Who are they? Those are the 14 Senators led by Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar and Illinois Senator Dick Durban who last year wrote to Obama asking that he admit 65,000 Syrian (mostly Sunni Muslim) refugees to the US. Kaine: I want 65,000 Syrian Muslims to add to America’s welfare rolls! (Hillary proudly looks on)
I had a good laugh herein September of last year when we saw that the New York Times had picked up our nickname for the group but couldn’t bother to link or even name where they got it!
You can bet this same gang will be upping their demands when Obama does his UN pow-wow in September and sends his final “determination” to Congress right after that.
Here are the Senators to watch. Guesses? Will they demand 65,000 again, 75,000? or maybe 100,000?
Thanks to reader Julia for reminding me that Kaine is on this distinguished list.
Below for your amusement are the 14 Members of the Senate Jihad Caucusled by Senators Dick Durban (D-IL) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN):
Al Franken (D-MN)
Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
Patty Murray (D-WA)
Robert Menendez (D-NJ)
Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)
Christopher Coons (D-DE) LOL! Delaware hasn’t taken a refugee in a couple of years!
Tim Kaine (D-VA)
Edward Markey (D-MA)
Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
Mazie Hirono (D-HI) LOL! Last I looked Hawaii took a whole 7 refugees last year!
I’m home! Got home last Sunday after putting 6,208 miles on my car. Traveled through 20 states and stopped in 13 of them for meetings in 21 different cities over 30 days! I’ll report over time as I post related news stories that will now be more informed by what I saw and heard.
Thanks to all who spent so much time with me. Perhaps the biggest revelation was to learn that there are so many of you concerned and working hard to save your towns and cities from being completely transformed!
I’m repeating a message from an earlier postthis week.
Although during my travels, I focused primarily on what you are doing locally and how you have to begin to wrest control of your local governments from the Open Borders advocates who seem to have captured your towns on behalf of the moneyed interests looking for cheap labor, I came home to the news about a demonstration in Washington next Sundaythat is clearly the opening salvo in Obama’s last big propaganda event at the UN in September to dramatically increase the number of refugees who enter the US in fiscal year 2017 (begins on October 1 of this year). So, I realized that we have to deal with the pressing calendar issues first.
We know what Obama wants and as a lame duck there isn’t much we can do about him. However, DO NOT FORGET there is only one entity that can stop his plan for next year and that is Congress because they can choose to NOT FUND what he wants.
I know, I know, they have been a terrible disappointment, but that doesn’t mean they should be ignored or be let off the hook! In fact, everything you do in the weeks ahead, in addition to working to defeat Hillary, is to (sorry to be so graphic) put the screws to your Member of Congress and your US Senators. They must be fully aware that they are the responsible party here.
By the way, in one stop I made on RRW’s road trip, I heard that the Member of Congress representing the area was sending the grassroots folks on a wild goose chase to confront their state legislative representatives. That is important because you must make political noise at all levels of government, but it is the Members of Congress who will say yes or no to Obama this fall and they are all up for election now!
Enough of that, let’s talk about the Three Top (most read) Posts of the last week (top daily posts are in the right hand side bar).
Regarding the first one here (below), this is what you should do in light of what I’ve said above. Make sure that your Washington reps (your Congressman and two US Senators) are sent the article that appeared in the paper about the heated meeting in Aberdeen.
When you send it (more than one of you should send it!), with a cover note that tells your reps in Washington exactly what you think about it and ask them to take some action. For example, ask them to get you a copy of the R & P Abstract for FY2017 for Aberdeen. If there isn’t one yet, tell them to get you any Abstracts for South Dakota for FY17! In other words, make them work and answer you! I’ll bet a buck that they have no clue that this document exists! LOL! Even if you have it already, ask anyway and educate them about the plans for their state for next year.
If they don’t respond within a week, call the office (call all offices, Washington and the local office) and ask to speak to any staffer who knows anything about the refugee program in the state. Bug them politely, but firmly! Top Three Posts for the week ending yesterday, August 20th, are:
Some miscellaneous information: All of you should consider opening a twitter account. You don’t have to tweet, but honestly once you follow certain people you can get the hottest news all day (almost better than by following Drudge). I just yesterday passed the 4,000 followers mark which isn’t much compared to real twitter masters, but it is one important way for me to get refugee news out that I can’t find time to post here at RRW. I am @RefugeeWatcher.
We have a facebook page too, here, with 27,000 ‘likes’ where a friend helps keep it going!
And thanks so much to all who have donated to RRW. I’m working on getting thank you notes out!
I just want my critics to know that I don’t work for anyone or any dark and dastardly entity. My driving force is that I believe with all my heart that citizens have a right to know what Washington is planning for their communities! And, once informed they have a right to speak up without being denigrated and silenced.
Previous weekly and monthly round-ups are archived here.
