As Brenda Walker reports hereat VDARE, the trial of nine Somali refugees who plotted to leave the US to join ISIS is wrapping up and long sentences are being handed down. (Take note all of you refugee advocates who say there is no connection between the Refugee Admissions Program and Islamic terrorism.) What are these Somali refugees costing us? Here is Walker:
The Trump-obsessed press has paid little attention to important news like a major terror trial wrapping up in Minneapolis: nine Somali men were sentenced last week in Minnesota for their jihad terror crimes. But the liberal media ignores Muslims terror trials in America no matter what else is going on.
Think about this and consider taking the challenge!
First, think about the fact that your tax dollars raised these budding jihadists. You paid for their food stamps, their medical care, their schooling, subsidized their housing, and you might even have fixed their teeth, so I ask what are you getting for your investment? More expenses!
Just imagine what these trials cost the taxpayers of Minnesota and America! And, more importantly, since several of them are getting 30 years plus behind bars, imagine what that costs us!
I don’t even know why we bother stopping these punks when they try to leave the US. They are cannon fodder for ISIS, might as well let them go.
What value are they for us as they languish behind bars and are fed special halal diets for decades? What will they contribute when they come out at say 55 years old? Do we put them on welfare again?
I’m wondering if when Jeff Sessions becomes Attorney General, can he stop this madness? Just let them go and take away their US passports! The challenge!
And, maybe to help Sessions and law enforcement generally reconsider whatever policy it is that we follow by stopping the jihadist wannabes from leaving the country, someone should do an economic analysis of what each of these Somali convicted Al Shabaab/ISIS sympathizers cost us. I bet one of you could do this! And, remember there are more than nine of these mostly Somali refugees who have attempted to leave the country since about 2007. See if you can figure out what they cost the American taxpayer!
And, one more thing! I know it would never happen, but it’s fun to fantasize! I would love to see the resettlement agencies (the contractors), which failed to assimilate their refugees, financially responsible when one of their darlings breaks the law!
Twin Falls Mayor Shawn Barigar whines to WaPo about Breitbart reporting. As Chamber of Commerce Prez. he helped get Chobani Yogurt plant built in town. I have other things I want to post today, but since the WaPo has devoted many column inches in its Business section to the Twin Falls, Idaho refugee controversy, I need to at least direct you to it.
Thanks to reader Brenda for sending it my way. (For decades I had a subscription to the WaPo but cancelled it years ago when they savaged Sarah Palin.) Go here where reporter Chico Harlan tries to cover all the issues, but the focus is on the symbiotic relationship between the refugee program, big business, and white workers/politicians who benefit.
See our YUGE archive on Twin Falls byclicking here. Just one more reminder that the Refugee Admissions Program is largely about cheap labor (at taxpayer expense!) and NOT first and foremost about humanitarianism.
When governors withdraw their state from the Refugee Admissions Program, that is not the end of it!
When governors withdraw their state from the Refugee Admissions Program, that is not the end of it!
When governors withdraw their state from the Refugee Admissions Program, that is not the end of it!
When governors withdraw their state from the Refugee Admissions Program, that is not the end of it!
When governors withdraw their state from the Refugee Admissions Program, that is not the end of it!
When governors withdraw their state from the Refugee Admissions Program, that is not the end of it!
When governors withdraw their state from the Refugee Admissions Program, that is not the end of it!
What am I doing you ask? An expert on communication once told me that people have to hear the same message seven times before they get it. I want readers to get this point!
Come on Governor LePage—do it! Sue!
Once a governor withdraws his/her state from the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program (RAP), a Constitutionally unsupportable program created out of whole cloth known as the Wilson-Fish program gives the director of the ORR the (supposed) authority to designate a NON-GOVERNMENTAL organization to run the program in the state.
Please visit the Office of Refugee Resettlement website, here, to learn more about it (see a list of all states that are W-F now).
Knowledge is power:
Then, see Michael Patrick Leahy’s (Breitbart) clear description of the history of the law/regulation known as the Wilson-Fish Alternative program by clicking here. (That article, written almost a year ago, is available by googling. Are lawyers for governors withdrawing from the program so incompetent that they can’t find that information?)
As governors withdraw there may be a brief period of disruption to the flow of refugees to the state (the new withdrawals are New Jersey, Kansas, Texas and now Maine), but the resettlement proceeds and services are supplied when a federally-funded non-profit resettlement contractor takes over. Think about it! The federal government and an unelected, unaccountable to any voters, non-profit group will be deciding how to spend local and state taxpayer dollars in this case, Maine! Texas Governor Greg Abbott—do it! Once Texas is designated a W-F state, file the Tenth Amendment case!
