One day I guess we will know the answers to those questions (see myprevious postfor background). Maybe after Gosnell gets his due there should be another prosecution?
I see today on Drudge that he has a link to the opening of the Kermit Gosnell abortion doctor trial in Philly and this (below) is near the end of the article.
Gosnell’s attorney calls the prosecution “elitist” and “racist.” From
He is also charged with third-degree murder in the death of a Virginia woman, Karnamaya Mongar, 41, who prosecutors allege was administered too much anesthesia during a 2009 abortion.
McMahon, however, argued that Mongar, a political refugee from Bhutan who arrived in the United States four months before her death, did not tell Gosnell or his staff that she had respiratory problems that made her more vulnerable to anesthesia.
If Mrs. Mongar had only been in the US for four months as a refugee who didn’t speak English, she would still have been under the supposedly watchful eye of a resettlement contractor. So who helped her ‘find her way’ to Philly?
Was it Catholic Charities?
Lutheran Immigration Services?
Virginia Council of Churches?
or, the secular International Rescue Committee?
It could have been any of those four—all are resettlement contractors operating in Virginia.
I’m not convinced that a new refugee from a camp in Nepal could decide to have an abortion, find one of the few abortion clinics like Gosnell’s that still exist, get herself to another state and then be expected (without English) to give an accounting of her medical condition. She had to have American help. Were other refugees being taken to Gosnell?
Every day I get up eager to find more interesting stories about our out-of-control Refugee Resettlement program, and I definitely avoid the nitty-gritty tedious work of digging through documents so that the average American wondering where all these third-worlders are coming from and who is paying for it (mostly you) might be better informed.
Today, I made myself do some digging.
An aside: Readers you’ve probably noticed that government at all levels thrives on secrecy. If you’ve ever questioned a local boondoggle project or any sort of government program you know what I mean. They, government officials at any level, fear that the taxpayer will raise questions and they frankly hide stuff as best they can. In fact, it is easy to do because the government is a leviathan and they don’t even need to purposely hide stuff, we private citizens just don’t have the time to dig for it.
And, by the way, their ability to hide stuff has been made easier since real investigative reporting is rare. The mainstream media now appears to be on the side of government rather on the side of the citizens. So, I’ve learned over the years that the first step in any battle with government is to find their documents—any documents! It’s actually funny, you may never find a smoking gun, but just having their documents makes them nervous and is your first step to bring about change.
Today I found something I’ve been wondering about for years—some of the Legislative history of the Refugee Resettlement Act of 1980 (really 1979). It is here, at the Library of Congress and I can tell this bill summary is filled with all sorts of juicy things you will be hearing more about as time goes on.
Who do we thank for the Refugee Resettlement Act?
Top honors go to Senator Ted Kennedy and President Jimmy Carter!
I’ve written about this before, but along with Chief Sponsor Ted(don’t bring them to Hyannis) Kennedy we have the following co-sponsors (remember these guys—mostly Dems!):
Sen Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [DE] –
Sen Boschwitz, Rudy [MN] –
Sen Hatfield, Mark O. [OR] –
Sen Javits, Jacob K. [NY] –
Sen Levin, Carl [MI] –
Sen McGovern, George [SD] –
Sen Moynihan, Daniel Patrick [NY] –
Sen Pell, Claiborne [RI] –
Sen Randolph, Jennings [WV] –
Sen Ribicoff, Abraham A. [CT] –
Sen Riegle, Donald W., Jr. [MI] –
Sen Sarbanes, Paul S. [MD] –
Sen Tsongas, Paul E. [MA] –
Sen Williams, Harrison A., Jr. [NJ]
And, I always thought it was funny that Jennings Randolph’s and Bobby Byrd’s West Virginia and Joe Biden’s Delaware resettled only a tiny fraction of the 3 million refugees resettled since 1975! The top year for resettlement was 1980! with 207,000! 1980 was also the first year we admitted refugees from Africa.
