HIAS, for those new to refugee industry lingo, is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and yesterday they launched a grassroots campaign to pressure Congress into passing legislation that would abolish Trump’s so-called Muslim ban, and make it harder for any future President to keep us safe.
Nevermind that there isn’t a Muslim ban as we reported here a few days ago.
Rohingya Muslims are entering the US as refugees by the thousands, and taxpayer-funded HIAS (about $25 million in one recent year!) and the other federally-funded refugee contractors are being paid to take care of the thousands of US-bound Special Immigrant Visa holders from Iraq and Afghanistan (mostly Muslims!)*** who supposedly helped our military (and NGOs!) in those terror-producing hotbed countries!
But, the propagandists in the Open Borders cabal never let facts get in the way of their get-Trump agenda.
They know the bill will never become law while Trump is in the White House, however they are using it as one more media stunt in advance of the 2020 presidential contest. And, they need to keep their followers/donors busy and engaged.

Here is what HIAS is telling its followers to do. (And lucky you! You can read their appeal in ten languages!)
Tell Congress to Support the NO BAN Act
On Tuesday, September 24, Congress will review H.R. 2214, the NO BAN Act. The NO BAN Act will repeal all versions of the Muslim Ban authorized through executive order over the past two years, and will amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to prohibit discrimination based on religion. Additionally, it will limit the broad executive authority that allowed the refugee and asylum bans by implementing stricter implementation requirements and greater congressional oversight.
Now, more than ever, it is critical that Members of Congress show their support against discrimination, and support this legislation.
Join us in telling Members of Congress to support the NO BAN Act.
STEP ONE: Find out who your representative is here.
Continue reading here. They have kindly provided a script in case their followers need guidance about what to say.
Learn more about the bill here. See that it has 170 co-sponsors (all Dems).
If you disagree with HIAS, use their link above to find your representative (I suspect you already know who your representative is) and call your member of Congress to express your views in your own (polite please) words.
***A reader, who wished not to be named, told me that it was the large number of SIVs entering with the help of the contractors that were keeping the refugee ‘non-profits’ afloat during these lean Trump years.