I continue to be stunned by how little lawyers for these governors know about the RAP and are apparently in the dark about what they are doing….. Unless of course they do know and by withdrawing they are getting the monkey (you) off their backs, fooling those of you who want it stopped, and thus allowing the program to proceed claiming they can do nothing.
However, they can do something…..
If a governor withdraws, he must follow-up with a state’s rights lawsuit!
The state of Tennessee is proceeding to challenge the Constitutionality of the Wilson-Fish program, see here. The real test for the governors who withdraw is if they will join the lawsuit!
Under present administration of the program, Maine resettlement will continue as the federal government will (illegally we believe) assign a replacement agency to administer it!
Now, here is the AP storyabout what the Governor of Maine has just done and what the feds will do in response (I bet Catholic Charities is chuckling behind closed doors!). Will Governor LePage sue? Kansas Governor Sam Brownback has a mixed record on refugees. Test: Will he join the Tennessee lawsuit?
AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) – Refugees will continue entering Maine despite Republican Gov. Paul LePage’s announcement that the state will no longer participate in a federally funded resettlement program.
So far this year, about 607 refugees were resettled in Maine, and more will arrive next year. Over the past decade, the state has worked with Catholic Charities of Maine to settle more than 3,400 refugees.
A spokeswoman for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said its Office of Refugee Resettlement is working to appoint an interim agency that will administer earmarked federal funds, though a timeline is still uncertain.
That agency will likely be Catholic Charities. The federal government will later accept competitive bids for an agency that will take federal funds directly for refugee resettlement. [This whole process is built on no legal authority!—ed]
LePage wrote a Nov. 4 letter to Democratic President Barack Obama saying he no longer wants Maine associated with the federal refugee resettlement program, and he has also opposed the settlement of Syrian refugees in Maine “until adequate vetting procedures can be established.”
The governor said Maine communities are being burdened by this “unchecked influx of refugees” and “especially prevalent” welfare fraud within the refugee community. He did not provide data for such assertions.
Maine joins three other states – New Jersey, Kansas and Texas – that have recently opted out the federally funded refugee assistance program.
If you live in one of the so-called Wilson-Fish states you should be urging your governors to join the Tennessee case!
Endnote: I saw Kansas Governor Brownback’s name on a list of people Trump is interviewing. I sure hope it isn’t for any position relating to immigration/refugees.See here in 2014 we reported that he signed on to a letter with Grover Norquist and other RINOs, including Jeb Bush, which urged the Republican Party to embrace more refugee resettlement. Human Rights First loved it!
That is what the Manchester Union Leaderis reporting. I’m thinking 90,000 Syrians is way high especially in the age of Trump. Nevertheless, here is the story. It is not clear to me (maybe it is to you!) what the motion before the mayor and council would actually do, so I’ll just stick to reporting on the stunning numbers that supposedly came from the FBI.
Alderman Keith Hirschmann originally proposed the motion, saying the board would empower Mayor Ted Gatsas in any efforts to stop a potential influx of 500 refugees from Syria.
Manchester Police Chief Nick Willard said he got the numbers from the FBI. BTW, Republican Senator Ayotte, to Willard’s right in this photo, lost her Senate seat. For our purposes it didn’t matter, because I have not seen her lift a finger to slow the Refugee Admissions Program (too close to Senators McCain and Graham?)
That figure came from Manchester Police Chief Nick Willard, who said he was told by members of the FBI that 500 Syrian refugees could be headed to New Hampshire.
“I was told during discussions with the FBI that 90,000 Syrian refugees are headed to the U.S., and 500 of them will be headed to New Hampshire,” said Willard.
Willard said he had no further information about the expected influx, including when or where in the state the refugees would be headed.
The motion was defeated.
Here is what one of our long time readers told the Union Leader, a sentiment shared by many in cities and states across America!
Jeannine Richardson said Friday, November 18, 2016 at 8:21 pm
Those who voted to host more refugees better find a way to house our homeless first and look into the burden on our schools, Medicaid, subsidized housing and job marker [market] for people with no skills before thinking this is a good idea for Manchester. Last family we hosted (like that PC term) are receiving $1200 in food stamps per month while we have soup kichens [kitchens] and religious groups having to feed American citizens in Manchester.
