Of course I saw the news yesterday, but didn’t post on it because, sad to say, this kind of story is becoming commonplace. However, just to be sure my huge ‘crimes’ archive (here) is complete, I’m posting the basic news of what happened at the Mall of America from World Net Daily.
But, the bonus here is that readers can learn a bit about Muslim names.
Leo Hohmann at WND:
Mugshot Mahad Abdiaziz Abdirahman! And, so how exactly does this man benefit America?
For the second time in just over a year, a Somali “refugee” has stabbed shoppers with a knife at a Minnesota mall.
The first case, on Sept. 17, 2016, was a clear act of jihad when Dahir Adan injured 10 people in the Macy’s at the Crossroads Center Mall in St. Cloud after asking his victims, chosen at random, if they were Muslim.
But on Sunday night, a man identified as Mahad Abdiaziz Abdirahman, 20, of Minneapolis stabbed two men at the Mall of America after they tried to stop him from stealing clothes inside the dressing room at Macy’s.
His middle name, Abdiaziz, means “the slave of Allah the master,” a native Arabic speaker told WND.
His first name, Mahad, means “the one who preaches and invites people to Islam.”
Abdirahman is a common Somali Muslim last name. It means “the slave of Allah who is the gracious.”
Bloomington Police Chief Jeff Potts said in a news conference that “the suspect went in and tried to take some property and, when confronted, he produced a knife and stabbed one man. Some family members assisted the victim and a second man sustained another knife wound.”
The next time you hear someone from the refugee industry say this: “No refugee has committed a fatal attack on an American” just laugh! Do you see how they do this? They put the word “fatal” in there (nevermind that there have been fatal attacks) because they know there have been many near fatal ones!
Furthermore, don’t let anyone tell you that an asylee is not a refugee. A successful asylum seeker is every bit as much a refugee as the ones we fly in on your dime. The Tsarnaev brothers were asylees (political refugees).
They can’t, with a straight face, say there have been no attacks on Americans because there have been dozens of attempts to kill Americans and attempts to commit jihad attacks, it’s just that many of those have been intercepted by law enforcement before they could do their damage. Have a look at my ‘crimes’ archive here and see what I mean.
Or, for a quick look, see my 10 terror cases and 5 horrific crimes post here.
Our postthe other day on Poland’s “breed like rabbits” campaign generated lots of interest.
Here Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily tells us that even we (the US, not just Europe) are in trouble for not producing enough American babies.
From Hohmann:
If anyone wants to know why Western countries import so many migrants from the Third World, the answer may lie in the cultural norms that have dominated over the past 50 years.
See the Executive Summary here: http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/publications/pdf/ageing/replacement-es.pdf
Women are expected to go to college, become professionals in the work force, and “contribute” to the national economy.
But, as many of these countries are now discovering, the female contributions come with a cost.
With women having fewer babies, there comes a point when there are not enough worker bees to support the growing number of elderly who retire every year in countries like Germany, Italy, Greece and Spain.
All of these countries have dismal fertility rates of between 1.3 and 1.5 children per woman of child-bearing age. Sweden, the U.K. and the U.S. are not much better at 1.8 children per woman.
Economists agree that any nation with a fertility rate of less than 2.1 children per woman will not replace its aging population and ultimately fall into decline. Unless, they say, the nation uses immigration to make up for its birth dearth.
The United Nations acknowledged the demographic crisis with 2000 documenttitled “Replacement Migration: Is it a Solution to Declining and Aging Populations?” In that screed, the U.N. suggested a controversial solution to the low-birth-rate woes of 10 major nations – mass migration. Among the 10 listed as facing demographic decline if they don’t import younger migrants are the U.S., Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Russia, South Korea and Japan.
Moral of the story! You American youngsters better get busy and do your patriotic duty! Or, the UN will overwhelm us with third world replacements! At the heart of it, this is what it is all about—replacing you!
“Life got harder for me when I came to America…Most of the time, I wish I could go back to the refugee camp in Africa.”
Congolize refugee
Update November 15th: See how many from the DR Congo we have brought in already, here.
This story represents one of my major reasons for writing RRW for the last 10 years.
The do-gooders want ever-greater numbers of refugees admitted to the US despite the fact that many will live in poverty while many of the CEOs of the major resettlement agencies are raking in large 6-figure salaries.
Damn it! If you ‘humanitarians’ care so much for the world’s downtrodden, why do you need to be making salaries in excess of $200,000, $300,000, $500,000 largely funded by the US Treasury?
For the camera, IRC CEO David Miliband shows compassion for children in Nigeria, but where is the compassion for refugees his organization dropped off in Utah and are now living in squalor or are homeless. Doing well by doing good, Miliband makes $591,846 annually. Photo: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-3349940/Refugee-kids-bring-David-Miliband-knees-Nigeria.html
And, readers, it isn’t refugees like these in Utah that should be criticized or castigated (they were sold a bill of goods), it is the refugee industry (the globalists) that obviously turns a blind eye to the refugees they brought in previous years.
Instead of admitting only the number of refugees communities can afford or otherwise accommodate, the nine contractors*** always want more. Why?
