Rupert Murdoch calls the shots at Fox News and the Wall Street Journal. BFF David Lubell of Welcoming America.
We learned that Rupert Murdoch’s Partnership for a New American Economy is working in collaboration with Welcoming America (Obama’s pals) at that Open Borders Leftwing community organizing group we have been writing about ever since 2013 when we first heard about them in Lancaster, PA, here. It is really quite stunning to me to learn that the Open Borders activists (LOL! the “humanitarians”) are working in concert with Chambers of Commerce and large global corporations to assure that the business community has a ready supply of cheap (slave!) labor!
No wonder they hate Donald Trump so much.
Invasion of Europe news…. Breitbart Londonis reporting the news: Verrückt!
One of Germany’s most celebrated psychoanalysts has said the refusal of Chancellor Angela Merkel to reverse her “completely irrational” migrant policy is evidence of a potential “mental breakdown” that endangers society.
Hans-Joachim Maaz, a German psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and best-selling author, was speaking with Huffington Post Germany when he suggested a “stubborn” Angela Merkel has “lost touch with reality”.
According to Mr. Maaz, the German Chancellor suffers from “narcissism” brought on by people lauding her position as ‘mother of the nation’and most powerful woman in the world, and calling for her to have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
He says the “artificially inflated self-image” she labours under leads to the “stubborn attitude” on display by her during the ongoing migrant crisis.
There is much more,click here.
Could it be a combination of a mental defect and wishing to please her paymasters (the global corporations, like those at Davos last week, who are greedy for cheap migrant labor). Invasion of Europe archive is here. More on Germany and Mama Merkel, here.
Be sure to see Jihad Watch this morning: Instructions to refugees—no raping and no urinating in public. If we got to this point in America there would be rioting by Americans.
We told you about Missoula County Commissioners’ invitation to the federal government and its contractor, the International Rescue Committee (IRC)here just the week before last. U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration Anne Richard is a former Vice President of the International Rescue Committee. The Washington contractor revolving door is on full display.
My suggestion for citizens of Montana, who have concerns about the United Nations picking refugees to be seeded in the state, is to call for a public hearing on the matter. If the county commission is bent on going down this slippery slope they should bring together all of those who will be involved in a public hearing format and require them to tell Montana citizens exactly how the program works.
The funniest part of the letter is that these naive local elected officials think they will have any say about the number to be resettled. That decision will be made in Washington between the IRC and the US State Department—just ask mayors of Manchester, NH, Springfield, MA, and Amarillo, TX if they have any say in the numbers!
Additionally taxpayers should be demanding a plan from the IRC/US State Dept and the Office of Refugee Resettlement at HHS.
Demand a plan!
In 2014, the mayor of Athens, Georgia demanded that these same agencies (IRC in Georgia) present a plan to the city of Athens before refugees would be resettled. They refused to give her a plan. Last I heard the stalemate was continuing.
And, you must now read this! The IRC head honcho in Georgia tells the mayor to take a hike—US State Department will be making the decisions, not you!
Have a look at the letter the Missoula County Commissioners have sent to Anne Richard, click here.
Somehow their ignorance about what they are getting into is so much more striking when you actually see the letter they sent. Go here for more on Montana, one of two states that has not received refugees in recent years.
Both yesterday and this morning, I’ve been focusing attention on my other blog. Here are some posts there that relate directly to Refugee Resettlement:
You must pay attention to David Lubell! Learn more about him here.
One of my greatest frustrations over the years has been the silence by the media of the immigration status of obvious immigrant criminals, see here.
Then there are two posts on Donald Trump. In the first one we learn more about why Fox News leans toward the open borders/amnesty agenda, here.
And, don’t miss the newsthat Trump has hired a key aide to Senator Jeff Sessions.
This lengthy story in the Huffington Post is a must-read for everyone seriously looking into how the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program works in your community. But, just please ignore the fact that it is a blatant pitch for refugees to receive MORE OF YOUR TAX DOLLARS!
The article begins (Ho hum! according to Journalism 101) with a sob story about a recently arrived Syrian refugee family resettled in California. The star-of-the-story’s time in jail in Syria sounds improbable to me, but only he will ever know if it’s a truthful account. David Miliband, bff Hillary, is the CEO of the IRC which takes in approximately $350 million in government grants and contracts annually. Surely they don’t need to take $875 from every man, woman and child they resettle. Doesn’t sound charitable to me! But, gotta keep the bigwigs in 6-digit salaries!
However, this is the part of the storythat interested me. With the headline, ‘Refugees Discuss Most Difficult Part Of Living In America,’ I fully expected the news to be that they found you (racist Islamophobes) their most difficult part of living here, but no, it is the refugee program’s bureaucratic mess they find challenging.
The Kanjous were one of the lucky families that made it through the screening process and were accepted as American refugees in September 2015. They, like many others, endured a long and arduous journey to get to U.S. soil. But they now face a new challenge: navigating a complex network of government and nonprofit organizations responsible for overseeing the refugee resettlement process.
According to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement, the process of refugee resettlement varies by state. Some depend on state-administered resettlement resources, while others utilize public-private partnerships or the Wilson-Fish program, an alternative to traditional state-administered refugee resettlement programs for providing cash and medical assistance and social services to refugees. For these refugees, the process of navigating these programs can often be the greatest challenge they face in their resettlement process.
Since arriving in the United States, with the help of local nonprofit organizations, Kanjou and his family have moved out of temporary housing into an apartment. Kanjou has secured a job as a construction worker, along with healthcare and benefits. His daughters are enrolled in the local school. But according to the family, the refugee resettlement process in the U.S. has not provided the help and support they hoped for.
Kanjou implies he is being gouged by the contractor (the IRC in this case).
“Unfortunately these agencies are treating us are pretty badly because they penalize us for any minor thing,” Kanjou says. “Any paperwork they don’t have or any tiny mistake and they will deduct from our financial benefits. That really interrupts the development of our rebuilding process.”
Once the refugees land in America, the government turns over responsibility to resettlement organizations like the International Refugee Committee (IRC). These agencies are U.S. government contractors who are tasked with helping the refugees navigate the first three months of their new lives. [The reporter has the IRC’s name wrong, it is the International Rescue Committee.—ed]
The article gives us several examples of how the IRC screwed up. And, then discusses how the family relied on the local Islamic Center for help with a bit of whining from the center leader about how the refugees should be getting more money and more welfare from the government (from you!) for a longer period of time rather than the community helping them with private charity.
Then this:
Each family member receives a one-time cash gift of $1,100 upon arrival in the U.S. After three months of working with the IRC, the refugees are expected to have used their stipends to arrange for temporary housing.
I found this very informative. In fact each refugee family member is allotted $1,975 (and it may be higher now). I wonder do they know that the IRC is skimming at least $875 per family member from their government money to take care of the family which is now saying that the IRC is doing a lousy job. Did the IRC not tell the reporter about the portion they get to pocket?
In spite of his unhappiness with how much help he is getting from the US government, Kanjou is happy to be here because his young daughter has a serious medical issue that you (American taxpayers) will be paying for in the near future!
Although, remember this story, oopsy! Syrian refugee who was supposed to have cancer, and came here for treatment, is found miraculously free of cancer!
For more on David Miliband, click here. We have an extensive archive on the former British Foreign Secretary who is out pushing for 100,000 Syrians to be admitted to the US in the next year (each will be a paying client of one of the supposed refugee charities).