So are they going to give up this aspect of their ‘culture’ when they assimilate to life in the West? I doubt it. This is creeping sharia, by the way. Where are Europe’s feminists who should be fighting for the young girls? And, it just occurred to me, is the US admitting Muslim refugees with young girls as wives? Is anyone reporting that information? And, are they even legally married? Invasion of Europe news….
From Russia Today:
Some 1,475 minor refugees, mostly girls, have arrived in Germany already married, the majority of whom come from Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq, an official report cited by German media says. Almost one in four are reportedly less than 14 years old.
The numbers from the government migration office were released in the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (WAZ) newspaper on Friday.
According to data collected in July of this year, some 1,475 refugee minors were recorded by the migration office as married. The usual minimum age for marriage in Germany is 18, but an exception can be made for 16-year-old children if they have their parents’ permission.
The majority of married minors arrived from Syria (664), Afghanistan (157), Iraq (100), Bulgaria (65), Poland (41), Romania (33), and Greece (32), the report says. Girls make up the majority – at least 1,152.
Germany isn’t the only European country with “child brides” issues. In February of this year, similar cases were also reported in Norway, where at least 61 minors, several under the age of sexual consent, were married at the time they applied for asylum in Norway, according to government figures for 2015. It was later revealed that child brides were being allowed to stay with their older husbands in Norwegian asylum centers.
Dozens of young female asylum seekers were also discovered living with older men in Danish refugee centers and, in March of this year, at least 70 married girls under the age of 18 were found in asylum centers in Sweden, including in major cities like Stockholm and Malmo.
Go here for our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.
Don’t ask me why. Don’t ask me why Mormons want to change Utah and America. Don’t ask me if the Mormons have run out of poor Americans to help. Don’t ask me if the Mormons know that almost all Syrians coming to the US are Muslims. Don’t ask me if they know that Syrians and Somalis can’t be properly vetted. Don’t ask me why the Catholic bishops don’t insist on resettling persecuted Christians. It is all a great mystery.
What isn’t a great mystery is that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops Migration and Refugee Services is 97% taxpayer funded.
Does it need the Mormon money too? (I guess you can never have enough money.) Here is the good news for the Bishops from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:
WASHINGTON (CNS) — The U.S. bishops’ Migration and Refugee Services is receiving a $1.25 million grant from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to aid in its refugee resettlement efforts once the newcomers arrive in the United States.
Bill Canny heads the USCCB Washington office.
The Mormons, as the denomination’s adherents are popularly known, have refugee processing capabilities overseas, said MRS executive director Bill Canny, but do not offer domestic resettlement services.
Canny told Catholic News Service that this is the first time in memory that the Mormons have made such a gift to an agency within the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, although Catholic Relief Services, the U.S. bishops’ overseas aid and development organization, has received grants from the Mormons dating to the Ethiopian famine more than 30 years ago.
Grants of this nature, of this size, Canny added, don’t often happen, “not often enough.”
Canny said the Mormons had conducted a successful fundraising drive to aid Syrian refugees. Afterward, “they then approached nine resettlement agencies***, offering each of them a gift to help with resettling refugees currently. So they got in touch with us as one of the resettlement agencies. We began to discuss how to distribute the money and the in-kind goods, and we wrote a small project for them, and they agreed to it and gave us the go-ahead.”
Of the $1.25 million, $425,000 is in cash while the remaining $800,000 is an in-kind contribution from the Mormons, according to Canny.
Continue reading here.
You can thank the Bishops for the thousands of Rohingya coming to a town near you!See here. See especially Esar Met, convicted of murder in Salt Lake City, UTAH.
***Since I’ve been writing about the taxpayer funding that the resettlement contractors received in 2014, here is what the US Bishops got. Screenshot of page 10 from their Annual Report for 2014(maybe they have a Form 990, but I can’t readily find one).
If you are checking my math, you need to add the federal grants line to the travel loan collection fees because those fees are really your money too. The contractors collect the airfare loan money (that you loaned the refugees) and keep a cut of it for themselves. The loan money does not all return to the US Treasury.
By the way, individual Catholic Charities may be getting additional federal/state or local grants. I suggest you visit USA and look up your local Catholic diocese or Catholic Charities. Click here. You will be amazed at what you find.
