Advice to President Donald Trump from Conservative Review editor: Mr. President we need leadership!

The time is now for the President to get his administration under control and to move on the one key issue that got him elected—his promise to control immigration and thus keep us safer.  He did not, first and foremost, get elected to unravel Obamacare or do tax reform, he got elected to be sure we don’t have a Manchester/London anywhere in America!

We need leadership now Mr. President

And, the way things are going (see Deep State undermining the President on refugees, here, yesterday), if we should have a terror attack (the odds are pretty good that we will) anytime in his Presidential term, he will be blamed… 
….unless he takes some steps now ably outlined by Daniel Horowitz yesterday at Conservative Review.
Here are a few snips, but I want you to read it all! (Emphasis is mine)

“We stand with our European allies, but we will not walk in their footsteps and repeat their mistakes.” That is the message the president must convey to the American people in light of the growing Islamic insurgency in the West.

Like the story of the frog in gradually boiling water, we become acclimated to the most potent and dangerous absurdities foisted upon us by the political elite. No other generation of western leaders would have allowed the Islamic insurgency to fester within their own countries for this long and still remain willfully blind to the existential threat within their midst. Yet here we are, in the aftermath of the third major terror attack in England, and none of the western leaders are willing to confront the truth.

President Trump has come the closest to telling the truth, but unless he shows leadership beyond Twitter and hires staff and appoints cabinet members who share his values, the discernible policy outcomes of this administration will remain materially the same.

It’s time we recognize that the problem confronting Europe – one that is also rapidly growing in America – is not terrorism. It’s not Islamic terrorism, either. Terrorism is a tactic and the violent outcome of the problem. The source of the problem is a subversive culture of Islamic supremacism that rejects western civilization and is endemic to many (but not all) Muslims, not just a few. It is from this root that the deadly tactic of Islamic terror is cultivated. But if we tolerate the intolerant supremacist mindset and continue our suicidal immigration policies, we are merely chasing our tail combating the ubiquitous and unstoppable terrorism that flows from cultivating this culture on our soil.


This problem didn’t begin with ISIS; it’s been festering for several decades. At its core, this is an immigration problem, and second, it’s a problem of the Muslim Brotherhood/Saudi Arabia/Turkey funding of Islamic insurrection on western soil.


The Leftwing media is sitting on pins and needles waiting to hear what Comey will say against Trump this week (CNN even has a countdown clock!), but will any of them remember the most important part of the last official testimony Comey gave as FBI director?

Lest you think this problem is limited to Europe, remember that former FBI Director James Comey testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee last month that there were 2,000-plus “violent extremist investigations” under way and that about 300 of them were refugees!


The president must lay this case before the American people in a series of prime-time speeches and demand action from Congress while promising to do everything he can administratively. He must follow up on his campaign promises not to focus on nation-building overseas, but on the homeland security problems right on our shores.

See Horowitz’s list of initiatives Trump should undertake, here.
Then this:

Finally, what we need from the president is leadership. Sending out a few tweets is not enough. He needs to be consistent, relentless, and specific and see his policies all the way through. He must get his entire administration on the same page and fire those who are unwilling to go along with his agenda. His united team should then demand of congressional Republicans very specific legislation along the lines of the aforementioned principles. Then the president must sell them to the American people in a series of televised addresses.

Continue reading here.
You will be hearing more from me going forward on the specific legislation needed to scrap or reform the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.  But, I tell you that the Republican ‘leadership’ in Congress will not lead on this and will have to be dragged kicking and screaming to lift a finger to reform/re-write the Refugee Act of 1980.

In my view, there is only one thing the President can do to move Congress on the issue and that is to put a complete halt to the USRAP. He must set the refugee admissions level at zero! And, leave it there until reform measures are passed by Congress!

And, here is the truth:  if he makes no move along those lines, or the additional lines addressed by Horowitz, he will be blamed for a Manchester in America (not Ryan, not McConnell, not the refugee contractors, not the ‘deep state’ blocking his moves, not the media or the Leftwing).

The blame will be on DJT exclusively.

If he visibly fights now and makes it clear who exactly is working to undermine our safety and our cultural identity, should (God forbid) a terrorist attack happen, the citizens of America will know he was trying to protect us.  Right now, I’m not so sure he is!

Australia: Known wolf, Somali refugee, shot dead in ISIS-inspired attack

This happened on Sunday and the story seems to just now (late Monday and this morning) be coming to the world’s attention (perhaps the more deadly London Islamic terror attack, also carried out by refugees, simply dwarfed it in the media).

A Somali refugee killed one man and took a woman hostage in Melbourne. He was shot dead by police
Here is the New York Times on the news yesterday:

MELBOURNE, Australia — The Australian authorities are treating an abduction and a killing here in Melbourne on Monday, which ended with the gunman dead, as a terrorist attack.

The police killed the gunman after he held a woman hostage at an apartment complex in Brighton, one of Melbourne’s wealthiest suburbs. The woman was rescued, and another man was found dead in the lobby, the police said. The authorities did not immediately identify the victims.

The police identified the gunman as Yacqub Khayre, an Australian citizen with a long criminal record who came to the country from Somalia as a child refugee. Graham Ashton, the chief police commissioner for Victoria State, said Mr. Khayre was known to the police “for a whole range of offending,” including drug and violent crimes and arson.

The laugh line in the story is at the end of this paragraph:

Police Commissioner Graham Ashton

Mr. Khayre served a significant amount of prison time and was on parole at the time of the attack, the commissioner said. The gunman was acquitted in an investigation of a terrorism plot in New South Wales several years ago, but since then, he was involved in routine criminal activity, Mr. Ashton said. “There wasn’t anything suggesting he was about to do this.”

Continue reading the NYT here.
The Somali refugee had been acquitted on plotting an earlier terror attack, had a long rap sheet and had traveled to Somalia yet his action is a big surprise to the police!
Here is a more dramatic telling of what happened, with much more information about the refugee who thumbed his nose at the country that gave him protection and an opportunity for a good life.
It might be politically incorrect to say, but it is just simply true: If you have Muslim migration to your country, you will get Islamic terrorism at some point in time.
This bit (below) in the Scallywag and Vagabond story was very very interesting and mirrors the huge mistake the UK is making as well.  The US is making it too!
If ‘refugees,’ who have sought protection (from persecution) in a western country, return (for a little visit) to the hellhole they supposedly escaped, they should simply not be permitted to return to the good life in western civilization (in Europe, in the UK, in Australia, in America).
Khaye had escaped jail time in a previous foiled attack and went on a trip to Somalia for “religious enlightenment”:

At the time prosecutors argued Khayre had travelled to Somalia to look for clerics to give their blessing for the plan.

The man’s legal team argued that he was looking for religious enlightenment and harbored no plan to wage jihad in Australia.


Khayre’s uncle told The Sydney Morning Herald that he believed his nephew’s 2009 trip abroad was when the ‘weapons and military training may have happened.’

It is true, in spite of the Leftwing media campaign to say it isn’t—refugees commit crimes and acts of terror, in Europe, in Australia and in America. Two countries, so far, that refuse refugees from Muslim countries—Poland and Japan—do not have this problem.

“Dumb deal!”

For new readers, one last thing!  The Trump Administration (Trump’s DOS and DHS) is on the verge of accepting as many as 1,250 failed asylum seekers (Australia does not want them!), held in detention on offshore islands.  They tried to reach Australia by boat and hail from the following countries: Iran, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, and Sudan (4 of those countries are on Trump’s original travel ban list).
See my Australia category (200 previous posts!) for more on Australia’s Muslim migrant problems and that “dumb deal.”