It sure doesn’t sound like it. Mayor Svante Myrick says he will do anything in his power to relocate Syrian Muslim refugees to Ithaca, NY. http://ithacavoice.com/2015/11/mayor-myrick-pledges-to-help-syrian-refugees-relocate-to-ithaca/
Due to a shortage of time, I am going to urge all of you, especially in new ‘pockets of resistance,’ to read this thorough article (albeit biased in favor of refugees going to Ithaca) because it has a lot of useful information about the process of setting up a new resettlement site (this one is a Catholic Charities site).
Here is one little bit of the Ithaca Voice article that answers a question many of you have had:
After arrival in Ithaca, working-age family members are required to be self-sufficient within six months. Within a year they will apply for Green Card status. According to Spear, Catholic Charities will receive $2,025 per person. This is broken down as $900 per refugee arrival for administration and $1,125 per refugee for “client direct” assistance. This money comes from the State Department (PRM) as part of the “Reception and Placement Program” that covers the first 90 days’ costs of resettling each refugee.
Other funds are organized by federal offices such as the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Administration of Children and Families (ACF), and Refugee and Entrant Assistant funds via the Office of Refugee Resettlement.
The refugees “immediately qualify for public assistance and we are the ones that will help them with the application process,” says Chaffee. “They are going to be working and contributing to our tax base within six months. Many refugees become home owners within five or six years.”
Read it all, there is so much I would like to say about it!
First self-sufficiency is a joke. Refugees are considered self-sufficient even if they are still on certain forms of welfare including housing assistance and food stamps. In fact, if they go off all welfare the ‘Work Opportunity Tax Credit’ would not be available to prospective employers (and as we have said repeatedly, the driving force for the refugee resettlement program is not humanitarianism, but to provide cheap, federally subsidized, labor to certain industries!).
The original State Department tranche of money includes in this case $900 per refugee head for Catholic Charities income, however, Catholic Charities receives other grants from other federal agencies to supplement their phony Christian charity. This per head payment gets higher and higher every year! And, since there is a per head payment, there is no incentive to slow the flow in subsequent years if the town gets overloaded.
“Public assistance” is the nice way of saying WELFARE. Yes, they get welfare right away (including SSI for the elderly and disabled refugees) and Catholic Charities job (the federal contractor here) is to get them signed up ASAP.
And finally, even if refugees get menial jobs, they will not be taxpaying members of the community because their income will be so low that they won’t have to file.
I would really like to know the percentage of refugees who buy homes that quickly (even with a special government savings program just for refugees to buy homes!). Some groups of refugees even enter the country with enough money to purchase property which begs the question—are they the poor downtrodden people we are led to believe they are?
Sheesh! See if you can figure out the marital status of the highly touted first Somali woman to win an important election in Minnesota. Minnesota’s changing electorate: Ilhan Omar supporters cheer earlier this year. Photo Star Tribune http://www.startribune.com/support-in-metro-areas-helped-sanders-rubio-win-in-minnesota/370878581/#8
Here is how Leo Hohmann describes the latest twists and turns in the story at World Net Daily:
America’s soon-to-be first female Muslim legislator has a problem on her hands.
She’s accused of being married to two men, at the same time, including one who may be her brother. The second marriage was allegedly a sham, meant to deceive the U.S. government’s immigration system, allowing him to emigrate from the United Kingdom, according to local Minneapolis media.
But Ilhan Omar, a 33-year-old Somali refugee who was the victor in Minnesota’s Aug. 9 Democratic primary, denies the story, issuing a statement calling it “categorically false” and based on “absurd rumors that don’t bear repeating.” She charged those raising the issue are “racists” using “Donald Trump tactics” to drive a wedge between various demographic segments of Minnesota voters.
I’m quoted in here about the widespread fraud that saw possibly as many as 20,000 Somalis get in to the US prior to 2008 by lying about their family relationships. In an episode the US State Department and its resettlement contractors would like to forget, the so-called ‘P-3 family reunification program’ was closed to Somalis and a few other African groups for four years (from 2008-2012).
We have an extensive archive of stories on the scandal, click herefor more. The US State Department never went back to find and deport those who so flagrantly broke US immigration law.
Putting a proposal for the resettlement of hundreds of thousands of third worlders, including large numbers who come from countries that hate us, squarely in front of the voters in the weeks before the November election could make or break a 2016 presidential candidate.
Obama’s September UN gambit comes as a huge political risk for the Hillary camp and her friends at the Refugee Council USA*** because by placing the hot topic so clearly before the public it could be like waving a red cape before a bull. Hillary has already said she wants 65,000 Syrians admittedin one year and the public is overwhelmingly against ‘welcoming’ any more! Early pollingalready indicates that the vast majority of Americans do not want more Syrian refugees brought to their towns. Will the Obama UN propaganda stunt serve to wake up even more Americans to the nature of this program? We think so. Melanie Nezer (left) of the Hebrew Aid Society is the present chairman of the Refugee Council USA which is a consortium of open border groups including the nine major federal resettlement contractors. RCUSA lobbies Congress and the Administration for more money for their goal of changing America by changing the people. RCUSA will be busy on the Hill reaching out to Republicans who hold the purse strings. Politico (a progressive leaning news outlet aimed at putting news in Congressional office waiting rooms) has published a story that is worth mentioning here, not so much for what it says, but for what it implies.