Previously I reported that Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is 95% funded by you, and USCRI,another of the nine federal contractors, is 97% funded by you. Cut off their federal funding and they would be out of business!
Yesterday my good friend Louise called to say she received a fundraising letter from Speaker Paul Ryan and asked did I get the same thing? Well, sure enough, checked my junk mail and there it was! Team Ryan—give me a break! How about helping make him a fundraising failure while sending a message to DEFUND REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT!
Here is what I am going to do (to this one and any others I get from the GOP), I’m sending them back with no money, but with a message to keep America safe by defunding the US Refugee Admissions Program, right now! This year! (no matter what they say, they can’t vet the refugees!)
By all means, send donations directly to your favorite Republican candidates and directly to the Trump campaign!
Ryan’s “Team Ryan” appeal for money to elect House members comes with a letter, and you know what! I didn’t see the ‘T’ word anywhere in it—Trump is not mentioned!
However, and this is soooo funny, he says:
“House Republicans will be offering a better way forward going into this election. An agenda rooted on our core conservative principles where we:
Operate the federal government with a balanced budget, just as you do at home
Repeal and replace Obamacare, which has proven to be an utter failure
Free small businesses to operate without interference from burdensome government regulations”
How dumb does he think we are?
I told you here yesterdaythat the Republicans who control Congress (the House and the Senate) and the purse strings are part of the problem. They don’t defund anything! Put a message on the outside of the envelope too!
What the hell have they been doing for the last year that we once again are facing a battle over a ‘Continuing Resolution’ to keep the government funded just at the time they want to run home and campaign so they can get back to Washington and do the same damn thing to us!
So, if you are as angry at them as I am, and you want to have fun, here is an idea! Every appeal you get from the Republican establishment should go back in their own envelope (you can afford a stamp!) with a message written on it to Keep America Safe by defunding the US Refugee Admissions Program!
Check your junk mail! Surely you have gotten something from the GOP establishment recently, don’t trash it, put it to good use! (I’m going back to my junk mail basket right now to see what else I might find!).
We hear Ad nauseam that Syrian refugees entering the US now by the thousands are being vetted in a process that has been shrunk from the original 18-24 months down to 3 months. It is a lie, they can’t be vetted and truth-be-told neither can the Somalis, the Burmese Rohingya, the Afghans, the Sudanese, the Ethiopians and a good many of the Iraqis.
Forget the most egregious case, the Syrians, for a minute.
How do you find data on Somalis who have wandered all over the world, some on boats to Europe (to Malta!***) where we then pick them up and magically transform then into refugees for your town? Vetting Rohingya boat people in Malaysia? Not a chance! Malaysia is a safe Muslim nation, why can’t they be granted asylum in Malaysia? Why has the Obama Administration admitted thousands to your neighborhoods? And, where are the Republicans in Congress? The Burmese Rohingya are leaving Burma and Bangladesh on boats headed for places like Malaysia where we pick them up and Catholic Charities delivers them to your towns.
We are picking up Afghans and other Middle Easterners in, of all places, Austria in Europe. Who are these men?Do we query the government of Afghanistan for background data on Mohammed who has ‘made his way’ to Vienna? These migrants are basically other countries’ illegal aliens that we take off their hands and put on welfare in America!
Here is a good description from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (hat tip: Paul) which talks about the use of ‘vetting jargon’ to lull the American public into complacency about their new neighbors.
From FAIR (emphasis is mine):
“Vetting” is a term rarely used in everyday English. Nevertheless, it has appeared regularly in recent coverage of the Syrian refugee crisis and the mass movement of Middle-Eastern migrants into Europe. Media outlets and government officials have repeatedly discussed vetting as if it were some magical process that grants access to otherwise inaccessible information. But what does vetting really mean?
Simply put, vetting means conducting a background check on someone. If you have ever applied for a credit card or renewed a drivers’ license, you have been vetted. Vetting may consist of conversations with references, as when applying for a job; or it may consist of a review of information found in computerized databases, as when applying for a home loan.
In the United States, we regularly engage in business and governmental transactions where we furnish personal information. That data is captured and stored in various databases. When we apply for a drivers’ license the DMV captures our names, photographs, addresses and biographical details. In some cases, our fingerprints are also captured.
