  Here is one paragraph from his e-mail:

As has happened in every great wave of immigration, the nation’s employers have eliminated channels of recruitment into poor Black communities. Employers don’t need Black American workers for construction, manufacturing, service and transportation because the government provides masses of new immigrant workers every year who, as the Post noted, have built-in job networks and a rootlessness that give them advantages for the scarce jobs of this economy.  [Additionally, the immigrant workers, esp. the refugees, are taking advantage of the social safety net so that meatpacking wages can be kept low.—ed]

I digressed!  Back to Garden City….

Since Iowa Beef Processors (IBP) opened in December 1980 in Holcomb (now Tyson Fresh Meats), immigrants from Latin America, southeast Asia and, more recently, Somalia, Ethiopia and Myanmar have relocated to Garden City.

The $40,000 grant awarded by the Spencer Foundation will allow professors Stull and Jennifer Ng, KU associate professor of educational leadership and policy studies, to conduct interviews with teachers, administrators, parents and students, to see how they have approached the cultural shift in terms of meeting the educational needs of Garden City’s migrant and refugee students, who collectively speak 21 languages other than English.

“The Spencer Foundation research will afford me the opportunity, along with Jennifer, to spend quite a bit of time in Garden City, focusing specifically on the schools and how administrators, teachers and other staff — how they really are dealing with that growing diversity,” Stull said.

The professors’ research will enable them to compile and share data with other communities in the nation and Canada that are experiencing similar change.

Stull:  Garden City is a “micropolitan” community!   Bet you wish you had one of these!

Micropolitan communities are rural, small towns, based largely on agricultural economies, but they experience the kind of social and cultural challenges that metropolitan areas face. So one of the attractive things about Garden City, to researchers like myself, is that there are a lot of really interesting things happening, but they’re happening on a scale small enough that you can kind of get your mind around it, you can see it,” he said.

Readers might want to visit this post from 2010 where another professor in Kansas (Kansas State) wrote not so favorably about the refugees being delivered into the hands of meatpackers by the government (and the NGOs!) to Kansas towns and leaving the problems of assimilation to the towns to cope with!

* I have a theory that when the Somalis caused such problems a few years ago in meatpacking plants with their lawsuits and religious demands, that the big boys in the meat industry said to the State Department—bring us refugee laborers that are more docile!  Thus the Burmese Karen and Bhutanese/Nepalis began being resettled in huge numbers.  Legal and trapped labor is just the ticket for the meat giants!

Trapped?  Refugees can’t go home unless they can scrounge up money for a return flight.  Some have managed to do that.

Comment worth noting: Reader responds to this morning’s Libya post

And, tells us how the migrants are launched from Libya and arrive in Malta with the help of the Catholic Church. Then, of course, many are moved along to the US.  In the US the Catholic Bishops/Catholic Charities are then paid by you (taxpayers) for the migrants care.

I’m posting this comment here because I’m afraid you won’t see it simply as a comment at my Libya post this morning.   We don’t often use it, but that is what this category (comments worth noting) is all about.

From Charles (emphasis mine):

Practically all the illegal immigrants’ boats departing from Libya start their voyage from the port of Zuwarah which is about 2 miles south east of the city centre (look it up in Google Earth). The harbour master there seems to be very accommodating 😉

As soon as the boat is outside Libyan territorial waters, the occupants use a satellite phone to call an Eritrean priest in the Vatican, Don Mosé Zerai, He then contacts the Rome Rescue Coordination Centre who in turn communicate the details to the Maltese RCC. The position of the boat is obtained from Thuraya, the satellite phone company because all sat phones have GPS and the origin of the call can be pinpointed to within a few metres.

Libya never launches any Search and Rescue (SAR) operations, so the Maltese prime minister, whose loyalty is first to the Vatican and then to Brussels, takes it upon himself to authorise operations in Libyan SAR waters, lest some illegal immigrant drowns. This is how it is done nowadays. Gone are the days when illegals used to try and sneak in clandestinely. They don’t have to. They get a free ferry ride into harbour where food and drink, medical aid and midwives will be waiting for them. There are invariably severely pregnant women on every boat. Some have given birth on the high seas and their offspring cannot be issued with a birth certificate, but that’s another story. Pregnant women escape detention and once the baby is born and has served its purpose, it is abandoned to the institutes run by the Catholic Church.

