Report to Congress now available for FY18 refugee admissions

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I have to admit, I haven’t read it yet, but, for diehard grassroots investigators, know that the report is a treasure trove of information on the US Refugee Admissions Program and Trump’s 45,000 refugee ceiling *** for the year that began this past Sunday.

Don’t miss the tables at the end, often more useful than all the verbiage about why we need to save this or that ethnic group by hauling them to your town.

Here is the table that shows that the US admits the vast majority of permanent refugees.

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Be sure to keep this so that the next time some Open Borders pusher says that Lebanon, Turkey, Germany and Jordan are doing more, remind them that ours are PERMANENT, not temporary residents. (note that this table uses calendar year numbers when we usually use fiscal year)


And, here is a table showing the costs of just the resettlement (this year, FY18, for up to 45,000 refugees).

Come to think of it, when those economic studies are done to ostensibly show how much refugees benefit America, do they ever show that it will cost the US taxpayer over $1 BILLION just to get 45,000 bodies in here?

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Read the footnotes!

Please note that the anticipated costs do not include taxpayer funding for: educating the kids, Medicaid, some forms of cash assistance, food stamps, housing subsidies, interpreter costs, criminal justice system costs, etc.

Again, go here for the full report.  One of the things I’ve noted over the years is that the report has no date on the cover.  I can only guess that is because it is always very late and they don’t want any record of the fact that they skirt the law always on the whole determination/consultation process.

***Did you see that the Federation for American Immigration Reform called this a “responsible” number!  Have friends like these been in the swamp too long?

Readers should know, that until very recently FAIR has not taken much interest in the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.

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