Senator Barbara Mikulski staffer just called me "despicable!"

US Senator Barbara Mikulski of Maryland obviously wants more Muslim migrants in America.

I am stunned, a staff person answering the phone in Senator Barbara Mikulski’s office just said I was “despicable” supporting Donald Trump’s call for a ban on Muslim immigration to America, said I “hated” people.  He said that they had my “name and number” as if that was a threat!
Imagine a staff person, who would not give me his name, treating a constituent like that!
If you live in Maryland, you must call Mikulski tell her you support cutting funds this week for the refugee program and tell her you want visas from jihadist-producing countries stopped!

Click here for her offices across the state (you will have to scroll to the bottom and click on office locations—they make it hard for you on purpose!).

LOL! See if you can produce the same response!
They are becoming unhinged.
Update:  Polite and professional responses from Senator Cardin’s office and Congressman John Delaney.
Addendum:  I should have mentioned earlier that back in October, the Senator was one of the leaders of the pack looking for MORE of your money for Syrian refugee resettlement here.

Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson—you are very very good!

Update #2:  Virginia blogger confirms it, you must call your Member of Congress tomorrow and say you support the Trump ban on Muslims entering the US, here If the media beats him down all other Republicans will run like scared rabbits!
Update:  See what happened when I called my US Senator’s office, here!
I happened to see CNN just now where they are having a massive heart attack over Trump’s call for banning Muslims from entering the US and Trump spokeswoman and Tea Party activist Katrina Pierson was a guest on the morning show (sorry I don’t know these CNN moderators, some blond who knew a whole lot less than Katrina!).

Katrina and Trump
Trump spokeswoman Pierson has done her homework on refugee program and Muslim immigration!

Pierson was impressive with her quick responses and detailed knowledge of the refugee issue, immigration and the Constitution generally.  As soon as I find a clip, I’ll post it.  (If you see it, send it).
One piece I read on Pierson said she was an early Cruz supporter.
BTW, what is up with Cruz? Yesterday morning he was saying moratorium and according to some news accounts now he is distancing himself from Trump. Not getting cold feet is he?

Action Alert!  It is not too late, as a matter of fact today would be a good time to call Congress again!  I’m going to call and tell all my representatives that I support Trump’s call for a ban!  Go here for instructions on who to call.

Do it! even if you aren’t a Trump fan!  It will make the heathen rage!
I doubt we will ever see this opportunity again to begin to roll back the Hijra (Modern Day Trojan Horse)!  Please don’t let it pass without at least a fight!
P.S. Don’t get hung up on bill numbers and who is doing what on the Omnibus… just keep it simple:  “Trump is right, stop Muslims from entering the country right now!  Do it on the Omnibus appropriations bill—cut the funding for refugees, halt visas to those from jihad producing countries.”

Daily Kos a paper tiger! Most respondents say "too dangerous" to admit Syrian refugees

Yesterday I told you about the childish Daily Kos post promoting the idea that we should admit 2 million Syrians to the US (all those who want to come here!).  And, I told you to vote in the poll at the end.
Here are the polling questions (screen shot this morning) and the tally!  Note that the number of voters is much larger than those reported for each question.  They only had 5 voters who said this was a “smart policy” while 93% said it was “too dangerous.”  I suspect the percentage in the “too dangerous” category would have been even higher, but apparently the poll was halted at some point.
So don’t be cowed by the likes of the Leftwing kids at Daily Kos!
Screenshot (17)

Indiana: Various social justice/peace groups 'welcome' Syrian Muslims to live among them

There is nothing special about this news and this ‘march’ last week in Indiana to protest the governor’s concern about unvetted Syrian Muslims coming to live in Indiana, but am posting it because I suspect such demonstrations are going on around the country.  And, you should know what they are saying.
As we have learned that 99% of the Syrians entering the US so far this fiscal year are Sunni Muslims apparently that doesn’t concern the ‘peace’ people.

Indiana march
March to welcome Syrian Muslims to Indiana. Photo: Alex Kumar | Staff Photographer

Here is the story at the Purdue Exponent:

On Friday, undergraduate students, graduate students and citizens from Lafayette and West Lafayette gathered in the Purdue Memorial Mall to show their support for Syrian refugees.

The event was organized by the Lafayette chapter of Indiana Moral Mondays, Purdue Student Justice Coalition, Students for Justice in Palestine at Purdue and the Lafayette Area Peace Coalition.

“I believe that letting Syrian refugees in is the right decision,” said Pittayut Phonboon, a sophomore in the College of Engineering. “From a humanitarian standpoint and looking at the United States’ interest in terms of foreign policy, this is the best decision to make.”

Continue reading here.
You might want to visit this post we wrote back in March where a federally-funded resettlement agency working in Indiana says it’s a good state in which to resettle refugees because a leading Muslim Brotherhood organization has its headquarters there.  See also, here, where the ACLU sued Governor Pence.

If you live in Indiana, and don’t want more refugees resettled there, you need to let the governor know you support him to counter activists like these.

I’ll bet a buck that even after the masscre in San Bernardino by Sunni Muslims that these marchers fear global warming more than their potential new neighbors.

Jeb, Marco, Dick don't get it! Bring in the Muslims!

Dick Cheney is the latest of the Republican establishment to come out in support of MORE Muslim migration to America.

Cheney thinks he’s got Trump now!

Here is the news at Breitbart.  The prominent ‘Bushy’ is leading the establishment pack against the base of the Republican Party which ‘gets it.’  What do they get?
What does the average, logical, sensible American get?
This one line from Daniel Greenfield recently says it all:

It’s a matter of simple math that as the population most likely to commit terrorist acts increases, so do the acts themselves.

We have a parade of 2016 Presidential candidates (and their handlers like Cheney), in their zeal to ‘get’ Trump, have positioned themselves against the majority of Americans who want to limit the importation of more Muslim migrants to America.  LOL! Good move (not!).
Hey, Dick, the San Bernardino Islamic mass murderers are not like the Pilgrims!  Thomas Jefferson understood that, why are you so confused?