Successful vetting is dependent upon access to information that is reliable and verifiable. Therefore, it is relatively easy to vet people who live in the United States. As they go about their daily business, their information is regularly captured and updated – and can be checked against multiple government or commercial databases. It is also relatively easy to vet people who come to America from countries where businesses and government agencies are operated in a manner similar to the United States – as long as their governments are willing to share information with the United States.
Problems arise when attempting to vet people who come from countries where there are few reliable public records or countries that are unwilling to share information.
Prior to its civil war, Syria did not share significant amounts of background information on its citizens with the United States. Even if Syria were now willing to share its information, the Syrian civil war has caused the destruction of many government records and very little reliable, verifiable information is currently being compiled either by government or non-governmental organizations operating within the country. As a result, Syrian passports, birth certificates, drivers’ licenses and other government documents cannot be adequately verified.
Although USCIS claims that all Syrian applicants for refugee status are being thoroughly vetted, this is simply untrue.
Hiding behind jargon connected with the background check process will not conceal the shortcomings of that process. The American public has a right to expect that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will not admit refugees, and other seekers of immigration benefits, to the United States until it is reasonably certain that they pose no threat to those currently residing here. Failing to deny admission to those who have not, or cannot, be completely and thoroughly vetted constitutes a complete abdication of DHS’s responsibilities to secure the borders of the United States and ensure the safety of the American people.
It isn’t just the Syrians!
Back to the Freedom Caucus and their phony-baloney planto attach a bill to the ‘Continuing Resolution’ requiring the Obama Administration guarantee Syrians are being vetted, I say, what about the Somalis, the Burmese Rohingya, the Afghans, the Ethiopians, the Iraqis, the Sudanese etc. They aren’t being thoroughly vetted either!
I checked the US Department of State’s data base for Muslim refugees arriving in the US for the first 11 months of the 2016 fiscal year (that is as of Sept. 1, 10 days ago) and here are some of the Muslim refugee numbersas of that date.
Syria: 10,600
Somalia: 7,967 (why are we still bringing in Somalis, it has been 30 years, does it ever end?)
Iraq: 6,840
Burma: 2,794 (they now have the Rohingya! flow in motion, look for 30 more years of this!)
Afghanistan: 2,128
Sudan: 997
Ethiopia: 456
(I didn’t do all of the Muslim countries)
Get this! We are constantly told that the refugees from DR Congo are all persecuted Christians, but this year alone we admitted 422 Muslims from the DR Congo! In 2013 we promised the United Nations we would admit 50,000 total refugees from DR Congo over 5 years.
Without a doubt, these migrants fleeing war and failed Middle Eastern and African countries cannot be vetted! It is time to DEFUND THE REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT PROGRAM!
***Someday I hope a real investigative reporter digs in to the illegal process the Bush Administration put into place where we take some illegal alien Africans who make it to Malta and transform them into refugees and bring them to the US. We have a massive archive on Malta here at RRW for your reading pleasure.
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me!
Do they think we are that stupid!
Before you read on, see myprevious postabout how these Continuing Budget Resolutions have perverted Constitutional government. The Republicans have been complicit in this travesty.
News earlier this week indicated that the House ‘Freedom Caucus’ is thinking about pushing the leadership for the add-on of a bill to the ‘continuing budget resolution’ (CR) to supposedly pause the flow of Syrians to the US!
(Their plans may already have changed, since this Politicostory is a couple of days old).
It failed last year because Speaker Ryan knew it wouldn’t pass the Senate. Here is the gist of it:
The House Freedom Caucus is targeting must-pass spending legislation as a potential bargaining chip to halt the Obama administration’s Syrian refugee resettlement program — a move sure to complicate GOP leaders’ hopes of heading off any government shut-down talk by quickly passing a stop-gap measure.
The Freedom Caucus, meanwhile, stopped short of adopting a formal strategy on the so-called continuing resolution. Many expected the caucus to vote on Tuesday to oppose a short-term stopgap spending measure that runs out in December. Several of their conservative allies off the Hill have asked leadership to punt any major budget decisions into spring of 2017.
But rather than flat-out opposing the short-term CR, the group of conservative lawmakers instead hashed out a preliminary plan to play hardball during its weekly meeting at Hunan Dynasty on Capitol Hill Tuesday evening.
