Educational challenge: Many ‘unaccompanied alien children’ are teens who have never seen a computer and can’t count to ten!

As we have previously reported, and Breitbart (writing about a “fact sheet” from the Office of Refugee Resettlement) reiterated this week, most of the so-called “children” surging the border are teenaged males, see Breitbart here for the facts (hat tip: Joanne).

Here come the teens. Breitbart photo

And, see this AP report from Dalton, Georgia about the problems the school system there is facing with even the small number of mostly teenaged boys they have received.

From AP at Education Week (hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’). Emphasis is mine:

DALTON, Ga. (AP) — The challenges presented by an influx of unaccompanied children and youths from Central America streaming across the southern border into the United States have reached Dalton.

Approximately 30 unaccompanied minors were admitted into the Dalton Public Schools district during the last school year, Superintendent Jim Hawkins said. It is not known whether more are coming with a new school year approaching.


The newcomers — mostly teenagers — are some of the hundreds of thousands of youths fleeing drug-related strife in their home countries, seeking asylum in America.

The majority of the youths sent to Dalton are from the Central American nations of El Salvador and Guatemala, Woodason said. Though the number of new students has not been unmanageable for the school system, the youths bring with them an entirely unique set of challenges for the district to address.

Dalton is 90 miles from Atlanta

“They have very, very limited amounts of education. In some cases, they cannot count to 10,” Woodason said. “They can’t turn on a computer. They’ve never even seen a computer. Also, they, in most cases, cannot speak English or Spanish.”

Mostly, the students speak Mam or another language specific to their region.

“There is no way these children can be in biology, U.S. history or any other high school course at our current schools,” Woodason said.

The lack of a traditional education, according to Jennifer Phinney, director of School Support, is due, simply, to the fact that the youths never needed it.

“Most of these students are from very, very rural places,” she said. “They are farmers and laborers, by tradition.”

The new students need to get out of high school by age 22 (!), so Dalton is setting up a “Newcomer Academy” to try to deal with the problem (imagine what all that will cost the local taxpayers!).  How many do you think will ever finish high school?

All of our coverage of ‘unaccompanied minors’ is here.


CNN investigates: US Catholic Bishops live in mansions

Cardinal Dolan and three other priests live in this $30 million Madison Avenue mansion. Lots of room to house innumerable refugees and “children.”


At a time when the US Conference of Catholic Bishops is receiving millions of tax dollars  (not including the fact that they pay no local property taxes) to do their “Christian charity” on behalf of refugees and the ‘unaccompanied alien children’ surging across the US southern border and are caterwauling for more tax dollars, we learn that some of the US Bishops are living in priest palaces!  Hat tip: Brad

So why can’t the Catholic Church sell some of its valuable real estate instead of tapping the taxpayer for cash for their charity?  And, on top of it, consider their hubris as they lecture us about  “welcoming the stranger.”  How many angels dance on the head of a pin?  How about, how many migrants can squeeze into a Bishop’s mansion?

Cardinal Timothy Dolan has the priciest digs of all—-a Madison Avenue mansion worth $30 million.

Visit CNN and enjoy photos of other homes of the rich and religious.

But, here (right) is the Baltimore home of Bishop William Lori who we mentioned recently as he fussed and fumed about a new Obama ruling that might restrict the Bishops’ lifeline of federal cash by excluding them from federal contracts.

With 11,500 square feet he should easily be able to house ten or more illegal alien teens here and still have room for himself and his office.

Endnote:  I wonder where Bishop Elizondo lives?

Go here for all of our coverage of the ‘unaccompanied minors’ crisis.  For everything on the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), search for USCCB or Catholic Charities and some other key word because I bet we have 300 posts or more here relating to their activities—good luck!

The Bishops are the largest of the original nine federal refugee/illegal alien (political activist!) contractors!

The federal refugee resettlement contractors (we may have to start adding grant recipient big dogs Baptist Child and Family Services and Southwest Key Programs to our list):


Canada: Writer challenges assumptions about compassion for refugees

Don’t assume that everyone in the ‘caring class’ is on the same page when it comes to the idea of permanent refugee resettlement into the first world.

Here is a piece from the Vancouver Sun (thanks to ‘pungentpeppers’) that will give you something to think about (when I say you, I mean all of those US refugee resettlement employees and volunteers working day and night to fill the US with needy migrants, who will stay here permanently, all in the name of humanitarian compassion for the downtrodden).

(I am assuming you are legitimately concerned for the world’s poor and not just flooding America with future Leftwing voters, or in the case of Republican RINOs with cheap foreign laborers, or want to keep your job.)

This is the caption from under a photo of Syrian refugees (emphasis is mine):

The purpose of asylum in conflict situations is not to confer a permanently transformed life onto the fortunate minority who are able to get out,” Paul Collier says, “but to preserve the country’s critically important skilled and politically engaged people until it is safe for them to return to rebuild their society.

Here is Douglas Todd writing at the Vancouver Sun about ten days ago:

Many Canadians make the case for compassion when they maintain the country should retain one of the world’s most generous rates for welcoming immigrants and refugees.

Canadians’ hearts go out when they hear about people struggling in countries like Guatemala, the Philippines, India and Lebanon. We tend to believe Canada has a duty to offer a better life.

