Irish Open Borders Activists Want Ireland to Send the Navy to the Med to Pick up More Migrants

Invasion of Europe news…..

This is one of my favorite areas on which to report—the great replacement going on in Europe.

It isn’t my favorite because I enjoy writing about it, but I think it is vitally important for Americans to watch Europe as a warning to us.

Here we learn that Irish ‘humanitarians’ are pushing for Ireland to take in more Africans, Asians, and Middle Easterners.

Gotta fill those mosques!

And, they want the Irish Navy to pick up even more illegal aliens crossing the Mediterranean.  But, of course they are not offering to take in the astronomical number of migrants they have already ‘saved’ —18,000!

Presumably Italy, Malta, Spain and Greece can have those?

From the Irish Examiner,

Refugee Intake Should Double

Ireland should more than double its annual intake of refugees over the coming three years to meet its “fair share” of the projected global refugee resettlement need, a migrant umbrella group has said.

The Irish Refugee and Migrant Coalition said Ireland had taken in almost 2,600 people under the Irish Refugee Protection Programme (IRPP) in the four years since September 2015, averaging at 650 people per year.

The coalition, involving more than 20 organisations, said the UN Refugee Agency had estimated that 1.44 million people will be in need of resettlement in 2020.

Nick Henderson: Send the Irish Navy to the Mediterranean to rescue migrants!

The group said that this month was the deadline for Ireland to announce the number of resettlement places it is committing to over the next two years.

The coalition recommended Ireland commit to at least 1,500 resettlement places annually over 2020-2022.

It also called on Ireland, through the Irish Naval Service, to lead in a new Mediterranean search and rescue mission.


Nick Henderson of the Irish Refugee Council called on Ireland to lead a new search and rescue mission in the Med, adding that the Irish Naval Service had rescued more than 18,000 people.

See my archive stretching back at least ten years on the ‘Invasion of Europe.

My previous reports on Ireland are here.

Supreme Court Decision Could Result in Higher Refugee Admissions to Begin in 18 Days

You are all aware now that the President is about to make a determination for how many refugees from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East will be admitted to the US in FY2020 which begins in less than three weeks.

The Open Borders Left wants 95,000!

There had been talk the President could put the number at zero!

And, you also might have seen the news that the President had a win in the Supreme Court that could limit the number of asylum seekers coming into the country illegally and then requesting asylum which means asking for refugee status.  (There is a backlog of hundreds of thousands yet to be processed!)

Yesterday we learned that USCIS Acting Director.Ken Cuccinelli linked the two and suggested that potentially fewer asylum seekers would allow for more third worlders from elsewhere to gain admission.

Oh joy! More “humanitarian space” said Cuccinelli!

But, heck, we won’t know for weeks or months if the Supreme Court decision will move the needle at all, but the refugees could be arriving beginning in 18 days. 

This is nuts!

I sure hope someone in the White House has already swatted down the asinine idea!

We will not be fooled by this slight of hand!

From Politico:

Cuccinelli: Supreme Court ruling may boost refugee admissions

Acting U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Ken Cuccinelli suggested Thursday that contemplated reductions in refugee admissions might be scaled back following a Supreme Court asylum ruling Wednesday evening.

In a major victory for President Donald Trump, the high court gave his administration permission Wednesday to implement a sweeping ban on asylum seekers who pass through another country en route to the U.S. The third-country asylum ban is expected to choke off claims by Central Americans and other migrants who transit through Mexico.

With a reduction in asylum cases, Cuccinelli suggested, resources might be redirected to processing refugee claims.Asylum applies to migrants who seek refuge at the border or inside the U.S.; refugee status is sought by applicants from their home countries.

Speaking to several reporters after an event hosted by Axios, Cuccinelli said the court’s ruling could become a factor in discussions over where to set the coming year’s refugee ceiling. Trump cut refugee levels down to the 30,000 in the current fiscal year, a steep decrease over the 110,000 proposed by former President Barack Obama*** before he left office. Trump administration officials have considered slashing admissions again in fiscal year 2020 — possibly even reducing levels to zero.

“It hasn’t necessarily been connected yet, but last night’s Supreme Court decision does affect the humanitarian space,” Cuccinelli said Thursday morning.