Any sat phones, GPS navigators and documents are dumped overboard as soon a the rescue launch approaches. They will then sometimes hang small children over the side and threaten to drown the children unless they are taken to Malta immediately. They interpret kindness and mercy as weakness and exploit it ruthlessly.

You can use Google Translate to read the story here:

If you need any help with translation I can do it for you.  [not me, Charles!—ed]

Libyan officials are in Texas studying how we secure our borders….

….maybe they are here to see how to get more of their people across our border!

This is not a joke, this is not a Saturday Night Live skit, but it will make you chuckle on several levels.

First, they say they are here to learn from us—the experts—on how best to secure their borders.  And, my question is are they trying to keep illegal immigrants out of Libya, or their own people in, because Libya has been the jumping off point for Africans (Libyans and others) trying to get to Malta* or Italy and to the rest of Europe.

Apparently invited by the Obama Administration, here is the story and video report (hat tip: Gary, who knows the Texas border well):

WESLACO – Members of the Libyan government were in the Rio Grande Valley to learn about the way the United States secures its borders.

More than a dozen Libyan officials toured Valley ports of entry this week. They said Libya faces some of the same problems with drug smuggling, weapons smuggling and illegal immigration.

The Libyans said that, contrary to United States, their borders have little security.

They said 3,000 miles of border separate Libya from six other countries. Their borders are open, with no natural or manmade barriers. Their borders have no ports of entry or checkpoints.

They came to the Valley to learn how Customs and Border Protection officers stop drug smugglers, human traffickers and illegal immigrants.


Members of the delegation said they need more resources and training to secure their borders.

What do you want to bet that Obama is about to give them the “resources.”    It’s O.K. for Libya to want to secure its borders while the US border is still a sieve and the Democrats cry foul when some of us want to secure it even further.

Watch for it!  US tax dollars to Libya for border security!

Libya’s history with illegal immigrants and allowing them to embark from Libyan ports has been a long one.  During Gaddaffi’s reign he turned the spigot of “refugees” leaving Libya on and off at his whim, but in years leading up to his getting the heave-ho from Obama and friends, he had tried to stem the tide of migrants launching from Libya.

Then when the ‘beautiful’ Arab Spring began (thanks to Obama and Hillary) the flow began in earnest and many died in vessels attempting to carry immigrants across the Mediterranean Sea to Europe.   As a matter of fact, Libyan “refugees” are still dying as this article from last month highlights.

Also, as the racist Arab rebels consolidated power in Libya after the fall of Gaddaffi, we have many posts here reporting on the treatment of black Africans in Libya (here is just one on the subject where Hillary slaps the rebels’ wrists).

The Arab Spring created tens of thousands of additional refugees running for their lives.   The Arab Libyans do not like blacks and I suspect that is the real reason behind their desire to close their borders to the rest of Africa (I doubt that guns and drugs are foremost on their minds).  It’s those low-life blacks (Muslim or not) that the Muslim Arabs hate.

* For new readers:  We have paid special close attention to Malta for over 5 years now, as the US continues to take illegal immigrants who arrive on Malta to the US as refugees.  Reader Charles sent us this article just a week ago today.  Look at the video clip associated with the Texas article above which shows a map of the region—the island of Malta is in a direct line from Libya.   These African illegal aliens now on the way to America, surely launched from Libya.

From the Times of Malta:

20 migrants from Somalia, Eritrea and Sudan, all single adult men, except for a family of four and one couple, have left Malta for the US  under the US Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP).  On arrival, they will be assisted by NGOs in the USA to proceed to their final destinations in various states.

This latest departure brings the total of beneficiaries of international protection who were resettled to the United States from Malta since 2007 to 1,118 migrants. Since the start of the USRRP in 2008, the number of beneficiaries of protection resettled to the United States amounts to 1,090.

