Invasion of Europe news…
And, German hypocrisy alert!
Well what do you know, Germany made a big show a few months back when it said it would take migrants from ships docked in Italy and Malta. Those countries were not letting the wannabe Europeans disembark until other countries promised to take them.
Now we learn that 115 are still in Italy and Malta as Germany must thoroughly screen them!

From Deutsche Welle:
Rescued migrants in limbo while waiting for resettlement in Germany
One hundred and fifteen migrants who were rescued in the Mediterranean Sea have been waiting for months in Italy and Malta for Germany to take them in as promised, the German government has said.
The migrants needed to undergo a medical examination, be registered and attend interviews before they could be transferred to Germany, according to a statement made in response to an enquiry by German parliamentarians of the Left party. They also required checking by German intelligence services before the German federal refugee agency BAMF could arrange a transfer, the statement added.

It said some of the migrants were saved by two military ships on July 13 and taken to Sicily, and others rescued by the NGO ship Aquarius on August 10 and brought to Malta.
Italy and Malta allowed them to disembark only after other EU member states had promised to take them in.
Ulla Jelpke, a spokeswoman for the Left’s parliamentary party, commended Berlin for having pledged to take in the migrants, but called for quick action to fulfill the promise.
“There is no plausible reason for their entry to be put off because of bureaucratic measures,” she said.
Several other EU states have already received the migrants they pledged to take.
Meanwhile, they are baaaacck!
At least one NGO migrant transport ship will soon be back in business on the hunt for African migrants launching from the coast of North Africa.
In another related development, the German NGO Sea-Watch said on Saturday that its vessel Sea-Watch 3 would return to migrant rescue operations after Malta allowed it to sail to Spain for maintenance work, having impounded it for three months.
Sea-Watch accused Malta of having acted “without any legal basis” and said more than 500 people had drowned at sea while the ship was being “illegally detained.”
For posts extending as far back as ten years, see my ‘Invasion of Europe’ file, click here.