In 1981 we resettled 159,000 and in 1982 it was 97,000. Reagan must have caught on and we saw a big drop to 62,000 in 1983.
Since 1975, the U.S. has resettled over 3 million refugees, with annual admissions figures ranging from a high of 207,000 in 1980 to a low of 27,110 in 2002. The average number admitted annually since 1980 is 98,000. [That low year (2002) was because 9/11 happened and they were all scared that a refugee might be a terrorist—that did happen eventually, but not right after 9/11.—ed]
But then get this!
The law specified that the refugee cap for 1980, ’81 and ’82 was set at 50,000 a year unless the President determined there was a great crisis—-did Ronald Reagan actually agree with this? Although fiscal year 1980’s 207,000 would have been Jimmy Carter’s gift to America (along with having signed the bill into law on March 17th, (St. Pat’s Day) 1980!).
Provides for up to 50,000 annual refugee admissions for fiscal years 1980 through 1982. Authorizes the President to exceed such 50,000 admissions level if, at the beginning of a fiscal year and after appropriate consultation, he determines it to be for humanitarian purposes. Provides that these admissions shall be allocated to groups of special concern to the United States.
Funds were only authorized for those three years as well. Wonder if they have been just operating ever since without formally reauthorizing the funding?
Endnote: Ann Coulter reminded the audience at CPAC of Ted Kennedy’s role in changing America with immigration, here, on Saturday. Readers! They are changing the people!
When I started writing Refugee Resettlement Watch nearly six years ago (this is my 4,001st post!), rarely, except atVDARE(and the Center for Immigration Studies occasionally), would anyone utter a word about “refugees” other than in the most reverential tones. Refugees were the untouchables, but that seems to be changing. Fear of the collapse of the West due to mass migration is openly being discussed.
Now, the word “refugee” is no longer sacrosanct. HereDaniel Greenfieldlast week calls the migration of the third world to the first world what it is—colonization, with no end in sight. They are coming and are not assimilating (if that’s what you have been counting on!).
The old paradigm that a country has the right to decide who enters it has been decisively overturned in Europe, it’s under siege in such first world countries as America, Canada, Australia and Israel by the creed that says it’s the human rights obligation of every nation to accept every refugee.
Given a chance a sizable portion of the third world would move to the first, a minority because of oppression and a majority because the opportunities and freebies are much better there. Even low ranked first world nations still find themselves swamped with refugees looking to move in.
International law does not assign any priority to a nation’s citizens over any person who happens to stray across the border. At the ground level that means the end of borders and the end of citizenship which is why immigration isn’t just a touchy issue in Arizona, it’s a touchy issue in Sydney, Tel Aviv and Birmingham. You can hardly open a newspaper of the liberal persuasion without being treated to another group of refugees in some troubled part of the world walled up behind fences and trying to get over to London, Sydney or New York. [Watch for it! Syrians next?—ed]
This sort of thing can’t be called immigration anymore, it’s a straightforward migration and it has no apparent limits. However many you take in, there will be more waiting and always burdening you with an unsolvable crisis.
Ann Coulter for President! says Peter Brimelow at VDARE
Coulter spoke at CPAC yesterday and probably assured herself a disinvite next year (just as happened toPamela Geller)* when Coulter declared that she was a one issue voter and would support only candidates opposing amnesty for illegal aliens.
She said with no equivocation that Ted Kennedy’s 1965 mass migration strategy will kill America. And, remember that was not about illegal aliens already in the US, but opened the doors of America to mass migration from the third world.
Check it out here at VDARE and watch her speech (in my view the most significant CPAC speech this year).
*Update! Funny! organized a panel for the un-invited including Geller and Robert Spencer—watch Spencer finger Suhail Khan and Grover Norquist!
Longtime readers know that we have been following the Rohingya Muslim story for years and when they finally burst on the scene in a big way in your US/Western towns and cities as refugees (small numbers are coming to the US already), just as the Somalis did decades ago, at least you will have a chronology here at RRW of how it happened.