Because the newly arriving refugees bring-in money by the head to the resettlement agency and that is the primary reason they are so angry at Trump. He has reduced the number of their paying “clients.”
From Deseret News where the story features refugees from the DR Congo.
For new readers, back in 2013, here, Obama’s State Department said it would help clean out UN camps in Africa by bringing 50,000 from the DR Congo to Anytown, USA. We may have already exceeded that number.
When he felt hopeless, the Bible’s words lifted him up and renewed his faith that God had a plan for him. He prayed that the Lord would deliver his family to America.
If he ever made it there, he imagined, he would have a home of his own with a large backyard, where he could tend a garden and watch his children play.
Instead, this is Ngunza’s reality: He lives in a tiny, roach-infested apartment with his wife and 11 children. His job slicing meat at a local deli pays just above minimum wage, which barely covers his monthly rent, and leaves him precious little to feed and clothe his family.
Instead of dreams, these days Ngunza only has fears – that he won’t be able to provide for his family’s basic needs and still keep a roof over their head.
“Just like in the camp,” he says, “I feel trapped all over again.”
Where are you Senator Mike Lee? Why don’t you take the lead and call for an investigation of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program!
On its face, the resettlement program is a feel-good story, a symbol of America’s commitment as a global citizen, and for refugees, the epitome of the American Dream.
Utah is the only state that allocates funding for resettlement agencies – the International Rescue Committee and Catholic Community Services – to offer case management services for a full two-year period. During this time, they provide refugees with job training, housing placement and English language lessons, and more, all with the goal of helping refugees reach self-sufficiency as quickly as possible.
Nevertheless, despite the best of intentions, the Deseret News has found that many refugees are living well below the poverty line. Some are facing eviction. Others have become homeless.
In part, that’s because it is very difficult for arriving refugees to find jobs that pay a living wage and housing they can afford.
It is not the Mormon church doing the resettling in Utah, it is Catholic Charities and the International Rescue Committee (IRC is headed by David Miliband, a Brit, who pulls down a cool $500,000 plus a year salary).
Aiden Batar, director of Migration and Refugee Services at Catholic Community Services, says he does not know how many refugees in Utah are homeless or living in poverty. Neither does Poulin with the International Rescue Committee. [Of course they don’t—see no evil!….–ed]
At the Road Home shelter, the Deseret News met a Congolese refugee family of 11 evicted from their apartment three months ago who have been unable to find another place to live. At an apartment complex in South Salt Lake, a single mother named Feliz, also from the Congo, has been unemployed for two months after losing her job as a maid at a downtown hotel, and she has struggled to find other work.
“Life got harder for me when I came to America,” says Feliz. “I constantly worry that I will be evicted and my family will end up on the street. Most of the time, I wish I could go back to the refugee camp in Africa.”
Dear Donald, maybe it’s time for that repatriation fund we talked about years ago. Set up financing for unhappy refugees to go home! LOL! take it out of the salaries of the top executives of the refugee industry!
What you can do! If you live in Utah (or otherwise have contact with the Senator), call on Senator Mike Lee to launch an investigation!
***The nine federal contractors that monopolize all resettlement in the US are below. Go hereto see a recent accounting of their finances and salaries.
So why are we interested in thislatest news from CNN?
One of Washington’s most prominent lobbying firms is on the verge of shuttering after becoming ensnared by special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.
Kimberley Fritts [who had worked for Jeb Bush!—ed], the chief executive of the Podesta Group, told employees during a Thursday staff meeting that the firm would cease to exist at the end of the year, according to two sources. Employees were asked to clear out their desks and were told they may not be paid beyond November 15, multiple sources said.One of Washington’s most prominent lobbying firms is on the verge of shuttering after becoming ensnared by special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.
Talk of potentially closing the Podesta Group marks a dramatic downfall of one of K Street’s most iconic and well-connected firms. In its heyday, Podesta Group was the largest non-law firm lobbying organization in Washington.Tony Podesta, the firm’s founder and chairman, helped fuel the company with work for foreign governments. He and his brother, John, founded the company almost three decades ago. (John Podesta chaired Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. He left the firm in 1993.)
Hans Van De Weerd (Dutch citizen?) is the head of RCUSA as well as a VP at the International Rescue Committee. Was it his bright idea to drop 100K on Podesta?
Even if Mueller wasn’t investigating, the Podesta Group was going to lose influence now that Hillary is a nobody!
Our interest (story here from Breitbart in case you missed it) is in the fact that, for 2017, the Refugee Industry lobbying arm (Refugee Council USA) had dropped 100K on Podesta to lobby certain Senators, including prominent Republicans, for their help in assuring they would get more refugees and more money for themselves.
Targets specifically identified in the proposal included, among others, Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ)on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, as well as Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), and Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), all on the Senate Appropriations Committee.
I would love to know whose brilliant idea it was to spend that kind of money on lobbyists in the swamp—-lobbyists who are now on a sinking ship.
Did the refugee contractors get their money’s worth?
And, I would like to know if any of the 100K was our money—taxpayer money!