Big business and Welcoming America working together to change your towns

Be sure to see my post just now at American Resistance 2016!

Rupert Murdoch
Rupert Murdoch calls the shots at Fox News and the Wall Street Journal. BFF David Lubell of Welcoming America.

We learned that Rupert Murdoch’s Partnership for a New American Economy is working in collaboration with Welcoming America (Obama’s pals) at that Open Borders Leftwing community organizing group we have been writing about ever since 2013 when we first heard about them in Lancaster, PA, here.
It is really quite stunning to me to learn that the Open Borders activists (LOL! the “humanitarians”) are working in concert with Chambers of Commerce and large global corporations to assure that the business community has a ready supply of cheap (slave!) labor!
No wonder they hate Donald Trump so much.