For ambitious readers and prospective authors, we have 134 previous posts in our Rohingya Reportscategory.
And, one reason why the turmoil in largely Buddhist Burma (aka Myanmar) is being watched so closely is that if the Burmese government is allowed to exclude an ethnic/religious group, which they claim are basically illegal aliens from Bangladesh, from full participation in government, the world’s Leftist/Islamist axis will have suffered a blow. Burma/Myanmar wants the right to keep Burma for its own kind of people (diversity is not beautiful to them!).
There is lots of interest in learning exactly who these people are and how they came to be in Burma. I’ve seen two reports including the one I’m posting now (hereis a previous one) this month of historians holding seminars on the subject.
Of course, to us, the issue will primarily be—why are the Rohingya/Bengalis coming to the US? Why is this conflict in Burma our problem?
Historians confirm that at most the people calling themselves Rohingya today are in Burma from the days of colonial rule—not from an Arab shipwreck centuries before that.
A straight forward message was given by history Professor Aye Chan* of Kanda University of Japan that there is no Rohingya in Myanmar, tracing back to centuries of Rakhine chronicle at a lively lecture in spacious MICT Park of Yangon on March 14.
According to Aye Chan, there is no national as Rohingya people in history and that the historians would be unethical if they considered things merely on the basis of patriotism and moreover, they should not advocate on the wrong premises. One must not talk or write without the firm evidences and that the history writers must try to present the truth by setting aside the partisanship. He said that he had never advocated on behalf of any national race in the discussions or writings.
The professor continued, “In the chronicle of Myanmar, there never were Rohingya people. I always talk and declare this statement. However, I respect and pay esteem to human rights matters. I have never committed or slip of tongue that undermined human rights. All the evidences are with me.”
Elaborating the past, he said that the existing problem was the bad legacy of the colonial rule for over one hundred year in Myanmar.
Professor Aye Chan goes on to debunk the Arab shipwreck theory.
Leaving the history aside, here is the real nugget of truth behind the conflict—Islamists are spreading their people across the world and hiding behind a shield (that it’s all about humanitarianism and fairness)—and Dr. Chan calls them out. Remember we learned about the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and Iran involved in shoving the Rohingya down the throats of the Buddhists, here and here.
If peaceful coexistence is the goal, then why is money being raised for a holy war?
There are talks and discussions spreading to the effect calling for peaceful coexistence between Rakhine national races and Bengali.
The Professor raised a question to the audience, “There is request for cash donation to wage religious war (Jihad – – a holy war fought by Muslims to defend Islam). The handouts are distributed in the Islamic countries. Bank accounts for such donations are opened in Chittagong and Dhaka in Bangladesh. With such sinister scheme in the pipeline, will you believe the idea of peaceful coexistence with Rakhine nationals and Bengali?”
He continued his talks by saying that the word “Rohingya” was first introduced in an article in the then Guardian daily newspaper published in Yangon by a person named Mr. Abu Gaffer, nationalities representative of Buthitaung Township of Rakhine State in 1951.
* Read about Professor Aye Chan here, and then here a Rohingya living in the US calls him a racist (ho hum, so what else is new).
Longtime readers know that following food stamp fraud is a hobby of mine here at RRW. Something is happening because the number of busts seem to be increasing! Should we thank the O-man in the White House? Perhaps!
Also, for critics who think I’m selecting busts of immigrant scammers and skipping over the Bakers, the Smiths and the Jones trafficking in food stamps, I’m not. Easily nine out of ten stories I come across through my alerts involve immigrant-owned or managed stores.
I don’t think all of the cases are isolated, there is some international criminal element involved (some of your scammed money is sent out of the country), but I have no idea what it is, just some guesses.
I had two intriguing cases show up yesterday. Looks like in both cases they are Indian store owners. Hey, Professor Kotkin are these some of your immigrant entrepreneurs moving to middle America?
