Idaho citizens defeat proposed resolution in support of refugees

Increasingly city and county governments are making themselves heard on the issue of UN/US State Department refugee resettlement for their communities.  We told you here recently about Craven Co. North Carolina considering a resolution opposing more refugees. And, then here in Montana, the Missoula County Commission opened the door for the resettlement of third-worlders from the Middle East and Africa.
In Idaho, a heated public meeting of the Sandpoint City Council in Bonner County in the far northern reaches of the state resulted in the withdrawal of a resolution to support refugee resettlement to the community.

Sandpoint meeting
Audience cheers as mayor withdraws resolution. Boise Weekly Photo: Ben Olsen

The federal government and their paid resettlement contractors (listed here) will be quick to say that local governments have no right to say whether refugees are seeded there or not.  However, they do frequently say they will not place refugees where the refugees would be “unwelcome”
If Congress was doing its job there would be a major movement to rewrite the Refugee Act of 1980 (or scrap it all together) in order to give local communities a say in what happens to their counties, cities and towns.  I predict there will be increasing tension in towns across America on the controversial issue.
And, it’s not just about the prospect that Islamic terrorists might be in the refugee stream, there are very serious economic costs involved as refugees (as a special immigrant class) are able to access most forms of welfare available only to American citizens. They also add to the shortage of low income housing often pushing poor and disabled Americans to the back of the line.
From Boise Weekly:
Sandpoint mayor
Sandpoint Mayor Shelby Rognstad

Sandpoint City Council members voted Wednesday night to withdraw a resolution supporting refugee resettlement, bringing an end to a heated, month-long controversy.

Cheers erupted from the audience when newly elected Sandpoint Mayor Shelby Rognstad asked the council to withdraw the resolution from consideration. A measure meant to counter statements from Bonner County commissioners and Sheriff Darryl Wheeler opposing the resettlement of refugees, the resolution was intended to restate Sandpoint’s commitments to human rights, according to Rognstad.

“This resolution has only served to divide us and this community,” said Rognstad, as he requested the withdrawal. “That saddens me.”

Once again, anti-refugee activists turned out in force to oppose the resolution and, once again, the council meeting procedure was punctured by applause and shouts. When Rognstad called for order, the crowd responded with catcalls.

There is much more, continue reading here.
We have an extensive archive on Idaho, learn more by clicking here.  Both Boise and Twin Falls are already large resettlement sites.
Be sure to learn more about Jan Reeves who is responsible for refugees going to Idaho.  He was a 2013 Obama Champion of Change, see here.

‘Humanitarianism’ is a cover for big business drivers of more immigration.

For citizens of Idaho and everywhere being confronted with this issue, please be sure to investigate and find out what large industries are driving the resettlement where you live.  Big business including BIG MEAT, Chobani Yogurt, and other manufacturing companies are looking for cheap immigrant labor and the federal resettlement contractors act as ‘head hunters’ for them.
The big business pays low wages and the remainder of the refugee family’s support comes from the taxpayer via welfare, education and medical care.
Also, find out which elected officials are receiving campaign donations from those companies.  Expose them!

Now Toronto wants a pause in Syrian refugee flow to city!

You can’t make this up!  Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (the boy who loves Muslims!) first promised 25,000 Syrians would be resettled in Canada before the close of 2015, now the goal is by the end of February of this year, but they forgot to see if they had enough housing!

All the cool people are at Davos this week, including “intellectual powerhouse” Trudeau.

We reported on Ottawa yesterday, now here comes Toronto as government frantically searches for more ‘welcoming’ cities who need more Muslim immigrants!
Hitting the “pause” button!
From the Toronto Sun:

TORONTO – The federal government is briefly hitting the pause button on Syrian resettlement efforts in Toronto and looking for other cities to take in refugees.

Immigration Minister John McCallum revealed Wednesday that resettlement groups in Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver and Halifax have asked for a temporary stop in the flow of government-sponsored refugees. But McCallum also told reporters he believes Canada is still on track to bring in 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of February.

