I haven’t done a monthly (or weekly) roundup for awhile and that is mostly because I always have so many more interesting things I want to write about in the time I give to my ‘hobby.’

But, I figured it was about time to post a roundup because it gives me the opportunity to talk to new readers and remind old readers of how they can find information at RRW to get the most out of this educational website.
And, it gives me a place to apologize for my slowness in posting comments, for my inability to respond to all of your e-mails, and to thank you for sending notes, books and information to my snail mail post office box.
Accept my apologies if you have tried to reach me and have been unable to.
LOL! Again! RRW is a one-woman blog not an organization with staff and interns!
Writing this roundup also gives me a chance to thank various media outlets/reporters who want to interview me, and apologize for my lack of enthusiasm to do it! Sorry!
Here then are the Top Three Posts for the month of October for readers all over America and the world!
(Top posts of the last few days are in the right hand side bar, but these are the top three for the whole month!)
Comment worth noting from St. Cloud, MN
Pay attention! Your town could become St. Cloud too!
Greenfield: France is at war. That’s why there are soldiers in the streets.
I have readers from over 100 countries, but here are the Top Ten Countries excluding the USA from which visitors arrived here during the month of October 2017:
For new and old readers:
If you are getting my posts daily via e-mail, know that wordpress sends those out automatically when you have subscribed. I can’t control that. But, I think you are missing a lot when you depend on only those e-mails for refugee news.
When you visit RRW directly by clicking here, you get more bang for your (free) buck including some links in the header like Frequently Asked Questions.
By the way, if you are new to how blogs work, the most recent post I wrote is the first thing you see when you open the blog, you can scroll down to previous posts literally back to the beginning if you have a whole lot of time!
In the left hand column at the very top is a search window. Type a couple of key words in there and find loads of information in some of my 8,798 previous posts extending back to 2007.
You can see how to try to reach me. And, you can see my facebook page feed in the left hand column. Categories, archives and a blog roll are also in that column (but apologies for a very out-of-date blog roll!).
In the right hand column you can see data on refugee admissions for FY17 (that has just ended) and my mission statement. Scrolling down you will see recent posts, top posts for the last few days and my twitter feed (@RefugeeWatcher). I put a lot more on twitter than I post at RRW, so there is more news to use right there!
Thank you for continuing to follow RRW!
This post and all previous weekly and monthly roundups are archived in my ‘blogging’ category, here.