Attorney General Sessions orders review of Justice Department’s ties to the Southern Poverty Law Center

The New York Post editorial yesterday is entitled:

The SPLC’s terrible year just got worse


It’s been a rough year for the Southern Poverty Law Center — deservedly so. And it just got more difficult, thanks to Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

The SPLC, formed in 1971 as an aggressive civil-rights nonprofit law firm, has become the left’s go-to arbiter of what constitutes a hate group. Its pronouncements are quoted without challenge by the news media, and it has an endowment of $300 million, enriched by major corporate donors.

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The Leftwing media loves to cite the SPLC.  Here is the SPLC’s hate expert-in-chief, Heidi Beirich, on MSNBC

Yet its overly broad definition of “hate” often goes far beyond truly vile outfits to include people and groups that simply don’t toe a politically correct line. That’s why the SPLC two months ago had to pay $3.4 million and publicly apologize to Maajid Nawaz, whom it had falsely labeled an “anti-Muslim extremist.” (He’s actually a practicing Muslim who opposes extremism.)

But that didn’t stop the Star-Ledger last week from devoting an editorial to denouncing New Jersey’s ICE spokesman, Emilio Dabul, for his “links” (as supplied by the SPLC) to “anti-Muslim fanatics.” This, even though the Star-Ledger admitted that Dabul’s own writings “showed no anti-Muslim bias.” It was all guilt by association — right from the SPLC playbook.

Now Sessions has ordered a review to ensure the Justice Department no longer partners with the SPLC and other groups that “unfairly defame Americans.”


…Sessions charged, it uses its hate-group designations “as a weapon” to “bully and intimidate” organizations of which it simply doesn’t approve.


As Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who’s also been smeared by the SPLC as an “anti-Muslim extremist,”*** has noted, the group these days is invested more in “profiting off the anxieties and white guilt of Northern liberals” than in actually upholding civil rights.

Sessions’ review is long overdue, and follows other government agencies that have backed away from the SPLC. It’s time for those who still merely parrot its smears to start taking a closer look.

More here.

If you are looking for something to do, you need to complain to your local paper or TV station any time they use the SPLC as a credible source to define “hate groups.”


***The SPLC was forced to remove its now infamous Anti-Muslim Extremist list that included yours truly, see here.

Targeting Refugee Resettlement Watch and anyone questioning refugee resettlement for their towns and cities was initiated by a Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society study in 2013 which explicitly asked that the SPLC investigate us.  Here is a quote from that study (my post is here).  Earlier in the report they mentioned RRW by name.

Conduct Research on Local Anti-Refugee Leaders: The national refugee agencies should partner with groups such as Center for New Community and Southern Poverty Law Center to learn more about individuals and groups leading local efforts to resist resettlement, to determine if they belong to organized anti-immigrant or anti-Muslim organizations or networks.

Remember that the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, as one of nine federal resettlement contractors, is dependent on your tax dollars for more than half of the group’s income!

Arizona: Refugee couple arrested, lied on refugee application, terror connection found

I first spotted this story at Arizona Central and my first thought was—-here we go again. Although labeled as “refugees,” are they going to tell us anything about the nationality of the lying husband and wife who got in to the US during the Obama Administration?

But after looking around at other stories about yesterday’s breaking news, I see we do have more information this time.  However, my big red flag question is this:

How did these alleged terrorist Africans (supposedly Ethiopians, but their names are Somali names) get to Arizona via China?


arizona welcomes refugees

I checked Wrapsnet and sure enough we do process a few refugees in to the US from China!  How insane is that! With all the refugee fraud going on around the world, why would we trust anyone (Africans no less!) coming in via China?

Continue reading “Arizona: Refugee couple arrested, lied on refugee application, terror connection found”

Evangelical ‘leaders’ out of touch with their flocks on refugee admissions

The Evangelical Immigration Table is a conglomeration of evangelical groups on the Religious Left, and like all skilled Leftwing activists they know how to get media attention.


Write a letter to the Trump Administration and you get headline stories…..

Here at HuffPo we see that the Table group has sent a letter to the Secretary of State and others who will make the decision on how many refugees could be admitted to the US beginning October first.

They want the President to set the level of refugee admissions for FY19 at 75,000 (that is the agreed upon level that the contractors*** have come up with for this coming year, a number that would keep them financially afloat.)

What I would like to know is why don’t evangelical conservatives now get together and counter the liberals with a letter of their own.  After all, they far out number the Libs!

LOL! See if HuffPo writes a headline story about your letter—-Evangelicals tell President to place moratorium on refugee program until reforms are in place!

Instead, a small number comprising the Religious Left says this….

Continue reading “Evangelical ‘leaders’ out of touch with their flocks on refugee admissions”

Hungarian PM Orban undertakes a social experiment that might just save Western Civilization

“Who would have guessed that a constellation of formerly atheistic, Communist countries would become the vanguard of the family?”

(Samuel Hammond writing at National Review)


It isn’t just in Hungary either.  In Poland and especially in Russia the push is on to encourage marriage and then the all important follow-up—more babies!

Why? They want to produce their own replacements and stop the flood of third world migrant workers that globalist corporations say are needed to keep the economy humming.  Never mind that the migrants have no interest in maintaining Hungarian, Polish or Russian culture (even if they work and don’t depend on welfare payments).

orban and family
Hungarian PM Orban practicing what he preaches….

I guess you can tell, I love this guy—Viktor Orban—because he has no fear of telling the truth. 

And, this subject interests me because in the 1970’s I was steeped in this idea that no family should have more than two children in order to save the planet.  But, guess what, only white educated young people listened. 

And, in fact, no one I ever knew made any serious effort to tell it to those in the Middle East and Africa especially where Muslims were pushing their people to produce babies for Allah and to migrate.

Here is a detailed account at National Review of what, first Hungary is doing to boost its population, and what is happening in Russia and Poland to do the same.

It strikes me that a renewed focus on American family-building might be something Donald Trump should incorporate into his campaign message.

Surely you knew that the US birthrate is now below replacement levels.

Continue reading “Hungarian PM Orban undertakes a social experiment that might just save Western Civilization”

Refugee industry advocates pinning a tiny bit of hope on Pompeo to save refugee program

….but they know the odds are not good that the Secretary of State will buck the White House on the number of refugees to be admitted to the US in the coming fiscal year.

Trump and Pompeo
Will Secretary of State Pompeo go with the White House or with the embedded refugee advocates employed at the State Department?

However, as the deep-staters (and their contractor buddies***) feed news to Politico, indications are that Pompeo could at least keep the shrinking Bureau of Population Refugees and Migration at the State Department.

Here is Politico which appears to have a direct pipeline in to the refugee industry both inside and outside of government.

Continue reading “Refugee industry advocates pinning a tiny bit of hope on Pompeo to save refugee program”