Not intentionally though…..
Editor: Yesterday while I was away in Washington, DC, ‘7delta’ left an important comment to my post of two days ago about the legislation making its way through the South Carolina legislature, read about it here, that would among other things make the Volags (the federal refugee contractors) responsible for any criminal activity any of their ‘clients’ might be responsible for in the state.
The ‘religious’ federal refugee contractors are screaming bloody murder saying that such a RESPONSIBILITY for their charges (their refugee clients) abridges their (the Volags) religious freedom.

It was really no surprise to see that Mark Hetfield, the President of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, penned an op-ed on this very subject in the Washington Post (which I read in the train station yesterday).
By the way, a few years ago the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society dropped the word ‘Hebrew’ from its name and is now HIAS, Inc. I’m speculating that perhaps the many Muslim refugees they resettle now might have objected to the ‘Hebrew’ word, or it is meant to reflect the fact that the UN/US isn’t resettling Jews and the organization wanted to remain relevant (and able to collect your tax dollars for their ‘religious charitable work.’).
Here is just one paragraph of the Hetfield WaPo defense (LOL! they are on the defense in many ‘pockets of resistance’ these days).
As the shocking rise in anti-Muslim bigotry collides with increasing concern about terrorism at home and abroad, legislation attacking refugees has spread rapidly spread across the country. But South Carolina’s bill could set a unique and dangerous precedent. If South Carolina passes this disastrous legislation, it risks not only endangering those seeking refuge on our shores and tarnishing our country’s proud tradition of assisting those forced to flee their homes, but also jeopardizing the promise of religious freedom that is the core of American civic life.
Continue reading here.
Note how deceptively Hetfield writes, this bill doesn’t ‘attack’ refugees, it places responsibility for them on Hetfield (as a contractor) and he doesn’t like that one bit.
‘7delta’s’ timely comment works very well to answer Hetfield, but before you read it, I need to mention another comment to the same post from a reader identified as ‘o’reilly.’ This made me laugh:
I don’t know why the agencies would object to this provision. They constantly brag about the layers and layers of checks that are done before bringing the “refugees” to the U.S.
If they don’t have faith in those checks, why should we?
Here then is ‘7delta’ inadvertently answering Hetfield (I’m grateful for people like ‘7delta’ who do such thoughtful, careful work which I don’t have the patience to do!) in a response to another reader ‘Conprof’ who said:
Thank you to our brave SC Senator Kevin Bryant a legislator who understands the U.S. Constitution and what it means to have religious freedom; it does not mean one can do anything and everything, no matter how dangerous, ill-advised, exploitive, or illegal, in the name of religion.
(Edited from the original only by adding paragraph breaks and highlighting important points)
The Constitution isn’t a suicide pact. SCOTUS ruled early on in this country’s history that religious claims did not exempt any person or group from having to abide by our laws and to assimilate into our culture.
There is no right or Constitutional protection to be detrimental or harm another person or their rights, or to undermine society or the government, morally or physically. No human or animal sacrifices, polygamy, patricide, etc….or honor killings, beheadings, mass murder in the name of any god or coercion, threats, whining about discrimination for being required to abide by our laws or making false claims about objections to their laws being forced by legislative means, treaty or acquiescence as being hate or phobic, or the use of violence to force us (non-believers) to accept and abide by their political religious laws that are contrary to ours.
Of course, the SCOTUS ruling was not addressing government misusing religion as a means to cause its version of harm, AKA fundamental transformation, but the principles remain the same. In this case, SCOTUS was correct.
However, the whole narrative and practice about the separation of church and state has been abusive and unconstitutional since SCOTUS misrepresented it in the 1960’s to remove prayer from schools. As a co-equal branch of the federal government, it did exactly what it claimed to correct; it interfered with the individual’s 1st Amendment protections by placing the federal government in the position to arbitrate exactly what it is expressly prohibited from doing in the 1st Amendment, as well as usurping the sovereignty of States to determine its own laws and practices that are not reserved to the limited authorities granted to the federal government.
As for the religious volags claiming their 1st Amendment rights are being violated, their claims are in complete opposition to what the Bible says about the responsibilities of the individual, the body of the church and the government.
Their pretzel logic must take some serious twisting of God and reality for them to reach the conclusion that God meant they should engage in a lucrative enterprise that invites in a belief system that is the antitheses of Christianity and other religious disciplines, eliminates their right to “share the Gospel”, rejects man’s unalienable rights, has no concept of free will, and whose main obligation is to force all others into submission to its political laws, veiled as a religion, or to operate a “charity” as a business, not aided voluntarily by individuals, but well funded from the government treasury, an authority that is neither morally or Constitutionally possessed by the central government.
I’m afraid these religious people have it backwards. They are aiding and abetting subversive operatives within a corrupt government and the foreign agents of chaos certain aspects of western governments are using, yes using, to bring about the carnage and fear necessary to usher in a new governmental system the subversives are ready to implement.
To be clear, that’s overthrowing the government, no matter how much they soft soap it or tell us it’s for our protection. These religious people are infringing on ALL Americans’ rights, aiding and abetting government lawlessness, subversion and treason, and in the process, destroying their own rights. They are complicit in the inevitable and calculated destruction of the people who adhere to this antithetical belief system they are bringing here too, since these people are pawns, dispensable, easily manipulated pawns, due to their supremacist beliefs and singularly focused plan “to destroy the west by our own miserable hands and theirs”.
Because of the adherents obligation to use deceit to advance their cause and their self-serving focus, they are, by all appearances, unquestioning about why they are being allowed to advance. Neither do they appear capable of discerning the deceit manipulating them. These “refugees” will not win their won’t and can’t be allowed by the very people who are using them to secure their own power. The blood of the small numbers of forced-adherents who may genuinely want an escape from the horrors this foreign political system inflicts on them in their native country will also be on the hands of these volags, as will the the blood of all Americans and all others who are, and will be, victims of the religious volag’s “compassion.” Men and women of God? Whom do they really serve? It’s certainly not the God of the Bible.
There was a time when atheists and other belief systems in the U.S. understood the importance of the Christian belief of Natural Law and the freedoms it protected through the Rule of Law. They supported it, because it protected their right to not be forced into a state religion or to be persecuted by the force of law a state religion creates. They were even protective of the fact this country operated under the Christian philosophy of free will and personal liberty. It was in their best interest. Many probably still get it to various degrees. However, the “activists” today are willingly, ignorantly and loudly cutting off their own noses to spite their faces and are, oddly enough, onboard with bringing in a belief system that will do it for them, without exception. And now, we have errant Christians aiding all the subversives, whether they realize it or not.
Maybe these Christians would like to revisit the scriptures about “the falling away of churches” and what the Bible says about errant doctrine. Ignorance of man’s and God’s law is no excuse. Ignorance of evil isn’t either. Good intentions pave the road to hell when the drivers don’t bother with reading the road map accurately. Claims of religious motivation will not protect them from the consequences of their own actions. They have to decide which is more important, man’s errant judgment about speaking and knowing the truth or God’s judgment for not knowing or abiding by His truth.
Sorry for the length, but this whole “religious” angle from both government and the volags really annoys me. If I can research original documents and sources to learn the truth, so can they. Heck, I’ll even save them time by pointing them to official sources, so they don’t have to sift through thousands and thousands of sources like I did. They have no excuse for not knowing. They are responsible.
For more Comments worth noting/guest posts visit our special category by clicking here. Other comments from reader ‘7delta’ may be found here.
HIAS is responsible for a report that recommended we (RRW and anyone else in “pockets of resistance” like this one in SC) be subjected to an investigation by the Southern Poverty Law Center.