"My hometown (Utica) is gone"

In recent months I’ve wondered if voluntarily devoting ten years to writing this blog has been worth it—my tenth anniversary is coming up in 3 weeks—but when I see a story like this where someone has the guts (and the first hand knowledge!) to say what is happening in cities being “Islamized,” with the help of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program, I get the energy to go on.

Read the 2005 UN propaganda report used to entice (embarrass) other cities into ‘welcoming’ refugees. http://www.unhcr.org/publications/refugeemag/426f4c772/refugees-magazine-issue-138-town-loves-refugees.html

Don’t misunderstand, I don’t know this brave soul (reader ‘mjazzguitar‘ sent the blog post), and had no hand in finding her or encouraging her, but her post gives me hope that there will be an awakening in my lifetime after all!
I have written many times about Utica, NY—the town that loves refugees according to a 2005 UN-launched propaganda campaign.  See my Utica archive by clicking here.
Here are a few snips from former Utica resident, Loretta Brady, writing at Thermidor.
(This story first appeared on Brady’s own blog, here.)
Please read the whole thing!

Hi! This is a blog post I threw together in response to the recent increase in refugee numbers by Trump’s State Department, in order to convey what it is like living in an Islamizing area. I gave a talk at a luncheon a few months ago that was basically relating my story of how my hometown has been Islamized by refugee resettlement. So it makes sense to do a blog post.

I’m from the Utica, NY area. Utica is the city nicknamed by the UN “the city that loves refugees!” Soon every American city will be a city that loves refugees! Get ready! So I would like to tell you what it is like living in an area where the major city is about 25% (or more) refugee, mainly Muslim.


When I moved back home one of the first things I noticed was that an old Methodist church was being converted into a bright shiny white new mosque. The local paper touted this as immense progress and featured a local woman who had attended the church as a child and was positively brimming with joy it was being turned into a mosque. If that is the general sentiment, then it’s odd that my county went for Trump, right? There are at least two mosques in the city now. They just built another.

Where do I start? Utica had always been “the city that loves refugees” but under Obama things accelerated. Muslim immigrants were suddenly in these local bureaucratic positions where they had power over you. This, in what is probably one of the most corrupt states in the union, where the power of the state is everything.


So let me just summarize: the social worker at the school is Muslim, the administrator who ok’s homeschooling is Muslim, the CPS worker is Muslim, the nurse practitioner at the ER is Muslim, the doctor at the ER is Muslim. These are positions of authority that wield a lot of power.

Are you starting to get the picture?

Drones are a special interest of mine, so this next bit from Ms. Brady really got my attention!  Why are drones popping up in stories about Muslims these days?

The spring before we moved Utica made national news because of a federal grant to the local community college (two million dollars) for a (Muslim immigrant) professor to teach teenage (Muslim) refugees how to build drones. The grant didn’t mention explicitly that the drones would be equipped with bombs or anything, so it was all aboveboard. This was going on like down the road from us. My husband assured me he could shoot any drone out of the sky, and I’m sure he could, but curiously enough that didn’t assuage my anxiety, but only exacerbated it. The last thing I needed was my husband getting arrested on federal charges for taking down a drone.


There is TB in Utica. I’m sure there is more than reported. Obama stopped screening foreigners for TB, which America has been doing since before the days of Ellis Island, and the refugees are from places where TB is endemic. Whenever I was in a hospital- when I gave birth or when I went to the ER- I would be very aware of my surroundings.

This next comment interested me too! When I traveled around the heartland last summer, everywhere I went people told me that their first warning was that large numbers of Muslims congregated at Walmart.  What is up with that?
The author must be in a rural part of North Carolina because NC is a state busily “welcoming” refugees.

The local Walmart [in Utica—ed] is full of headscarves and burkas. I cried when I went into my first Walmart in North Carolina and all I saw were Americans.


North Carolina is like Heaven. People are so much happier here. I thank God every day we got here. I consider it a “free zone”, and I want it to stay free.