Reporter Nahal Toosi tells us much we already know, but what interested me most is the mention (a hint really) of the fact that by pushing for more than a doubling of refugees to be admitted to the US in 2017, the resettlement industry will be front and center in Election 2016.
By advocating so strongly with a rallynext weekend and then the Obama UN shindig in September, will the industry become fully exposed to an attack from Trump as Americans increasingly begin to understand how secretive this program has been and how much they are shelling out to bring poverty and possible insecurity to their hometowns, not to mention the maddening fact that most refugees immediately receive all welfare available to Americans including SSI for the elderly and disabled?
It is remarkable to me that the more than 3-decades-old refugee program could make or break an American presidential candidate—and it could if Trump makes the most of Obama’s UN stunt and Hillary’s on-the-record support for 65,000 Syrians to be admitted to the US in one year!
Here (below) are some snips from Politicothat interested me. The refugee industry wants to nearly triple the number of refugees admitted to the US to 200,000. They are urging Obama to make that determination in September, the month when presidents by law send their refugee wish list to Congress.
The average number of refugees admitted throughout most of Obama’s presidency has been 70,000 per year.
[Editor note: there is a lot of confusion about numbers. We are discussing only those refugees admitted through this one program and not considering the tens of thousands of successful asylum seekers and another 100,000 or so unaccompanied alien children the administration refers to as “humanitarian arrivals.” This 200,000 also does not include the hundreds of thousands entering through myriad visa programs.] Politico (emphasis is mine):
Some are calling on Obama to admit at least 200,000 refugees from around the world, including tens of thousands of Syrians, through the U.S. refugee resettlement program and other routes. That’s effectively twice as many total refugees as the Obama administration has planned to accept in the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1.
Obama also is preparing to host a Sept. 20 international summit on the world’s migration crisis, a meeting in which he is expected to urge other countries to double their intake of refugees. The gathering will be held on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly in New York City, just weeks before the end of a U.S. presidential campaign in which Republican nominee Donald Trump has made refugees an incendiary topic.
Shannon Scribner, a top official with Oxfam America, said her sense is that, despite pressure from activists, Obama is unlikely to go beyond 100,000 total refugees. One reason is that Congress controls the funding for the refugee resettlement program, and Republicans could kill any request for more money, she noted.
Trump has embraced the backlash against refugees in Europe, too — openly rooting for the British exit from the EU and comparing Clinton to Angela Merkel, the German chancellor who has emerged as the symbol of the continent’s initially welcoming stance toward the Syrian influx.
Obama likely will use the daylong summit in September, which will come on the heels of a similar U.N. summit, to push for more out-of-the-box efforts to help the world’s refugees.
“This could be one of the great Trojan horses,” Trump said of the refugee program. He has also accused Clinton of wanting to spend “hundreds of billions of dollars to settle Middle Eastern refugees in the United States” — a claim that independent fact checkers have debunked — and dinged her repeatedly for calling last September for the U.S. to admit 65,000 properly screened Syrian refugees, a 550 percent increase over Obama’s figure. [The only error in Trump’s comment is the word ‘hundreds,’ leave that out and Trump is correct—this will cost US taxpayer BILLIONS!—ed]
The September summit gives refugee advocates another chance to boost momentum for their cause. Some groups are hoping in particular to rebuild trust in the refugee program among Republicans, with outreach efforts on Capitol Hill.
At the same time, the summit could re-ignite the partisan debate, especially on the presidential campaign trail.
Help re-ignite the partisan debate!
Here is what you need to remember: in the next 10 weeks, you have to make as much political noise as you can about the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program where you live!
You must work hard to get your concerns and the controversy out to the media in whatever way you can! That means all media! If you can’t get to your local Leftwing controlled newspaper, find other avenues to reach your fellow citizens even if you have to hand out fliers at the county fair! And, then this is key! Get your ‘noise’ to your Senators and Members of Congress. Your House members are all up for election and THEY CONTROL THE PURSE STRINGS. I know you are saying to me that your Member is a chicken or worse. That doesn’t matter, make their lives miserable! They are home now until right after Labor Day. Find them! Go to their offices, picket the office if necessary, meet them at the local county fair, attend any townhall they hold and hammer them on this one issue!
Afterall, Politico is telling us that the Open Borders Refugee Industry is going to be hitting Republican offices on Capitol Hill because they know that the only way they can win is to get Congress (Speaker Paul Ryan!) to fund 200,000 or more refugee arrivals!
You must out maneuver them! Remember:
They need your money to change America!
*** Here are the members of the Refugee Council USA (federal resettlement contractors being paid by the head to place refugees in your towns are in red, they have a vested financial interest in bringing in ever larger numbers of refugees):