Hissy fits in Australia as US says no to Iranians and Somalis in refugee deal

I’ve been having computer problems so this is going to be a quickie update on the “dumb” Australia refugee deal that we should never have entered in to with the Australian government.

Trump and Turnbull
Trump should have followed his first instincts and told Turnbull a flat out NO!

In January of 2017, Trump should have said NO! to the outrageous Obama arrangement for us to take off the Australians’ hands 1,250 of their detained refugee wannabes.
So now this is all dragging out with the Lefty press taking shots at the US each step of the way.
Continue reading “Hissy fits in Australia as US says no to Iranians and Somalis in refugee deal”

Rich Brit, Anish Kapoor, funding community organizing to promote refugees in North Carolina

The federal resettlement contractor, one of nine***—Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society—crows about their pro-refugee political advocacy campaign in a recent blog post on their website.

In North Carolina, Local Advocacy Trainings Boost Action for Refugees

It is maddening isn’t it that the refugee industry is rolling in (foreign) money to promote more refugees for your towns, cities, states, but take heart and consider that grassroots efforts by patriots to educate the public about the downside of too much immigration in places like Minnesota (without funding for advocacy training by rich Brits) is having an impact as I said here the other day.
HIAS making plans for North Carolina…..
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Continue reading “Rich Brit, Anish Kapoor, funding community organizing to promote refugees in North Carolina”

Refugee admissions from Africa and the Near East/South Asia way off the mark

While the Europe ceiling has been almost reached after 7 months.
As you know, the President set the CEILING for refugee admissions for Fiscal Year 2018 back in September at 45,000.
We are now 7 months in to that fiscal year and the US State Department database (maintained by contractor Wrapsnet) has a detailed accounting of who we have admitted and where they are from.
First, here (below) is a graph showing the CEILING and the actual monthly admissions numbers for the last ten years. On April 30th, the seven month mark, we have admitted 12,188.
When you go to Wrapsnet, here, this is data from a spread sheet found by clicking on this line under Admissions Reports: PRM Admissions Graph April 30, 2018.
(They usually update these numbers around the 5th of each month for the previous months of the fiscal year.)
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The world is divided into 5 regions for the purpose of setting ceilings and admitting refugees.

See how many we have admitted so far….
Continue reading “Refugee admissions from Africa and the Near East/South Asia way off the mark”

Minnesota: Opposition to Welcoming America is growing….

…..as more citizens are waking up to Leftwing community organizing tactics!
The Winona Daily News published a story last evening that is mostly meant to show that opposition to Welcoming America is coming from a bunch of nativist naysayers, but for me it shows how grassroots activists (paid by no one!) have been successful in educating small communities across the upper Midwest about the goals of the Soros-spawned Welcoming America community organizers.
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I first heard of Welcoming America in 2013 when they were a featured presenter at a meeting in Lancaster, Pennsylvania put on by the Obama Office of Refugee Resettlement.
The ORR had contracted them to beat back “pockets of resistance” to refugee resettlement.
You should take a moment to read that post.
It is a good thing I quoted the Soros connection directly from Welcoming America’s website at the time because that page is mysteriously absent from their site now!
For the really ambitious among you, please see my entire archive on Welcoming America and its founder David Lubell.  They are your classic, hard Left community organizers promoting diversity is beautiful for your towns (more Democrat voters and more cheap labor!).
But, it is more than that…..

They are changing America by changing the people!

And using taxpayer dollars to do it!
Continue reading “Minnesota: Opposition to Welcoming America is growing….”

Social Contract magazine devotes entire issue to educate readers about the Southern Poverty Law Center

No less than 21 articles by well-known authors make up the Spring 2018 Issue of the Social Contract Magazine.
Addressing the SPLC’s terroristic tactics to silence speech they don’t like…..
Our friend James Simpson authored this one entitled:

The Southern Poverty Law Center – Institution of weaponized hate

A few excerpts:
James Simpson

Since the election of Donald Trump as 45th president of the United States, the leftist under-ground has surfaced in an unprecedented, full-throated effort to neutralize his historic victory. This underground includes violent communist, socialist, and anarchist street thugs from groups like Refuse Fascism (the Revolutionary Communist Party),1 Antifa (anarchists and anarcho-syndicalists)2 and Black Lives Matter (socialists).3 But it also includes many Democrat politicians, judges, and bureaucrats at all levels of government, for example judges essentially governing from the bench with unconstitutional restraint orders, elected officials erecting sanctuary policies in direct defiance of the federal government, and media willing to give them all rhetorical cover.

Running interference are groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), who have joined the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) in an unholy alliance to attack and silence the Left’s critics.

This war on speech has been going on for a long time, but over the past 17 months has reached a fever pitch. While we see Islamic terrorist attacks on Western targets almost daily now, CAIR literally threatens venues, organizers, and speakers who discuss the threats from Islamic terrorism and the Islamic supremacy doctrine of Shariah.4

And while CAIR goes on the warpath, the SPLC assists by labeling individuals and groups “bigots,” “racists,” “xenophobes,” “Islamophobes,” “white nationalists,” and “haters.” The SPLC can claim responsibility more than any other group for popularizing the “hate” narrative, now ubiquitous in the popular press.

Continue reading here.
Below are just some of the titles in this issue of the Social Contract.

Everything you ever wanted to know about the SPLC:


social contract
I couldn’t fit all the titles on one page!  See them all here:   http://www.thesocialcontract.com/artman2/publish/tsc_28_3/index.shtml

As long time readers know, I’ve been targeted by the SPLC as an anti-Muslim extremist primarily because I got under the skin of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, one of the nine federal resettlement contractors, that doesn’t like my questions about their government funding and political agitation. HIAS is closely allied with the SPLC.