307 migrants have been resettled from Malta to the United States of America since the beginning of this year.

15 more of Malta’s illegal aliens came to the US the week before thatHere, thanks to Charles.  This precedent-setting practice of taking off Malta’s hands some of its economic migrants began in the Bush Administration and was instigated by Jesuits in Malta with the help of a succession of US Ambassadors to the country.   Legitimate refugees are to seek asylum in the first safe country in which they arrive.  There isn’t supposed to be this ‘pass through’ ticket to the US.  This is the European Union’s problem, not ours!

How about if we tell our “friends” running Libya now to stop the boats from launching as a first step in their border security!

For more, type ‘Libya’ into our search function.  We have dozens and dozens of posts on the monster we helped create.  Responsibility to protect!  What a joke!

Recognizing Jewish refugees from Arab countries

As the United Nations continues to bemoan the fate of so-called “Palestinian refugees,” the history of Jewish refugees from the time before and shortly after the creation of the State of Israel has been long forgotten—until now.   Regular readers know this is a topic we’ve discussed on several occasions recently and previous posts can be found in our Israel and Refugees category.

Here is another good article on the issue and it’s worth repeating because any future discussion about the Palestinians and “peace” attempts will necessarily include consideration of fairness to former Jewish refugees.

Here is Michael Curtis writing at the Gatestone Institute (Hat tip:  Richard Falknor at Blue Ridge Forum):

The status of those Jews as refugees has been found to be in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Status of Refugees. The UNHCR announced on two occasions, in February 1957 and in July 1967, that Jews who fled from Arab countries “may be considered prima facie within the mandate of this office,” thus regarding them, according to international law, as bona fide refugees.

The Palestinian narrative of victimhood, emphasizing the pitiful condition of Palestinian refugees, and portraying them as the world’s major refugee problem, has convinced many in the international community to accept this version of their unfortunate plight and the injustices done to them.

That narrative, however, essentially one of historical revisionism, denies the truth that the Jews who left, fled, or were expelled from Arab countries can really be regarded as refugees, as well.

The story of these Jewish refugees has been much less well known than that of the Palestinian refugees, about whose fate international resolutions have been passed, and on whose behalf thirteen UN agencies and organizations have provided aid. The issue of the legitimate rights of the Jewish refugees, and the individual and collective loss of their assets, have not yet been seriously addressed; nor have there been any real attempts in international forums at the restitution of their rights and assets.

The contrast is startling. Between 1949 and 2009 there were 163 resolutions passed in the UN General Assembly dealing with Palestinian refugees; there was not one on Jewish refugees. Similarly, since 1968, the UN Human Rights Council (formerly Commission) has adopted 132 resolutions dealing with the plight of the Palestinian refugees, but not one directed to the Jewish refugees from Arab countries.

Other specialized agencies of the UN have been specifically established, or charged, to pay attention to the Palestinian refugees. These refugees have benefited from international financial assistance; the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), since 1950, has provided over $13 billion (in 2007 prices). Jewish refugees have received nothing from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the international organization dealing with refugees all over the world except Palestinians, who have the UNRWA solely devoted to them.

There is more, read it all here.

Forever a thorn in the side of Israel

It should be stunning to those who don’t know already—Palestinian “refugees” are the only people the UNHCR never tries to resettle in other countries.  Indeed they have their own UN agency—UNRWA—to which we in the US send billions of dollars to help maintain them as permanent refugees generation after generation (60 plus years!) while demanding their “right to return” to the land that is now Israel, whereupon Israel would promptly become a Muslim country.

Contrast that to how we quickly did the UN’s bidding and scooped up tens of thousands of Bhutanese/Nepali people expelled from Bhutan (as one reader said because Bhutan feared the ethnic Nepalis would end up out-populating them in their own country—sound familiar!).   The UN and the US did not demand a “right of return” for the Bhutanese/Nepali people to either of those countries which we very easily could have done through financial aid sweeteners (if we needed to get involved at all!).   Instead we simply moved them out to your cities.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, I am not promoting the mass resettlement of Palestinians (to western countries, let the Arabs take them in) now that Hamas is running the place, but just pointing out the hypocrisy of the United Nations (and fascist one-worlders) when it comes to Israel and refugees generally.

