But, yuk, they promised to take 200 migrants from the “French migrant camp in Calais.” 21 have arrived already!
Don’t you love it the way the media makes it sound like the camp at Calais was just one more sanctioned migrant camp. It was not! It was a location in France across the English Channel from the UK where illegal aliens built a make-shift camp as they attempted to break in to the UK.
Lesson here is make demands long enough and you will be ‘welcomed’ to the UK, in this case Ireland!
Invasion of Europe news….
From RTE News (Irish public radio):
Ireland is being urged to resolve security issues with Italy to allow for the arrival of more migrants. [Good for them they are at least using the word ‘migrants’ and not automatically calling them ‘refugees!’—ed]
The Department of Justice has previously said that due to issues with the Italian authorities surrounding the security assessment of migrants, relocations from Italy have yet to commence for many countries, including Ireland.
But today the European Commission called on the Government to find ways to overcome these hurdles.

Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos said “I call on Ireland and Estonia to find mutually acceptable working arrangements with Italy on security interviews in the way that for example The Netherlands, France and Greece have worked out successfully.”
The latest figures from the Department of Justice show that 21 unaccompanied minors, previously resident in the French migrant camp in Calais, have arrived in Ireland and are in the care of the child and family agency Tusla.
The Government has committed to taking up to 200 unaccompanied minors who were previously resident in Calais.
Two European Council decisions adopted in September 2015 resulted in member states committing to relocate 160,000 asylum-seekers from Italy and Greece by September 2017, but as of last Thursday only 18,418 had been moved.
Under the programme, the Government pledged to accept 4,000 people.
All of my ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is archived here. My Ireland archive is here.