The pause means refugees will now remain in hotels for a few extra days after their flights land in Canada.

“The flow from the airplanes is not slowing down at all,” McCallum said during a speech in Toronto. ”It’s just certain towns or cities need a pause. There will be other places in Canada who will receive the refugees.”

Canadians in other cities beware!

The feds are actively seeking more cities to take in government-assisted Syrian refugees.

Photo:  Will Trudeau heed the warning of the World Economic Forum founder, Klaus Schwab, who anticipates a massive flow of migrants out of Africa this year.  Or, perhaps he will be pulled into the ‘feel good’ crowd around Mr. Chobani Yogurt?

So-called SAFE Act fails in the Senate, contractors crow

As we told you a couple of days ago, the federal refugee resettlement contractors were whipping their forces to tell their Senators to oppose a bill that had passed the House in November with broad bipartisan support.  The contractors were so afraid of losing their Muslim ‘clients’ (a large portion of those for which they are paid by the head to bring to your towns).

WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 23: Donald Trump listens at the Trump International Hotel Washington, D.C Groundbreaking Ceremony at Old Post Office on July 23, 2014 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Paul Morigi/WireImage)
Senate Dems showed their abject fear of Trump by bringing him into the debate as they did.

Yesterday, the Senate failed to get cloture and move the bill with enough votes to assure Obama would not veto it.  From insiders we learned that the bill, if it ever passed and was signed by Obama, would have been a fig leaf and not done much to keep us safe from terrorists getting into your neighborhoods from places like Syria and Iraq.
The vote, however, was informative.  All Democrats except Bernie Sanders who missed the vote, and two brave souls, voted to kill the bill. Republicans including the three US Senators running for President voted to move the bill.
The two Dems who bucked the party (and the grassroots working for contractors) were West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin and North Dakota Senator Heidi Heitkamp.
Here is the roll call vote.
This is what Reuters says about the vote:

U.S. Senate Democrats on Wednesday narrowly blocked legislation that would slow the entry of refugees from Syria and Iraq to the United States in a contentious vote cloaked in presidential election-year politics.

Manchin and Heitkamp
Democratic Senators Manchin and Heitkamp voted with Republicans to at least say they have concerns about security screening for refugees from Syria and Iraq.

The vote was 55-43, with “yes” votes falling short of the 60 needed to advance the Republican-backed measure in the 100-member Senate. No Republicans voted against the bill, and only two Democrats backed it.

Among other things, the bill would halt the admission of refugees and require high-level U.S. officials to verify that each refugee from Iraq and Syria posed no security risk before being allowed into the United States.  [This is the part of the bill that was so weak because the Obama Administration (and a Hillary one too) would simply verify that screening was adequate.—ed]

Republicans said the tighter screening was essential to ensure the safety of Americans and prevent attacks within the country by Islamic State and other militant groups.

“This bipartisan bill would allow Washington to step back, take a breath and ensure it has the correct policies and security screenings in place,” Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said in the Senate before the vote.


All three Senate Republican 2016 presidential hopefuls, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio, backed the bill. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders missed the vote.

Dems tried and failed to bring Donald Trump into the debate.  Who in their right mind would have gone along with this trick!

Democrats also sought to play politics. They tried and failed to reach a deal with Republicans to set up a vote on an amendment establishing a religious test for would-be immigrants.

That vote was planned to see if Republicans would side against presidential candidate Donald Trump, who has advocated barring Muslims from entering the United States.

The Syria refugee bill passed the House by a large margin days after the Nov. 13 Islamic State attacks in Paris. The bill was supported by dozens of Democrats who defied Democratic President Barack Obama’s veto threat.

There is mention in the story that refugees are screened for 18-24 months which is a joke.  They are briefly screened, then they wait for their plane tickets and their assignments to your towns!
Conclusion!  Democrats, except those in West Virginia and North Dakota, are on the side of flooding America with refugees from terror-producing countries.  That is pretty clear.
And, it is also pretty clear that there is much work ahead (Congress is not going to save us!) during Election 2016 to educate the public through whatever means possible about the Refugee Admissions Program which is being effectively directed by the United Nations choosing America’s refugees.