Did we really help the Bhutanese/Nepali “refugees” by bringing them to America, ripping them out of their Buddhist culture, subjecting them to crime and murders in rotten US slum neighborhoods, and jobs in chicken factories?  Really?

LOL!  There is a lot of hypocrisy in the refugee industry and pointing it out keeps me going every day!

Imam sentenced in $3.8 million food stamp scam in Ohio

This is an update of a story we posted back in 2011, here and here (guns were involved), about a large food stamp fraud scheme with a local mosque leader at the heart of it.

I’m wondering what’s up with all the food stamp fraud news coming across my desk in recent weeks.  I’m wondering if the feds held up arrests and court decisions until after the election—after all, no need to unnecessarily rile up voters in advance of November 6th on such a touchy issue as food stamp fraud.

Here is the latest on the sentencing of Al-Idu Al-Gaheem, Imam of a Dayton-area mosque.

He could have gotten four years in the slammer, but he judge gave him one year and one day!   $3.8 million is a big haul!

A federal judge on Thursday sentenced Al-Idu Al-Gaheem to one year and one day in prison for his role in a scheme that bilked $3.8 million from the federal food stamp program.

Al-Gaheem, the former owner of two Dayton View businesses and the imam of Masjid At-Taqwa mosque*, was the second of four defendants to be sentenced in the case. All four defendants have pleaded guilty.

Al-Gaheem faced as many as four years in prison after he pleaded guilty in August to felony charges of conspiracy to commit money laundering and conspiracy to commit wire fraud, food stamp trafficking and structuring transactions to avoid reporting requirements.

Al-Gaheem and co-conspirators knew what they were doing, in the usual 50 cents on the dollar scam:

Al-Gaheem worked and conspired with Abdul Yamini Sr., Abdul Qadir and Omar Yahya to defraud the food-assistance program. The men illegally paid customers 50 cents in cash for every $1 in food stamp benefits they redeemed.

Undercover law enforcement agents caught the defendants illegally trading cash for food stamp benefits and buying and selling products that are ineligible through the program, such as counterfeit clothing and firearms.

Authorities estimate that more than 1,000 transactions took place at Five Pillars Market that involved the illegal exchange of food benefits. The federal government deposited about $3.8 million into bank accounts controlled by Al-Gaheem and others as reimbursement for food benefits redeemed at Five Pillars.

Al-Gaheem repeatedly withdrew large amounts of cash from the bank account, but he always took out sums that were just less than the threshold that requires the filing of federal financial reports.


Al-Gaheem’s attorney James Fleisher argued that justice would best be served by placing his client on probation or house arrest, because Al-Gaheem is an important part of his community and some family members depend on him for caregiving and financial support.

LOL!  When he gets out he will be ordered to pay the money back that he stole (oops, received through redistribution) from you!

In addition to prison, Black also ordered Al-Gaheem to be placed on three years of community control after his release.

Al-Gaheem and the other co-defendants in the case will be ordered to pay $3.8 million in restitution to the federal government, even though authorities doubt that they can even come close to paying back the money they stole.

* Very very interesting!  Just now checking out Al-Gaheem’s mosque, I learned that Patrick Poole wrote about it here in 2008 because they invited an “Islamic hate sheikh” to Dayton.  Here is how Poole begins his Frontpage article:

Khalid Yasin is one of the most notorious Islamic hate sheikhs in the world today. He had been widely condemned from the US to Britain to Australia for his virulent Wahhabist extremism, his intense anti-Americanism (despite the fact that he is an American-born convert), his justification of Islamic terrorism, his wild-eyed conspiracy theories, and his outright racial and religious bigotry.

How much do you want to bet that some of your food stamp dollars were redistributed to Yasin!