No surprise, but good to hear that wiser heads seem to be prevailing in Washington.
Here is the hot news today, from CNN:
Washington (CNN)Top U.S. intelligence officials said Tuesday that ISIS was likely to attempt direct attacks on the U.S. in the coming year and that the group was infiltrating refugees escaping from Iraq and Syria to move across borders.
ISIS “will probably attempt to conduct additional attacks in Europe, and attempt to direct attacks on the U.S. homeland in 2016,” Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, testified on Capitol Hill Tuesday.
“Refugee” men in Hungary. Clapper says ISIS is among them (gee! big surprise!).
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who was also at the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, estimated that violent extremists were active in about 40 countries and that there currently exist more terrorist safe havens “than at any time in history.”
Clapper warned that ISIS and its eight branches were the No. 1 terrorist threat, and that it was using the refugee exodus from violence in Iraq and Syria to hide among innocent civilians in order to reach other countries.
Clapper said ISIS was “taking advantage of the torrent of migrants to insert operatives into that flow,” adding that they were “pretty skilled at phony passports so they can travel ostensibly as legitimate travelers.”
Syrians trickling in so far!
As we reported the other day, the Syrian flow into the US is going extremely slowly and I’m guessing there are some in Washington who are trying to keep America safe. At the present rate, there is no way Obama will get 10,000 Syrians in here by the end of this fiscal year on September 30th. (Unless those UPS flightsare for real!).
Ho hum! No real surprise here. A South Dakota legislator had introduced a bill that would have attempted to rein-in the refugee program in that state, but Betty Oldencamp, Lutheran Social Services of SD Prez convinced him they were taking very good care of the citizens of South Dakota and that there wouldn’t be terrorists and other undesirables coming to SD through the program. The bill was unlikely to go anywhere because the REPUBLICAN governor was all for more refugees colonizing the state anyway. Since South Dakota is a Wilson-Fish state, he has a ready-made opportunity to sue the federal government using a states’ rights argument, here, and has not taken it. A surefire way to find out where your governor stands on refugees in twelve US states is whether any of them agree to be a plaintiff on the lawsuit crafted by the Thomas More Law Center. So far, no brave governor is willing to defend the Constitution.
This very cool map shows the states getting more refugees as a percentage of their populations. North and South Dakota are by far the most disproportionate. Idaho and New Hampshire not far behind.
I’ll betcha that there are some powerful special interests, big businesses, the Chamber of Commerce making sure they get a continuous supply of cheap labor flowing to SD! Security, economic stability and cultural cohesiveness be damned. Follow the money! Find out which business interests are donating to elected officials!
LSS South Dakota is rich!
By the way, LSS South Dakota is rolling in YOUR money. Check out USA Yikes! Almost $40 MILLION of your tax dollars have gone (via grants and sub-grants) to this one state ‘religious’ non-profit since 2007.
From Rapid City Journal:
House Bill 1158, which sought to give the South Dakota governor the power to keep refugees out of the state, is dead.
The proposed law has been tabled by its lead sponsor, state Rep. Scott Craig, R-Rapid City.
Betty Oldencamp, President of LSS South Dakota convinced legislators that they have everything under control. What a coincidence! Oldencamp is on the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce in Sioux Falls.
“That’s a nice way to say the sponsor withdrew the bill,” Craig said in a phone interview Monday, adding that HB 1158, which was scheduled for a committee hearing on Monday, will not come up again during this legislative session.
Craig said he made the decision to abandon the bill after a weekend conversation with his bill’s state Senate co-sponsor, Sen. Bruce Rampelberg, R-Rapid City, and Betty Oldencamp, president of Lutheran Social Services.
Apart from granting the governor extraordinary powers, HB 1158 would have created an infrastructure within the South Dakota Department of Social Services to monitor and coordinate the resettlement of refugees, a function that Lutheran Social Services already performs.
“Everything that bill attempted to secure, they already do, so it’s unnecessary,” Craig said. “We’ve got a phenomenal process. Everything (Oldencamp) described is very thorough.”
Continue reading here.
And, go here, for more on problems with the refugee program in the Dakotas. Don’t miss the 2014 Iraqi refugee sex trafficking case, here.
Update! Thanks to readers who found that the bearded man is Darren Ornitzwho lives in Brooklyn, NY. He may have earlier lived in Greenwich, CT. He is a Reuters freelance photographer and is “leaning toward” supporting Bernie Sanders. Once you know his name the rest falls into place. Here is one report on him.
A bearded man at a townhall meeting in NH asked Donald Trump if he could look Syrian kids in the face and tell them they can’t come to America. Trump said, yes, he absolutely could do that.
Trump then went on to say, we don’t know who they are. He said that the Gulf States should help build safe zones in Syria where refugees could be cared for until the conflict is over. He also said that most of them want to go home anyway. All of that is true.
He also predicted a coming revolution in Germany and said, “Wait until you see what they do to Merkel!” The bearded man was obviously a plant. He said he came from Greenwich, CT and that Greenwich was going to get Syrian refugees. Trump quipped that he must be rich to live in Greenwich.