POTTSTOWN — Two people were arrested after police served search warrants at three borough stores in connection with a fraud investigation involving food stamp access cards.
Adbu Aljash, 38, of Pottstown, and Kuldip Kaur, 40, of King of Prussia, were both charged with felony corrupt organization and other related charges, according to court documents.
Kaur worked at the Quick Mart Grocery Store on 55 E. High Street. Customers were able to buy cigarettes, non-food items and could receive cash back on their government-issued ACCESS cards, according to court records.
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General had been monitoring Kaur and the store since last August 2012, according to the police report.
During that time, approximately $94,865 worth of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) transactions happened at the store, the police report said.
Undercover agents made five trips to the Quick Mart, the report said.
The officer picked up a few items and during the transaction and then asked for $75 in cash back. Kaur charged $159.70 to the card, then told the undercover agent not to ask anyone else in the store to make those types of transactions, according to the report.
On four subsequent visits, undercover officers asked for cash on the ACCESS card, the report said.
During a trip on Dec. 19, 2012, the officer reported that Kaur told them to “type in what you want” when the officer asked for cash back, according to the report.
When an undercover officer asked Kaur how much he would get if Kaur took $250 off the card, she allegedly told the officer he would receive $125, the report said.
When Kaur was arrested Friday afternoon, she seemed confused but did not resist the police.During the execution of the search warrant, police also found drug paraphernalia.
It’s unclear if Aljash is Indian, his name doesn’t appear to be Indian (his photo is posted at the story in a slide show of the arrests, so have a look).
The transactions that Aljash made were much lower, but he is involved in two schemes using the cards at borough convenience stores, according to police.
Aljash allegedly took part in ACCESS card fraud schemes at a store at 315 E. High St. and a store at 435 N. Charlotte St., according to the police report.
In our second case today, from Green Bay, a family of Sikhs have already plead guilty and are awaiting sentencing for a number of charges involving food stamp fraud.
A family of three will be sentenced April 29 in Brown County Circuit Court on charges connected to food stamp fraud at a store they own and operate on Green Bay’s northeast side.
Gurnek and Gurdeep Basanti and their daughter Simarjot, 26, all pleaded guilty to charges on Thursday. Gurnek and Gurdeep each pleaded to a felony count of food stamp fraud involving a value between $100 and $5,000, and two misdemeanor counts involving a value of less than $100.
They both were facing two felonies and 18 misdemeanors involving more food stamp fraud charges, theft and credit card fraud.
This case also has a hate crime element—a hater or a disgruntled customer?
The Basantis were charged in August with running a food stamp fraud operation out of the store. The complaint said that, with the cooperation of some of their food stamp customers, the couple would overcharge them and pocket the extra cash. They also allegedly would allow those customers to buy alcohol and cigarettes, products that are prohibited under the food stamp program. They also would require some of their customers to leave their credit cards in the store for a period as security for debt and they allegedly used the cards to make purchases.
They have been operating another store, Dollar Land, at the Irwin Avenue site since losing their liquor license. The store was in the news earlier this month when a man emptied a small vial of gasoline onto the cash register and lit it, causing minor damage.
James Parrish, 53, of Green Bay, is accused of arson as a hate crime, first-degree recklessly endangering safety and carrying a concealed weapon in connection with the incident. His next court appearance is April 5.
Parrish was charged with a hate crime because the Basantis are Sikh Americans.
Any real investigative reporters out there? We have dozens and dozens of examples of immigrant-run food stamp fraud cases from sea to shining sea. This is a potential Pulitzer prize winning story for someone! Type ‘food stamp fraud’ into our search function and see what I mean.
My theory is that there are international operatives who recruit potential store owners, train them, provide seed money, and with the help of US attorneys who specialize in helping procure investor visas get them set up in the lucrative business of scamming the American taxpayer.