For new readers: We often give readers an opportunity to post guest opinions here at RRW. This is one from a longtime Minnesota resident, Robert Carrillo, who attended the event last Saturday at the St. Cloud Public Library where CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) attempted to equate the internment of Japanese in the US (after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor) with what could happen to Somalis in the age of Trump.
The event backfired when many educated and fearless audience members pushed back (see full report here at WND).
I’m all in favor of holding debates with CAIR anywhere and everywhere CAIR is willing to show up—let’s educate more Americans!
From Robert Carrillo who was in the audience on Saturday, November 18th (edited from the original for space, so if it doesn’t flow so well at times, blame me!):
The Japanese American group folks were actually very interesting. Their plight during the war years (WWII) was difficult indeed. So was the same fate for German Americans and Italian Americans located on the East coast at that time also, and for the very same reasons. Please remember, that we were attacked at Pearl Harbor.
There was no instant communication. No internet. Only teletype, telephones, Western Union telegrams, and newspapers; all lagging behind events for days and weeks, or even longer. People were scared to death, and many rational precautions were taken to insure the safety (against potential domestic sabotage) of the American homeland, including “resettlement” of people of Japanese descent, German descent, and Italian descent… Sad, and difficult to be certain, but a historical fact.
As an aside it was a Democrat President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who signed that war time emergency order. I lived in Japan for a couple of years on a military base as a kid. I get it!
However, they are being used, and are being played. The conflating of these events (75 years ago), and the loaded race baiting/ religious baiting language used by Mr. Hussein, to connect the dots—which do not connect at all, was obvious, and disconcerting.

The “Could This Happen Again?” program format, created by Jaylani Hussein (MN CAIR Director, comparing this 1940’s historical event to a modern-day possibility involving the Somali (Muslim) community, was, at best tacky and completely dishonest, and at its worst, a disgusting form of hate mongering manipulation by this man.
According to Hussein, all the interrelated (legitimate), and horrifying news stories, just in the past two years alone, involving Somali (Muslims), and legitimate and horrifying NEWS STORIES, reported here in the land of “Minnesota Nice” are lies, and false propaganda, intended to marginalize, demonize, and to intimidate the Somali “community” (the victims). Truly?
And, according to his highness of MN CAIR, they are the VICTIMS, and WE are simply not taking the time necessary enough to understand THEM. The ever-increasing crime and violence, and barbaric behavior on the part of their “community” membership is all fiction, and “We” will not be silenced nor intimidated by those attempting to spread such lies about us” says Mr. Hussein.
This man is what is called a “grifter”, and in my view, an extremely dangerous con man, completely unwilling to accept any responsibility whatsoever for the terrible actions of far too many within the ranks of his own “community”, or for his culpability in this tragic situation. In fact, he repeatedly denies that these real-life news stories (there are way too many of them now) are true, sadly.
Furthermore, he also refuses to accept the reality that in this world, and in any civilized society, “attitudes reflect leadership”, and that his lack of leadership only serves to foment additional violence, and additional blow-back from Minnesotans as a result.
In short, he is a completely irresponsible “slick talking”, delusional adult-child, and again, unwilling to accept the existence of his disgraceful part in this quickly unfolding tragedy here in Minnesota. He does neither he, nor his “community” of Somali’s in Minnesota, or Minnesotans in general, any good whatsoever, by behaving in this deplorable and irresponsible fashion. In fact, he accomplishes just the opposite objective, in my view, and I believe that to be intentional.
In short, and although I believe there are some exceptions within the community, I do not believe that they are here to get along as good neighbors at all (to assimilate). I believe, as has proved to be true in other parts of the world, especially Europe and the UK, and around the United States and Canada as well, that they are here to overwhelm the indigenous population, and to sow the seeds necessary to grow their “caliphate”. There are literally centuries of similar historical evidence to support this statement. In short, and for the most part, they simply do not play well with others.
One might also ask a logical and practical economic question here on the home front.
Why, given that in St Cloud, Minnesota and the surrounding area, with very limited industry, and very limited employment and business opportunity, would he (Hussein) not support a “moratorium” at this point (St Cloud MN, Councilman Jeff Johnson’s proposal), which would naturally limit (“time out”) the number of additional immigrants being transplanted into St Cloud, MN, so as not to bring in more people to compete for the very same jobs and limited opportunities his “community” are currently enjoying. Conclusion? He is obviously up to something else here.