They’re planning to tell leadership they will back a short-term funding package if they can tuck in a bill by Rep. Richard Hudson (R-N.C.) to stop the resettlement program until the administration “can assure no terrorists or individuals with radical sympathies or views will be admitted,” according to a summary of the bill.
So, what do they think Obama will say? He will assure them in a nanosecond!
Politico continued:
While not an outright refusal to support a short-term CR, their demands could still spark a major legislative battle that gums up appropriations: While the refugees matter passed the House early this year, it died in the Senate, which needs Democratic votes to send anything to the president’s desk. Obama, likewise, is almost certain to reject a spending bill that includes such a provision.
“There was some discussion about doing a shorter-term CR if we had a commitment from leadership to attach and keep attached a pause on Syrian Refugees coming in until we have a better vetting system to identity the terrorists,” said one Freedom Caucus member who asked not to be identified. “We haven’t taken a formal position, but there was a lot of discussion about that and many of the members felt that was a reasonable request.”
They know you are angry as hell! This is really just a sop to you.
All they really need to do is CUT THE FUNDING ACROSS THE BOARD FOR THE PROGRAM TO WHATEVER LEVEL THEY HAVE THE GUTS TO FIGHT FOR! (Remember there are other concerns with the refugee program besides the Syrian flood, Somalis have proven to be a problematic group as well!).
Now, for a good laugh!
A meaningless show vote!
See what World Net Dailyreported LAST year about this same failed strategy:
House Speaker Paul Ryan is lining up a showdown vote for Thursday on President Obama’s plan to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees in the United States.
Throwing a bone! Speaker Ryan knew that the Syrian ‘pause’ would go no where in the Senate
But conservatives on Capitol Hill who want to see the refugee program halted are warning that Ryan’s plan is nothing but a smokescreen designed to give lip-service while refusing to defund the program.
Ryan likely has no intention of cutting off the flow of Muslim refugees into the U.S., nor does he plan to ensure Syria’s persecuted Christian minority gets rescued from the clutches of ISIS, sources told WND.
But WND has learned from insiders on Capitol Hill that Ryan’s end objective is not to close down a program that has delivered more than 1.5 million Muslim refugees to American cities and towns since 1990 under a law authored in 1980 by then-Sen. Joe Biden and the late Teddy Kennedy.
A conservative Capitol Hill aide told WND, “Paul Ryan is setting us up for a meaningless show vote on Syrian refugees so the White House can continue the influx of Muslim refugees this year and all the years to follow as it always has.
“Putting Ryan in charge of a fight to block refugees would be like putting (Nancy) Pelosi in charge of fight to repeal Obamacare,” the staffer said. “No one loves mass immigration more than Ryan, so how exactly is he going to make a public argument against it? He can’t and won’t, leaving Democrats unharmed, unscathed and unafraid.”
Members of the House Intelligence, Armed Services and Homeland Security panels will meet this week to come up with legislation the House will vote on by Thursday.
The “show vote” will likely occur on North Carolina Rep. Richard Hudson’s American SAFE Act of 2105, the source said, a toothless bill that would allow Obama to continue the transfer of Middle Eastern refugees to the U.S. with certain assurances that they are being “certified” as having no connections to terrorism.
Babin bill has more teeth
A much stronger bill, the Resettlement Accountability National Security Act introduced by Rep. Brian Babin, R-Texas, is not being moved to a vote by Ryan. The Texas congressman’s bill would halt all resettlements until a full accounting of the program’s cost and risks to national security can be fully assessed.
And, of course Ryan still won’t move it this year! Defund refugee resettlement!
I want to impress upon you how important this funding issue is. The Refugee Industry understands it very well or else they wouldn’t be planning their big push on Congress during this next week and into the week of the 19th when Obama goes to the United Nations to guilt-trip America into ‘welcoming’ hundreds of thousands of impoverished people to America. You must push back and do it now!
If you are reading RRW for the first time, see our tag ‘Where is Congress’ and read about what you need to be doing!
By the way if the CR is short term (until December), you might have a great opportunity in October when they are all home trying to get elected to really hammer them on defunding refugee resettlement. But, you can’t count on that, so you must hit them before Obama goes to the United Nations! Better still, hit them this next week before the refugee industry does its postcard drop on the 15th.
The Freedom Caucus members are listed here. Does one of these members represent you?