Can you identify the bearded man? We know that one of the driving forces behind more resettlement of Muslims to Connecticut is CAIR Connecticut(being helped by Senator Richard Blumenthal).
Who is the bearded man? Can you help identify him?
Watch the clip here (hat tip Walid Shoebat):
By the way, of the 841 Syrians admitted to the US in FY2016, 833 are Muslims. We are not saving Syrian Christians.
Invasion of Europe news….
You’ve probably heard the news of her murder, but will the mainstream media mention her death was allegedly at the hands of an African asylum seeker?
Let’s call them the generation with a death wish! Did these three indirectly play a role in a young woman’s murder by an African ‘asylum seeker’ in Vienna? Learn more about Refugees Welcome here:
A young Colorado woman working as a nanny in Austria was found murdered in her apartment last week and an African ‘asylum seeker’ has been arrested in the case. (This is a different case, although similar, to the American murdered in a similar fashion in Italy).
As European countries have opened their gates to ‘refugees’ from all over the world, it is no wonder that murderers, rapists and thieves have taken advantage of the sheer stupidity of European leaders especially those in Germany and Austria, not to mention the enormous naivete of young ‘humanitarians.’
Here is what Breitbart London said on Saturday. The murdered young woman was protecting her killer from imminent deportation:
A 24-year-old Gambian ‘asylum seeker’ has been arrested for the murder of an American Au Pair in Austria.
American Lauren M. [her family has revealed her last name, here.—ed] had worked in Vienna, Austria for going on 3 years. The au pair job allowed her to pay for her studies and live in the city.
25-year-old Lauren Mann of Colorado was found dead in her Vienna apartment last week.
Her dead body was found in her one bedroom apartment in Vienna’s 4th district on the evening of Tuesday January 26 after she had not come in to work that day or contacted any of her friends. Police found her corpse face down in the bedroom of her home.
Krone says initial reports were unclear as to the cause of Lauren’s death but an autopsy later identified that she had been suffocated and so the case was determined to be a homicide.
The hunt for a suspect was helped drastically when police were able to find DNA at the scene which belonged to an asylum seeker already in their database. The 24-year-old Gambian Abdou I. was no stranger to police. In fact the asylum seeker had already been involved on the wrong side of the law and had been accused of sexual misconduct with minors back in 2014.
According to authorities, the Gambian was living at Caritas refugee centre in Erdberg [Caritas Austria, here—ed] and was scheduled to be deported back to his home country in Africa. There was already a warrant out for his arrest at the time of the murder and it is through that Lauren M. had hidden him in her small one bedroom home so that he could escape deportation.
Lauren M’s actions were possibly inspired by the Refugees Welcome founders Jonas Kakoschke and Mareike Geiling who set up their group as a sort of migrant “airbnb” for migrants to live in their homes and for other volunteers to do the same.
See also Pamela Geller, here, on the murder. Moral of the story! Do not take an asylum seeker into your home! More on Austria: Did you know that we take hundreds (thousands) of “refugees” from Austria?
Austria is a safe country and there is no reason we should be processing any refugees from there or from Malta either. I don’t care what the excuse is! Go hereand see that 424 “refugees” came to America from Austria in the first 4 months of FY2016.
For more on Austria,click here. And, for our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, go here.
Her job is to organize the American Jewish community to “welcome the stranger,” in this case Muslims from the Middle East and Africa (because they have run out of Jews and Christians to resettle).
HIAS grassroots organizer/lobbyist Rabbi Jennie Rosenn.
The Times of Israel has a very lengthy story on their new Vice President Rabbi Jennie Rosenn. I encourage you to read it because it is very informative, but was virtually impossible to snip for some reason.
Rabbi Rosenn’s job is to try to bring around the American Jewish community to support Muslim refugee admission to the US. The article says that some Jews (understandably!) got skittish after the Paris and San Bernardino terrorist attacks.
And, then they have to counter the likes of us (bigots, racists and nativists).
Here are just a few things new readers need to know about the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (they want to be called HIAS):
In 2013 they received a grant from the JM Kaplan Fund to write a $35,000 report about us.
They advocate sending the goons at the Southern Poverty Law Center after us! Click here.
They lobbied hard for so-called “comprehensive immigration reform” (aka Gang of Eight bill) in the Senate.
In 2014, they re-branded and dropped the word “Hebrew” from their title and are known only as HIAS or HIAS Inc. now (what was that all about?).
Here we learn that they don’t want money and supplies for Syrians, they want the American Jewish community to lobby for more refugees to be brought to America.
They want 100,000 Syrians in here by the time Obama leaves office!
HIAS (no friend of Netanyahu) blasts Israel for attempting to close its borders and deport illegal aliens, here.
As one of nine major federal resettlement contractors*** they receive millions of your tax dollars every year to do this work. Under the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society they received just short of $135 MILLION from the US taxpayer since 2007, and then when you search HIAS there is another $59 MILLION there in grants and sub-grants.
They could not be doing this work without YOUR money.