Read it all!
Ms. Brady and her fellow North Carolinians are going to have to work very hard if they don’t want North Carolina to be New York.  (Search RRW for North Carolina because I have several posts where I question how NC became a state Muslims are gravitating to with the help of Christian resettlement agencies.)
In fact….
I just checked the data and see that NC is #10 in refugee resettlement so far in Trump’s first fiscal year (turning red states blue!).
In FY17 we are up to 47,434 refugees (the fiscal year ends September 30th).  New York was #3 (after California and Texas) with 2,733 admitted so far and NC was #10 with 1,694.  Two states and the District of Columbia were at the bottom of the list with less than ten each (Mississippi (6), Hawaii(3) and DC(2)).  Wyoming is last, but not least with zero.
Endnote: Hopefully I can post this tomorrow, but just as I’m writing today’s post I see that Church World Service is crowing about the higher than expected numbers of Muslim refugees they are dropping off in Buffalo, NY thanks to Trump’s Dept. of State!

Two cases of refugees beating family members: no one told me it was against the law in the west

These two cases involving refugees, one in Canada (a Muslim) and one in the US (a ‘Christian’) tell the courts the same thing—no one told them it was against the law to beat your wife (in the first case) or your children (in the second case). They claim they come from cultures where  it is aok!
And, you know what! I believe them.  I believe that those responsible for placing refugees in far flung communities throughout North America are so steeped in political correctness (with their minds muddled by concepts of cultural relativism) that they leave their refugees (wives and children) vulnerable.

Here is the Canada story of Mohamed Rafia (One of Trudeau’s Syrian refugees who beat his wife, didn’t know it was against the law) cleverly reported by Ezra Levant at The Rebel:

At the court hearing, Rafia said officials didn’t inform him of differences in Canadian laws and more should have been done to educate him.

Yeah, how come you didn’t say it wasn’t OK to take a weapon and smash your wife again and again. How come you didn’t tell him that!

Continue reading here, the irony is too juicy.

Our second case is going on in New Hampshire where a Congolese refugee woman has lost her children and could be deported if convicted of child abuse.

When you read the long story, note that the NPR reporter gives great details, but leaves out the first pressing question I had, and you will likely have too—which resettlement agency in Concord is responsible for this woman and her cultural orientation to America and American laws and values?
Thanks to Jeanine for alerting me to this story…..
From Rhode Island NPR:

The Obama Administration told the UN (which is trying to clean out its camps) that we would take in 50,000 Congolese, mostly women (in need of mental health treatment) and children, over 5 years (from FY14-FY19). We have now ALREADY passed the 42,000 mark. 752 were placed in New Hampshire. The Trump State Department is continuing the resettlement. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2013/06/05/state-department-refugee-program-head-honcho-made-some-news-last-month/

Nine months ago, Joyce Chance left a refugee camp in Uganda where she had spent the last eleven years. Chance, who was born in Congo, boarded a plane with her two kids, and came to the United States.

A refugee resettlement agency [What, no name?—ed] in Concord, New Hampshire picked them up at the airport, and moved them into a one-room apartment. [One room for a family of three?—likely not allowed  under contract with DOS—ed]

Seven months later, the state of New Hampshire took Chance’s kids away. The kids’ teachers had suspected child abuse, and contacted the Department of Child and Family Services. DCYF placed the children – who are 9 and 12 – first with relatives, then later with a foster family.

The agency instructed Chance not to contact her children, and according to her attorney, she didn’t.

A month later, Concord Police arrested Chance, charging her with five counts of assault against her children. If she is convicted, she could be deported.

No one told her it was not okay to beat your children!

“The big issue here is the cultural differences,” she told me. According to Chance, corporal punishment is a common way to discipline children in Congo and Uganda. “When I [got] here,” Chance would later tell me through a translator, “Nobody [told] me it’s not okay to punish your children that way.”

To be clear, a guardian can use physical force against a minor when she reasonably believes it is necessary, according to New Hampshire statue. The state will likely argue Chance’s behavior was reckless and caused substantial pain, making it illegal.

Continue reading here.  There is some question about whether the kids are even her biological children.
And, for the curious, like me, the resettlement agency responsible for refugee resettlement in Concord is Ascentria Care Alliance formerly Lutheran Social Services of New England.  So, it is a subcontractor of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service headquartered in Baltimore that did a lousy job of orienting this woman to American culture and laws! Not a surprise because frankly this is a business and they bring ’em in and move on to the next batch of paying ‘clients.’
For new (ambitious) readers, this is post number 2,106 in my refugee ‘crimes’ category, see here.