One woman (nice lady I suppose) – “Bless her heart”, as one person I know would say – was actually willing to outline the “cultural reasons” why all Muslims (she) must pray 5 times a day. It is “required” says she…including in our taxpayer funded public schools. Well, that trumps (pardon the word) OUR US Supreme Court decision on that score in particular relative to “prayer in public schools”, I suppose, according to her. Well, there you have it! Done deal! We, (the “community”) demand it, and therefore, we are entitled to it!

Then there is the refusal on the part of Somali-owned food service and restaurant businesses in St Cloud, MN, now refusing to allow lawful and required Health Department inspections of their establishments – AND, APPARENTLY, GETTING AWAY WITH IT! Those businesses should have been shut down yesterday.
As an aside, and since the FBI Minneapolis is presently looking for “8 Armed and Dangerous Men” (Somali) fellas as we speak, perhaps checking under the floor boards of those restaurants might be a clever, and rational idea at the moment. By the way, where did these young men get their guns and ammunition? There is the recently formed “Somali American [ Men’s ] Gun Club” in St Cloud now.
One fella, afterwards in the lobby of the St Cloud Public Library (also very wordy and slick – and oh so smooth—Jaylani Hussein’s right-hand man), told me, with considerable pride, that his father had 6 wives, and thus he had 22 siblings. OMG… Paleeeeeze.. …Just say NO! How many welfare checks does that add up to do you suppose?
Because I was not called on during the Q & A portion of the program (my arm is still sore from waving it), intentionally, to offer any commentary, and to ask some needed questions, I did have a chance to visit with a few concerned citizens afterwards.
I handed out more than a few actual and very recent news articles relative to very serious incidents, which have happened in Minnesota, which are much more than alarming. Not to my surprise, there were far too many people there, who had not even been made aware of these news stories at all. (Minnesota mainstream media is a disgrace – AND AFRAID in my opinion – as is true of many connected to Minnesota Law Enforcement and governance now).
This included the two incidents at the Mall of America on a recent Sunday (November 12, 2017) afternoon and evening. First was the 5th degree sexual assault (ride operator arrested and charged) of a woman by an amusement park ride operator, and then, the stabbing of two shoppers in Macy’s, both acts committed by member(s) of the Minneapolis Somali “community” (not a good track record here people).
Jaylani Hussein, the executive director of the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MN), is, I concluded, an arrogant huckster and a master con man, and he is smooth.
He was caught lying through his teeth several times, and we have him on tape. Can you say, no denunciation or condemnation of The Muslim Brotherhood, or Hamas, connected to CAIR?
His response more than once during the Q&A portion of his presentation was: “He will not be intimidated or silenced by such website-generated questions”, says he! “And, we carry a big stick” says he.
These people, and their home-grown SURROGATES (Not the Japanese American organization folks being played for fools here), are so clearly, Kool-Aide drinking – moneymaking – and race baiting pimps, and they too are very dangerous. Joseph Stalin referenced such people as “useful idiots”.
Relating to Mr. Jaylani’s condescending behavior and treatment of many of the women audience members in particular (a cultural problem I believe); demonstrating such disrespect and obvious disdain in his tone and manner throughout, while somehow believing that his deceptive delivery style had gone on unnoticed, I can almost hear Michael Corleone (Godfather Film) saying to his brother-in-law, Carlo, relating to his brother, Sonny’s (Santino) assassination…”Ahhh, that little farce you played with my sister: Did you think you could fool a Corleone?”
How about another panel discussion Mr. Hussein – face to face – with additional experts on the stage, who do understand the serious “Public Safety” and “Public Health” issues connected to this “Trojan Horse” problem WE ALL FACE, regardless of political affiliation, or personal philosophy? This, Mr. Hussein, is my standing invitation to do so, publicly, and with local and national news cameras and microphones rolling.
To: MN CAIR’s, Mr. Jaylani Hussein: Let’s have that public conversation (public panel discussion), and public debate, very soon. As US Supreme Court Justice Brandeis once said: “Sunlight is the best disinfectant”, my friend.
While we wait for Jaylani’s answer, please keep thinking happy “Minnesota Nice” thoughts … Please pass the brats – the beer – and the hot-dish…wouldja? …OK then, “Enjoy the weather!”
Stay tuned….
We are staying tuned as well—this should be good!
Be sure Lutheran Social Services of MN and a representative of the mayor/council of St. Cloud are on the panel with CAIR. And, presumably the St. Cloud Public Library will make a room available for the educational event.
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