The Anti-Defamation League, pushing back on the Trump Administration’s efforts to slow the flow of potentially dangerous refugees to America, has launched a twitter campaign titled #ThisIsARefugee.
Putting a face on the refugee issue….
Announced on February 12th, their campaign isn’t getting much traction except from Pamela Gellerand yours truly. I posted some of my refugee criminals including Esar Met, Fazliddin Kurbanov, Jasim Ramadon, and today’s newest member of the refugee criminal hit parade Abdirhman Ahmad Noor.
New York, NY, February 12, 2017 … Anti-Defamation League (ADL) CEO Jonathan A. Greenblatt announced the start of the #ThisIsARefugee campaign on the heels of today’s National Day of Jewish Action for Refugees rally in New York sponsored by HIAS***.
As the pre-eminent Jewish civil rights organization, ADL is launching the effort to bring to light how much refugees have given to make America the country it is today and underscore how short-sighted and contrary to American values a ban on refugees is.
As I have said repeatedly, for every refugee violinist or Harvard grad story, I can give you a story about a refugee terrorist or a criminal.
If you are on twitter and have some refugee stories, post them here #ThisIsARefugee!
***Learn more about HIAS here.
Is he headed to the Canadian border—to the welcoming arms of boy Trudeau? (That was my first thought on reading this latest news!)
And, interesting coincidence that he makes his getaway just as the state legislature there is debating whether the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program is good for South Dakota or not! See here.
From Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily:
A Somali man who came to America as a child refugee has jumped bail and remains at large after being charged with attempted murder in Aberdeen, South Dakota.
Somali refugee Abdirhman Ahmad Noor is on the run in South Dakota (or ????)
Abdirhman Ahmad Noor, 24, is charged with two counts of attempted murder and two counts of aggravated assault for allegedly shooting at two men on July 8 in or near the parking lot of the Foxridge Apartments in Aberdeen. Noor was said to have chased the two men down, firing at them. One man, Dar’na Tansmore, was hit and laid wounded on the ground when Noor allegedly walked up, stood over his victim and shot him again.
Tansmore was taken to a hospital in Sioux Falls and survived. Police have not given a motive for the shooting.
About half of the residents at the Foxridge Apartments are Somalis, according to Aberdeen residents. The July shooting was followed by another incident involving a drive-by shooting in early September in which no arrests have been made. On Aug. 14, another incident took place just south of the apartments when a man identified as Ehkhu Poe allegedly charged a police officer with a knife and was shot twice but survived to face charges.
Some residents told the local paper they want to move, while others said they live in fear and keep their doors locked all the time.
Noor was scheduled to appear in circuit court in Aberdeen Tuesday for a pre-trial hearing, but he failed to appear. A bench warrant was issued for his arrest.
Just before 6 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday, the Brown County Jail confirmed to WND that Noor was still not incarcerated there.
His attorneys had also filed a motion to suppress information Noor gave to local police, arguing that English was his second language, according to court documents.
Lutheran Social Services South Dakota has been paid by the federal government to resettle 947 Somali refugees in South Dakota since 2002. Most are sent to the cities of Sioux Falls and Huron, but some make secondary migration to Aberdeen to work in the meatpacking and molded fiberglass plants there.
More than 132,000 Somali refugees have been resettled in more than 200 U.S. cities and towns since civil war broke out in Somalia in 1991. Somali refugees have recently been implicated in terrorist knife attacks on the campus of Ohio State University on Nov. 28 and at the Crossroads Mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota, on Sept. 17 last year. Eleven were wounded at Ohio State and 10 were wounded in the St. Cloud attack.
Noor has pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Judge Jon Flemmer set Noor’s bond at $50,000 cash, after the state’s attorney requested it be set at $400,000. Noor was incarcerated for nearly three months, from July 8 to Oct. 11, at which time his family came up with the $50,000 cash bond and he was freed pending trial on March 15.
But that’s unlikely to happen now since no one can find Noor, who became a U.S. citizen about eight years ago, county officials told WND. [And, he still can’t speak English well?—ed]
Aberdeen’s local newspaper, the American News, made no mention in its story Wednesday of Noor’s status as a Somali refugee. The same paper did not cover the trial of another Somali refugee, 39-year-old Liban Mohamed, who was convicted in December of attempted sexual assault against a mentally incapacitated woman at a group home in Aberdeen. After WND reported on the conviction, the American News did publish an article but buried it on Page 3 and did not mention that the sex crime was committed by a Somali refugee.
There is much more! Continue reading here and note that his lawyer is claiming that Trump’s earlier travel ban will mean he can’t get a fair trial.
See all of our coverage on South Dakota byclicking here.
Repetition Alert!
Refugee resettlement is not first and foremost about humanitarianism, it is about business and cheap legal immigrant labor!
I stopped in Aberdeen in July (on my 6,000 mile fact finding trip) at the behest of citizens there worried about meatpacking companies luring refugee labor to their small cities. BTW, that local newspaper, and the mayor, are really in the tank for the business community that wants the cheap refugee labor. Citizen critics of the program are vilified at every opportunity.
Having a look at the numbers of readers arriving at RRW in the month of February, I am happy to report that the numbers of you arriving here in January and February added up to more than arrived in the whole of 2011 and 2012 combined!
The education of the American people is increasing exponentially about the completely out of control UN/US Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP). Nixon: Say it over and over and over again, even if you want to barf!