– See more at:
We have a huge archive on Manchester where the mayor worked for years to try to slow the flow to the refugee overloaded city.
And, if you hadn’t noticed, New Hampshire is turning (politically) blue and I maintain much of that has to do with the influx of refugees and immigrants to the state.
Easily one of my greatest concerns about the whole resettlement process in the United States, is how can there be such widely divergent views on whether refugees have brought a “robust” economy and multicultural nirvana to a community, or not! Read the 2005 UN propaganda report used to entice (embarrass) other cities into ‘welcoming’ refugees. Is there no real investigative journalist willing to go to Utica, spend a little time, talk to everyone involved and report an accurate story about what has happened in the ‘Town that Loves Refugees’(according to a 2005 United Nations propaganda campaign).
This is one more in those warm and fuzzy stories about how everything is copacetic in Utica. Of course the election of Donald Trump is the news hook for a reporter to once again tell the ‘good’ news about rebuilding cities with refugees.
Take a side trip now to Politico’s county by county breakdown and see that Trump actually won most of New York state including Oneida County (Utica) by a large margin. Presumably Trump’s views on refugees and immigration are in line with the largest numbers of voters in most of the state. Surely if the ‘good’ news on Utica was true after 11 years of beating that drum, the citizens there should all be on the side of more refugees. They apparently are not!
Back to Utica and yet another account of how refugees have supposedly brought boom times to the struggling city.
From the Gloucester Times:
UTICA — More than anywhere else in New York, this city in the Mohawk Valley has embraced people fleeing strife-torn countries.
But, now, Donald Trump’s election as president is stoking fear among refugees and their advocates, given his anti-immigrant rhetoric and focus on curtailing immigration.
A wall proposed for the Mexican border was a rhetorical fixture of Trump’s campaign, and he’s called refugees a “Trojan horse” whose ranks are infiltrated by “terrorists.”
“It is concerning to us,” said Shelly Callahan, director of the Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees, which coordinates the resettlement of newcomers here. [Mohawk Valley Resource Center is a subcontractor of primary federal resettlement contractor Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service—ed]
Over the past three decades, Utica has rolled out the welcome mat to an estimated 16,000 refugees.
Here we go again with Chobani Yogurt changing America to supply its labor needs (with the help of a fake ‘charity’):
In Utica, foreign-born people and their children account for about a quarter of the city’s population of 62,000, earning it the United Nations’ distinction as “the town that loves refugees.”
Refugees represent a new pool of immigrant labor, which Callahan said has been a major asset for regional businesses looking to expand or simply trying to fill jobs shunned by workers already living here.
In some cases, businesses that hire refugees are targeted.
One upstate employer that has taken on some refugees living in Utica, the Chobani yogurt plant in Chenango County, has been sharply criticized in recent weeks by a right-wing, pro-Trump website, Breitbart, for hiring Muslim immigrants.
Those reports have unleashed racist rants against Chobani and its founder, Turkish immigrant Hamdi Ulukaya.
Democrat Assemblyman Anthony Brinidisi: we have “robust” small business growth. But would someone please do a real unbiased economic and social impact study about Utica. LOL! I should do a post just on their favorite words, robust is near the top of the list. Everything from business start-ups to security screening is robust!
In the last decades of the 20th century, Utica shed more than 20,000 jobs with the closings of two nearby General Electric plants, Griffiss Air Force Base in nearby Rome and a Lockheed Martin plant.
Its population of 100,410 people in 1910 had shriveled to 60,000 by 2010.
“Without them, we would have a city with less population, less cultural diversity and not as robust in terms of small business growth as it has been over the past couple of decades,” Brindisi said in an interview.
More here.
I have all sorts of questions and suspect that some economic growth (if it does exist) may well be that federal welfare dollars (remember when Nancy Pelosi famously said food stamps boost the economy!) are flowing to Utica with the refugees which is not real growth but just a redistribution of wealth from one group of taxpayers elsewhere to supply social services for the refugee flood to Utica.
And, here is why I’m posting this story:
There is not one bit of anything negative in here about what changes have been brought to Utica that are not welcome. Reporter Joe Mahoneymust not know how to google! (And, this is why local newspapers are going belly-up! The NYT too!) Where is the mention of how the school system there had to sue the state for more money to manage all the kids in the school system?
You know what! Go back and look again at how red New York state is, here. Someone in New York should be writing a blog about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program and pulling all this together!