Airbnb partners with refugee contracting agency to put-up refugees worldwide

Volunteers must open their minds along with their rooms…


The International Rescue Committee, one of nine federal resettlement contractors***, is always working the angles with David Miliband (former British Foreign Secretary) as it CEO.  LOL! But watch out! the British national, making decisions about who is resettled in places like Montana, might soon jump ship—could there be some upward mobility for him back in the UK now that the government there is turning far Left?

IRC CEO David Miliband (left) giving the IRC’s Freedom Award to George Soros in 2013.  https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2017/01/28/suggestion-for-president-trump-save-millions-by-cutting-funding-for-the-international-rescue-committee/

Here is the news about the “deal” where the IRC will get a million bucks a year from Airbnb for the next 4 years and the users of the service are expected to offer up 100,000 rooms for refugees in the coming year.
From Non-Profit Quarterly:

Can a disruptive for-profit company make a difference in the international refugee crisis? Airbnb and eight nonprofit partners are investing in the idea via a new technology platform that connects rooms and refugees.

Airbnb emerged as a progressive influencer following the November election at a time when corporations had been taking stands on controversial issues with both altruistic and capitalistic intentions.

Earlier this year, President Donald Trump issued an executive order temporarily blocking travel from seven (later changed to six) majority-Muslim countries, which has repeatedly been blocked by various courts as discriminatory and is now headed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The order and four-month hiatus on accepting new refugees devastated the network of refugee resettlement agencies, where hundreds of jobs have been cut since the President’s executive order. They had expected to receive 110,000 refugees this year from war-torn countries like Syria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The rich get richer.  The IRC budget must be north of $700,000,000 million!  (It was $688,000,000 in 2015, here. 66% of it comes from taxpayer dollars!)

While it’s laudable that the company is also giving what nonprofits really need—cash—in addition to time and talent, its goal is incredibly ambitious. Airbnb has pledged $1 million annually to the International Rescue Committee over the next four years.


Indeed, the need is great, with more than 40 million internally displaced persons around the world, including 20 million who qualify as refugees under the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees mandate. But, Airbnb will have a lot of marketing to do, with only 6,000 of their 3.5 million users signed up to provide temporary shelter. Further, significant backlash to resettlement programs around the world means demand is outpacing supply for visas, let alone homes. And, thorny issues could arise for a company that has faced discrimination suits.

So, as Airbnb has made clear on Open Homes, volunteers must open their minds along with their rooms.

Frankly, I’ve always thought this was the dumbest and most dangerous thing naive people can do—put up complete strangers in their spare bedrooms (for a few bucks)!
See my ‘David Miliband’ archive by clicking here.  Hillary loves him!  Since he makes about $600,000  a year running the IRC, you might say that the Airbnb contribution will cover that with a bit left over for the refugees.
***The nine contracting agencies that monopolize the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program are these:

After initial disappointment, Ohio resettlement agency getting excited for higher refugee influx

The Trump Administration is on target to blow past its own 50,000 admission determination number in 2 weeks!

As we reported here, just as the Memorial Day weekend was getting underway, the US State Department announced to its contractors that it was  going to open the refugee spigot wide again for the remaining months of fiscal year 2017 (the year ends on September 30th).

A picture speaks a thousand words! Lavinia Limon is the CEO of federal resettlement contractor USCRI and on her left is the CEO of Chobani Yogurt which has been a leading ‘consumer’ of refugee labor in America. “Give me your tired, your poor…” willing to work for lower wages…”yearning to breathe free.”

That means some of the federal refugee contractors, like this one in Ohio, may need to hire back some employees they had earlier let go, but there is still a question about how quickly Trump’s State Department and Dept. of Homeland Security can get the processing ramped-up abroad.
I had been waiting for the Trump White House to correct the mistake about opening the spigot, but their silence now signals that the White House is in agreement with the ramp-up!
From WKSU.  The International Institute of Akron is a subcontractor of one of nine major contractors (USCRI***in this case):

President Obama authorized 120,000 [No! It was 110,000!—ed] refugees for the fiscal year that ends Sept. 30.

