Did UPS plane(s) secretively bring "refugees" to America from the Middle East?

I don’t know! (Sorry if you were expecting a definitive answer!)
The rumor has been going around for months (surely you’ve seen it).
My first reaction is to dismiss the story because it would require so many people in-the-know and I can’t believe that they would all stay silent for so long.  Or, since everyone has a camera, did no one take a picture of the “refugees” being loaded on to buses and moved to some undisclosed locations?  And, are there no resettlement agency personnel with a conscience dropping hints?
What about those Uzbeks?
That said, there is pretty good circumstantial evidence that the US Refugee Admissions Program has been used to secretively bring people into the country where the US State Department wants to ‘help’ some world leader with a ‘problem’ group of people.

Fazliddin Kurbanov
Uzbek refugee Fazliddin Kurbanov convicted of Islamic terror charges in Idaho. Did we bring trouble-making Uzbek Muslims to the US in a special arrangement with the government of Uzbekistan in the Bush Administration?

I’m talking about the alleged airlift of Uzbeks in a joint effort between the CIA and the US State Department during the Bush Administration following the 2005 uprising of more ‘devout’ Muslims against their own Muslim government in Uzbekistan.
Learn more about the Andijan uprising here at Wikipedia.  And, see here where we mentioned the rumors about an airlift of Uzbeks to the US.  By the way, about 96% of the population of Uzbekistan is Muslim.
Checking the State Department data base I see we admitted 2,848 Uzbeks since 2002.  And, although we brought “refugees” from many religious groups, Muslims were the single greatest number and in 2006 (after the uprising) we saw the largest number of Uzbek “refugees” of any year since 2002 arrive in the US—480—and the vast majority were Muslims that year.
See our archive on Uzbekistan here and note the relatively high number of Uzbeks arrested on terror charges over the years.
I’m reporting the Uzbek persistent mystery because I believe there is something to the story, and it suggests that maybe it is possible to bring “refugees” into the US outside of the normal process.  So I can’t say it couldn’t ever happen!
Now back to that UPS plane story…..
A readers sent this youtube clip (over a half a million views) which suggests there may be something to the rumors flying around now, but it in no way gives us any hard evidence.  (30 busloads of people from one plane?)
Perhaps the most useful bit of the clip shows NJ Governor Chris Christie telling Bill O’Reilly that he has/had no idea that non-profit groups like Catholic Charities have been dropping refugees in NJ for years.  It also shows how ignorant O’Reilly is about the resettlement process that is over 35 years old!  Where the h*** have they all been?

I’ve heard from some of you asking for some confirmation about this story.  I can’t give it to you, but I urge all of you to send me links (either confirming it or debunking it) to more on this story through the comment thread here.
Update Feb. 9th:  See this link a reader sent:  http://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2015/12/confirmed-obama-smuggling-in-up-to-100000-refugees-per-year-on-ups-planes-2767590.html
And, for goodness sake, if you see something fishy where you live, take photos!
Until further notice, this post is filed in our ‘rumors’ category.

German Catholic Cardinal: Germany must reduce the number of migrants

Invasion of Europe news…..
Well, this is refreshing (sort of!).  A Catholic leader is actually saying that his country cannot handle the massive number of mostly Muslim migrants entering it.  (No, he didn’t use the ‘M’ word! He didn’t go that far!).
I’m wondering if the Pope is going to slap his wrist for this heresy!
From the Daily Caller:

A high-ranking Catholic official has called for a reduction in the number of refugees coming to Germany.

Kardinal Reinhard Marx, Erzbischof von München und Freising und Vorsitzender der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz, blickt am 21.09.2015 zu Beginn der Herbstvollversammlung in Fulda (Hessen) in die Runde. Zu Beginn des traditionellen Herbsttreffens der katholischen Bischöfe stehen Beratungen über die Flüchtlingskrise im Mittelpunkt. Foto: Arne Dedert/dpa +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Cardinal Marx did recognize the growing problem for Germany and Europe here in September 2015, but didn’t sound as worried as he sounds now. http://panteres.com/2015/09/21/bishops-cardinal-marx-sees-in-refugee-crisis-task-of-the-century/

Cardinal Reinhard Marx, the chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference, cautioned Saturday that the country cannot “take in all the world’s needy.” Over one million refugees seeking asylum entered Germany in 2015 — the country currently struggles to manage the influx both logistically and politically.

“As a church we say that we need a reduction in the number of refugees,” said Marx to Passauer Neue Presse. He noted that the response to the refugee issue should not be one only of “charity but also reason.”