Before I get to the top three posts of the month (and the top ten countries from which readers arrived at RRW), I want to talk about repetition.
As I have said so often, someone once told me that people need to hear things seven times before it sinks in. So, if you are a regular reader, you might be getting really sick of the fact that I keep repeating many key points about the USRAP and how it effects your communities. But, if I repeat some things it is because I am mindful of the need for repetition which won’t end because every day we get new readers (and they need to get their seven repeats!).
Reader Paul confirmed the admonition about repetition in an e-mail to me recently with a quote from David Gergenabout what he learned from Richard Nixon:
He learned the importance of saying the same thing, over and over and over: “Nixon taught us about the art of repetition. He used to tell me, ‘About the time you are writing a line that you have written it so often that you want to throw up, that is the first time the American people will hear it.’ “
Now here are the Top Three Posts of the month (top three posts of the last day are in the right hand side bar):
BTW, our fact sheet, linked at the top of the page, gets thousands of hits a month, but I feel bad about that because it is out of date, and frankly I haven’t the time or the interest in updating it.
Here are the Top Ten Countries from which readers arrived at RRW in the last month (in descending order and excluding the US):
South Africa
Some reminders:
When I get around to posting comments, know that I don’t post any comments that suggest violence in any way against anyone. Those with foul language or personal attacks on other commenters are also trashed. I don’t want to hear anything about Zionist conspiracies and because this is my blog I don’t have to be fair and balanced. If you have a particular conspiracy you are pushing, then I recommend that you write your own blog!
As a matter of fact, one thing I have said more than seven times is that instead of spending your days commenting on blogs and reading news on Drudge, why not start your own blog?
More single-issue bloggers are desperately needed because there seems to be no such thing as investigative journalism anymore. How about disciplining yourselves and rather than being a news junky (a gadfly!), focus on some specific topic and make news yourself by exposing some federal, state or local government program gone awry! RRW is not a group. RRW does not have employees. I don’t make any money from traffic coming to RRW. RRW is my personal contribution to America and I am trying to avoid burnout!
So, while I am venting, nothing bugs me more than readers telling me I need to cover this issue or that issue in the immigration arena—YOU do it! RRW is on facebook and twitter!
At the end of each blog post there is a facebook and twitter icon so that you can send my posts out to those other social media outlets. I do a lot of tweeting, so follow me there @refugeewatcher.
RRW’s facebook page ishere.
If you subscribed to RRW, know that I don’t send out those e-mails, wordpress does it automatically, and I apologize if somehow you initially received my posts in your inboxes but don’t any longer. Either try re-subscribing or simply visit every day to see what else is new. Sorry for venting, but spring has arrived early in Maryland and I am enjoying it!
Thanks and appreciation to all of you who send kind words of encouragement both to my e-mail address and to my post office box. Even if I sound cranky, I really do appreciate all that you are doing to spread the word where you live and that you take time to tell me about it!
Thanks for listening! Happy Spring!
This post is archived in my ‘blogging’ category here.
Yesterday, February 28th, was the end of the first 5 months of fiscal year 2017.
I checked the refugee admission numbers this morning (at Wrapsnet) and see that we admitted 37,026 refugees from all over the world since October 1, 2016. How low will they go for Fiscal Year 2018? In 6 months that determination will be made.
Two days ago we reportedthat 36,822 had arrived.
By two days from now (March 3), the flow should almost come to an end for now, although remember that President Trump has said 50,000 will be admitted by September 30th—a number that is too high in my opinion. It is obviously too late, but I had argued for 35,000.
I knew that for the time I’ve been writing this blog (since 2007), that 37,026 was much more than we had ever admitted in the first 5 months of a fiscal year, so I was able to go to this chart and confirm it.
If you live in one of over 100 resettlement sitesin the US, and felt that you were being swamped recently, you probably were!
37,026 is 7,834 more than the highest year below, and a whopping 24,782 more than the lowest year!
Here are the admission numbers for the first 5 months of the fiscal year going back to 2006:
2006: 16,287
2007: 12,244
2008: 14,224
2009: 22,809
2010: 29,192
2011: 25,680
2012: 18,581
2013: 28,078
2014: 26,925
2015: 26,717
2016: 22,827
Next big test for the Trump Administration!
In September, President Trump will make his ‘determination’ for the number (and regions of the world from which they will come) of refugees to be seeded in to your towns and cities in FY2018.
This post is filed in ourTrump Watch!category as well as ‘refugee statistics’and ‘where to find information.’
Many of you have been directing me to look at the RAISE Act….
As time goes on we will need to talk about this legislation, assuming Senators Cotton and Perdue are able to move it! A lot of good things in his bill, but not much reform for out-of-control UN/US Refugee Admissions Program. Sorry I have not focused on it because on the issue of refugees it is inadequate. Simply placing a 50,000 cap on the program is meaningless if the program continues to run as it does with ‘non-profit’ (federal refugee contractors) groups acting in collusion with a secretive US State Department to place third world poverty in unsuspecting US towns and cities.
And, besides as I said here, the average refugee admission numbers for the years since 9/11/01 (including that high number for 2001) is 65,000. And, those years spanned both the Bush and Obama Administrations. 50,000 does not represent much of a drop.
If the Senators were seeking to cut legal immigration in half, the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program would require a ceiling of about 32,500, right! Here is the textof the RAISE Act (“Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment Act”) (S.354).
There is lots of good stuff in the bill (see NumbersUSA here), but not on refugees.