President Trump cut that in February to 50,000. But the State Department sent a memo in late May telling refugee groups they would no longer be restrained by weekly quotas.

Liz Walters of the International Institute of Akron says resettlement numbers have always ebbed and flowed, with the agency resettling as few as 25 and as many as 130 a month. She says how many will be coming now depends on what happens overseas.

“The big question mark is how many folks have been in process overseas and how quickly they can start to schedule those folks for travel or at what point they finish up their security clearances and can get them here before the end of the fiscal year.”


Walters notes that Trump’s budget proposal for the next fiscal year [begins Oct. 1, 2017—ed] includes funding to resettle 50,000 refugees, the minimum under the law.

As far as I can tell, there is no legal minimum!
I’m not lawyer, and perhaps there has been some case law or regulations that I don’t know about, but as I read the Refugee Act of 1980, there is no requirement for any specific number after 1982.  Here (below) is the Act on admissions.  There is a lot of discussion about procedures if the President needs to ‘up’ the numbers, but I don’t see any prohibition about going below 50,000!

Be sure to read the law yourself and see that “consultation” is with the House and Senate Judiciary Committees and as far as I can see only requires the President to supply them with information.
I repeat!
Do you see how clever the refugee industry propaganda machine is—we are only talking about admission levels, not reform of the whole program.
The only way to force Congress to scrap/reform the Refugee Act of 1980 is for Donald Trump to set the admissions number at zero for FY18 and tell Congress, no more until they get to work. Heck, make them work through the month of August!
He also has the power to stop the flow right now without any Executive Order.

Today the Trump admission level is at 47,434 (Wrapsnet) and, at the admissions rate announced on the eve of Memorial Day, he will thus blow past the 50,000 mark (set by him) in 2 weeks!

***By the way, USCRI is approximately 97% funded by you—taxpayers! See here.

This is what I want to hear from Comey today….he could, in the end, redeem himself!

….but, of course I won’t be holding my breath (well, and I likely won’t be watching the show anyway!).  Before I get to what I am dying to hear and all Americans should hear from Comey, just a quick comment.
I watch CNN the first thing every morning to get a feel for the Leftwing mood for the day and was much surprised that although they were all still on pins and needles to hear the great (anti-Trump) revelations they hope will come from former FBI Director Comey the giant slayer, nevermind that his prepared remarks were milquetoast, the tone from Cuomo and Camerata had changed since yesterday.

I predict no one is going to love Comey at the end of the day.  However, he could redeem himself by using the knowledge he has hinted at in the past to prepare a treatise on how to thwart future Islamic terrorism.

Hmmm! It sounded like they might be getting ready to throw Comey under the bus.
Of course, I have no way of predicting, but I’m guessing Comey will be sorry he agreed to do the Senate show today because it sounds to me that they will be coming after him with pitchforks from both sides of the aisle.
Sorry for the digression.
This is what I want from James Comey:
I want Comey to give the American public more information on why he said we can’t screen Syrian refugees as he did here in 2015 because I am sick to death of hearing the federal refugee contractors’ propaganda about how ROBUST the screening process  is.

300 refugees being watched by the FBI!

And, I want Comey to give further explanation for a comment he made in his last official testimony (ignored by most media!) before Congress when he said in early May:

Then we have another big group of people that we’re looking at who we see some contact with foreign terrorists. So you take that 2,000 plus cases, about 300 of them are people who came to the United States as refugees.

Frankly, no matter what, Comey is cooked politically, so he could do a great service to America if he tells American citizens now what he knows about the Muslim refugees entering the US and those second generation jihadists growing up among us in your town and mine.
I know he can’t do it today (no one will ask him about those past statements which are surely more significant than any he could make about Russian meddling), but he should go home, put his information together and go public with the facts, and tell us how America can be safe from the scourge of Islamic terrorism!  That, in my mind, would save him the ignominy he surely now deserves.
Related! Don’t miss Ann Coulter (All we need is love, and deportations!), click here.  Every line in her recent column is a punch in the gut to the politically correct ‘leadership’ around the world!  If the FBI is watching thousands what on earth are they waiting for—waiting for them to kill people (just like in the UK!).