Continue reading because I think you will see more about what is driving this remarkable statement.  He warns against xenophobia and the rise of the right-wing. (Is that the real boogeyman for Father Marx?)
More on the way!
There will be more coming to Europe (and Germany)!   The Times of Israel is reporting that Turkey is about to admit tens of thousands of additional Syrians at its border with Syria.  And, mark my words, Turkey will let them flow directly across the country and allow them to launch their boats to Europe as spring arrives.  Turkey would like nothing better than to see a Muslim Europe!
See our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here, and go here for much much more on dear old Deutschland.

Australian Immigration Minister proposing stricter standards for some Muslim refugees

I had just been thinking yesterday that I hadn’t seen any refugee news from Australia for a long time, and up pops this story!

Australian Muslims pray
Muslims pray in Sydney in 2013 photo. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-08-08/muslims-pray-in-the-street-outside-lakemba-mosque/4873036

(Australian readers are always in the top three countries from which we get readers here at RRW.)
From Reuters:

Australia is considering subjecting thousands of refugees from Syria to tougher character and security checks than their European counterparts to minimize the risk of “extremist infiltration”, a leaked policy document says.

The draft document singles out refugees from Syria as potentially holding beliefs or associations that may lead them to engage in violent activities, and outlines measures to monitor them even after they gain Australian citizenship.

Australia is part of the United States-led bombing campaign against the Islamic State militant group in Iraq and Syria and is on heightened alert for attacks by home-grown radicals. Its tough asylum seeker policy, which includes mandatory detention for people arriving by boat, is a hot-button political issue.


Australia last year agreed to accept 12,000 refugees fleeing the conflict in Syria, as hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers flooded into Europe amidst the worsening conflict.


The document also singles out Australia’s Lebanese Sunni Muslim population as an example of “potential community safety and national security risks associated with unsuccessful immigration.”

Only about half a million people out of Australia’s 23.5 million are Muslims. At least half live in Sydney’s western suburbs, which were transformed in the mid-1970s from white working-class enclaves into majority-Muslim outposts by a surge of immigration from Lebanon.

Continue reading here.
See our complete category on Australia (173 previous posts) by clicking here.

Alabama governor gets on wrong side of CAIR with comments about refugees

In his State of the State address earlier this week, Alabama Governor Robert Bentley spoke disparagingly about the secrecy that surrounds the resettlement of refugees into 48 US states (they want 50, but so far Wyoming and Montana are holdouts) including his own.  Of course, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) pounced.

Hadeed 2
Khaula Hadeed recently spoke at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Her topic: Islamophobia is it real? https://www.facebook.com/events/1004104292983029/

But, before I get to the news, let me say that this governor could do an awful lot more to help with restoring states’ rights regarding this program than simply spouting words.
He is one of twelve governors who have a ready-made 10th Amendment case just waiting for him to put his name on at the Thomas More Law Center.  It would only take one brave governor to test the legality of what the federal government has been doing to towns and cities for years.

If the governor is going to bring on the wrath of CAIR, he might as well do it with something that matters!

Alabama readers tell your governor to sign on to the Thomas More lawsuit!
Here then is the latest news from the Montgomery Advertiser:

MONTGOMERY — A Muslim advocacy group on Thursday asked to meet with Gov. Robert Bentley about statements he made on a refugee resettlement program that the group says were “derogatory and dehumanizing.”

During his State of the State address on Tuesday, Bentley criticized the federal refugee resettlement program for not disclosing refugees’ background information to government officials in the states where they settle. Bentley alluded to terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California, and said “among those killers was a refugee from a terrorist nation.” The governor later said, “Many have entered our state from terrorist nations.

Khaula Hadeed, executive director of the Alabama chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said in a statement that labeling a predominantly Muslim country as a terrorist nation promotes prejudice.

Changing America by changing the people!
This is not only about Bentley disparaging Muslims. Hadeed and CAIR understand the need to continue the UN/US state Department Refugee Admissions Program an important source of Muslim immigrants they need for the Hijrah (the migration).

Hadeed should take up the issue of ‘terrorist nations’ with Obama’s US State Department!

Just yesterday a reader asked me which countries are ‘state sponsors of terrorism.’  I have to admit I had never looked that up, but was then surprised to learn that there are ONLY three designated as such and they were designated decades ago:  Iran, Sudan and Syria!
So when Bentley refers to terrorist nations, and is discussing Syria, he has it right.