Lost in all the hubbub over the tax bill, Hillary/Trump and the Russians, and now another Islamic terrorist attack, is the little known, but growing concern about the reemergence of the Plague, otherwise known as Black Death that decimated Europe in the 14th Century.
Is it even on America’s radar screen?

Here (below) is news from the UK Express.
Readers should know that many of the countries now on the Plague’s possible flight path are also countries from which refugees arrive almost daily to the US—most specifically Kenya (most US-bound Somalis come through Kenya), Ethiopia and South Africa.
From the UK Express:
The latest outbreak, which took root in Madagascar, has now killed 124 people and infected around 1,300, but scientists say this figure will definitely rise.
South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Comoros, the Seychelles, Mauritius and Reunion have all been placed on high alert by World Health Organisation (WHO) monitors.
Experts say the deadly disease is caused by the same bacteria that wiped out 25 million people in Europe in the 13th and 14th centuries.
And WHO officials, who have been working with Madagascar’s Ministry of Health, warn the risk of the epidemic spreading is “high”.
…concerned WHO officials claim there is “something different” about this outbreak and “health officials couldn’t explain it”.
Map of countries now infected in East Africa from the UK Express:
Sure hope the Trump Admin is aware and working on this!
See our Health Issues category (340 previous posts archived there) on more about the diseases and mental health problems entering the US with the refugee flow. Did you know refugees with HIV and TB are admitted to the US?