North Carolina: Craven County considering resolution to block some refugees from the county

They should add Burma to their list of countries of concern!

We just told readers all about the resolution here at American Resistance 2016!  But, I wanted to give you some basic numbers for New Bern, the county seat, and didn’t want to make that post too long!

Susan Husson
Susan Husson (left) is the Executive Director of Interfaith Refugee Ministry and as such is responsible for the refugees arriving in New Bern.

The primary resettlement contractor in New Bern is ‘Interfaith Refugee Ministry’ another so-called ‘religious’ non-profit that is being paid by the head to bring refugees of all ethnic and religious backgrounds to coastal New Bern.  It is a subcontractor of one of the big nine—Episcopal Migration Ministries.
New Bern made the news last year when a Burmese refugee hacked to death three little boys.  See our post here. (So much for “robust” screening!). Be sure to see that post because at that time we looked up some financial information on Interfaith Refugee Ministry and it is posted there.
Also, the county’s US Congressman (Rep. Walter Jones) has been one of the leaders on The Hill in trying to rein-in the refugee program, see here.
I wanted to see exactly how many refugees New Bern was getting so checked the US State Department data base, here. Because of a lack of time, I didn’t look up any other towns that might be in Craven County.
These are the numbers for those being resettled in New Bern from January 1, 2009 until January 1, 2016 (Obama’s term so far). The whole state of North Carolina admitted 16,261 (I believe NC is in the top ten resettlement states in the nation, but did not check that for this post).  The numbers below do not take into consideration those who might have come as secondary migrants to New Bern, or those who have left (refugees can leave right away if they want and no one pays any attention to where they go).
Nationality and number:

Burma (1,087)

Colombia (20)

Cuba (20)

DR Congo (3)

Vietnam (44)

Iraq (52)

Somalia (2)

Syria (3)

Commissioners should add Burma to their list!

When you check the county commissioners’ proposed resolution, here, note that Burma is not on the list of countries of concern, but it should be!  We have admitted over 13,000 Rohingya Muslims from Burma to the US since 9/11, go here.
The US State Department has been mixing them in with the mostly Burmese Christians for resettlement and it has caused problems in several communities in the US.

Ottawa: Not enough low income housing for number of Syrians arriving in the capital

Oopsy!  New Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s big promises hit another road block.

Trudeau home
Maybe Justin could make room for a few hundred at his new home!

There are 10,000 poor Canadians on a waiting list to get housing in Ottawa so now 450 Syrians are on hold living in temporary housing as Catholics and others scramble to find homes for families that are much larger than originally anticipated.
From CBC News:

An agency struggling to cope with the surge of government-sponsored Syrian refugees arriving in Ottawa has asked for — and received — a pause to let them find suitable housing for families already here.

The Catholic Centre for Immigrants, the agency overseeing the arrival of government-sponsored Syrian refugees in Ottawa, reported that all 450 temporary housing spots were full, since many of the families have not yet been able to secure permanent housing. [Why aren’t the Catholics concerned with Canadian poor people?—ed]


Ottawa expects to welcome about 1,200 Syrians by the end of February. So far, about 500 have arrived.

So which impoverished and disabled Canadians will they bump from the waiting list?

Also complicating resettlement efforts is the city’s centralized waiting list for affordable housing, which stands at 10,000 requests with an estimated wait of five years.

Continue reading here.
See our extensive archive on Canada by clicking here.
The shortage of affordable housing is one of the main impediments for the refugee contractors here in the US, in Canada and around the world. So make sure that the feds don’t arrive in your town passing out the big bucks to local governments to build more housing.

The housing will be immigrants not your own poor people!

***Update*** Yikes! No sooner had I posted this and I see Vancouver doesn’t have enough housing either! See here.
And, more turmoil and confusion in Canada over who pays the airfare for the Syrians. What a mess!