Many Canadians want to be especially kind when they read about conflict-ravaged countries like Syria, Iraq, Burma, Sudan and Libya. Surely richer countries can embrace more of these suffering people?

It’s an understandable feeling. Compassion is key to virtually every spiritual world view and most secular philosophies. And there is no doubt many people are facing unimaginable hardship — particularly the roughly one billion at the bottom of the global economy.

But informed voices are warning that rich countries’ policies regarding immigration and asylum seekers are not nearly as compassionate as many want to think they are. Indeed, our migration policies may be doing more harm than good, especially for the most desperate.

This is by no means an issue just for Canadians. Europeans are engaged in a frank debate about the conflict between compassion and social realism in regards to asylum seekers from the Middle East and North Africa. Thousands are arriving each week, in dangerously fragile boats, onto Europe’s shores, trying particularly to get to the north where there are more job opportunities and better welfare.

In the U.S., according to a July Gallup poll, immigration has also recently surged to become the leading issue as a flood of children from Latin America illegally cross the U.S. border, trying to escape economic dysfunction, a dearth of social services and crime.

Like in Canada, it is often open-hearted American church*** and other religious leaders who join liberals to press for the U.S. to open its borders and welcome virtually all these young asylum seekers, and eventually their parents.

***Todd apparently doesn’t know that the “open-hearted American church” is paid to resettle refugees permanently, but we should forgive him that because the mainstream media never mentions how much money is involved.

There is much more, read it all.  The gist of it is this—-the third-world will continue to decline as long as western countries give asylum (refugee status) PERMANENTLY, so there is no incentive ever for people to go back and fix their homeland.

I’m sorry to say, this view (temporary refuge only) will never catch on because there is way too much money at stake now in the ‘humanitarian industrial complex’ for voices like Todd’s and Collier’s to be heard.

Muslims sue government over delays in granting citizenship

Here is just a short piece from last week that should be noted.  I’m actually glad to see that some immigrants are being denied citizenship (or at least being seriously scrutinized) in light of the Obama Administration’s zeal in welcoming the world to America.

ACLU attorney Jennie Pasquarella: clients are long-time law-abiding residents. Photo:

From the International Business Times:

Five Muslim US residents sued the federal government on Thursday, accusing the Department of Homeland Security for unfairly causing delays in their permanent residency and citizenship requests.

The plaintiffs include Palestinian Muslims Ahmad and Reem Muhanna, who had applied for US citizenship in 2007 and had their applications rejected in 2012. Others include Ahmed Hassan, a Muslim refugee from Somalia who has been seeking permanent residency since 2006, and Iranians Neda Behmanesh and Abrahim Mosavi.

The plaintiffs claim that their immigration petitions were unfairly stalled and flagged for potential national security concerns, reported Reuters.

The criteria laid out for flagging applications under the Controlled Application Review and Resolution Program (CARRP) are secretive and broader than authorized by the US Congress, the immigrants claimed.

Representing the immigrants in the federal court in Los Angeles was Jennie Pasquarella, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Southern California.

Addendum:  So where is CAIR?  Have they weighed in yet?

Vermont wants open-borders for Vermont, right Senator Leahy?

I’m really warming to the idea of a grassroots/media campaign to send more refugees to Vermont including those ‘unaccompanied alien minors’ surging at our border.

Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy as he rolled into Washington in 1975. Come on Pat! It’s time to open the borders of “welcoming” Vermont to the “children!” Photo:

If you missed my post about two weeks ago about Vermont’s elected ‘leaders’ running their mouths about how we must be more “welcoming”and knowing that Vermont Senator Leahy has been a champion of refugee resettlement and a Senate leader for the passage of S.744 (the Gang of Eight’s amnesty bill), you know that Vermont must surely be the most “welcoming” state in the nation led by such a generous man.

Then how could this be?

I just checked the statistics for this fiscal year and Vermont has “welcomed” a paltry 228 refugees while 50,988 were resettled around the country.

Vermont! It is time to put up or shut up.

In response to my post yesterday on the Vermont “refugee” group sending illegal aliens across the border into Canada reader, ‘sodiumpen’ said this:

Interesting that the VI&AA shuffled the illegal immigrants, etc. out of Vermont into Canada. Guess they didn’t want to keep them in-state?!

Just think of all the ski area hotels, motels, ski lodges, etc. that are seasonally vacant. I’m sure they’d make great accommodations for all those illegal alien children – especially the older teens!

Another good reason to funnel more unaccompanied minors and illegals into Vermont is the state plans on beginning a single payer health plan in 2017:

“The state has a planned 2017 launch of the nation’s first universal healthcare system, a sort of modified Medicare-for-all that has long been a dream for many liberals.”

I’m sure all those liberal residents of Vermont will be glad to foot the healthcare bill for all of their new, incoming residents (instead of the non-Vermonters) – along with happily enabling & fulfilling the other liberal dreams of unfettered illegal immigration/open borders/amnesty.

Sounds like a win/win to me!

To me too!

Remember, earlier this year we reported on a document (key indicators) produced by the Office of Refugee Resettlement in HHS, that says the feds are looking for more “welcoming” sites and the availability of ‘free’ healthcare is one of the top criteria.  Vermont sounds like it is just the ticket!

As reader Jake said, let’s just call Vermont The Green Card State!