More here.

***I am so sick of the media reporting that Obama set the ceiling at 110,000 in his final year in office (in late 2016!) as a way of comparing his numbers in the most favorable light in contrast to Trump’s.

Obama never set a ceiling anywhere near that high in his previous 7 years and only came near that ceiling (aka cap) in a few of those years!

From the Refugee Processing Center:

I am so sick of the lazy lying media! Note the ceiling numbers for the last ten years. They cherry-picked the one year that Obama dared to set the ceiling higher than normal in order to show the President’s numbers in the worst light. See the actual admissions column too!


The decision must be made in the next few days, but definitely by the end of September. You must contact the White House and let the President know how you are feeling about all of this.

Are we going to simply get more Africans and Middle Easterners when the Central American flow might be curtailed? 

How about keeping the “humanitarian space” limited across the board for awhile!

You can now subscribe to the NEW Refugee Resettlement Watch!

Hurrah!  A new feature has been added to this newly reconstructed Refugee Resettlement Watch—e-mail subscriptions are now possible!

(By the way, I had gotten bored and discouraged writing every day about the Refugee Program, but after being dumped by because clearly they were being pressured to shut me down, I’m even more determined to continue writing here at RRW.)

Be sure to see the right hand sidebar which features other useful information.

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I’ll leave this post here on the front page for a week or so. Please send it around via social media (see icons below).  I had over 5,000 subscribers when the Speech Police censored me, so it would be great to get some of those followers back!

Thanks as always for visiting RRW!

Ann Corcoran



Elected Officials in over 360 Towns and Cities Tell Trump to Admit 95,000 Refugees Beginning October 1

The Open Borders Agitators love this sort of action.  They put together a list (in this case of hundreds of signatures) to pressure the President as he gets near the decision point on determining how many third world refugees will be admitted to live in your towns and cities.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti asks the President to send him more impoverished people because LA doesn’t have enough!

The media laps it up!

It is a win-win for groups like HIAS who live off of your tax dollars.  Either they do get Trump to move in their direction (earlier the White House signaled that the number could be zero) and split the difference when they ask for an outrageously large number, or they get to bash him further in advance of the 2020 presidential race for anything short of their 95,000!

Last year they asked for 75,000 and got 30,000.  See last year’s publicity stunt  here. (See if any of your elected officials signed it, here.)

Now here is the Amnesty International press statement put out yesterday (on 9/11) about this year’s demands.


You can read that yourself.

Below is the opening paragraph of this year’s letter followed by those who signed it.

See if an elected official in your town or city is asking the President to admit 95,000 refugees beginning in less than three weeks.

President Donald J. Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. President:

As leaders in our community elected at all levels of state and local government, we write today to express our strong support for resettling refugees in our states and communities and to urge your Administration to resettle at least 95,000 refugees in Fiscal Year 2020.We hope that you consider the voices of communities across the country as we join together in support of this life-saving program that brings so much to our collective communities and express our desire to help protect refugees in need.

Read the remainder of the letter, here.

Now see the list! (I think it is a very useful thing to know who is working to change America by changing the people!):

Neil Rafferty, State Representative, Birmingham

Andrew Josephson, State Representative, Anchorage

Ylenia Aguilar, School Board Member, Phoenix
Lela Alston, State Senator, Phoenix
Richard Andrade, State Representative, Phoenix
Isela Blanc, State Representative, Tempe
Andres Cano, State Representative, Tucson
Steven Chapman, School Governing Board Member, Phoenix
Cesar Chavez, State Representative, Phoenix
Andrea Dalessandro, State Senator, Green Valley
Devin Del Palacio, Tolleson Union School District Governing Board Member, Tolleson
Elora Diaz, School Governing Board Member, Phoenix
Kirsten Engel, State Representative, Tucson
Diego Espinoza, State Representative, Phoenix
Charlene Fernandez, State Representative, Yuma
Rosanna Gabaldon, State Representative, Phoenix
Kate Gallego, Mayor, Phoenix
Carlos Garcia, District 8 Councilmember, Phoenix
Betty Guardado, District 5 City Councilwoman, Phoenix
Berdetta Hodge, Tempe Union Governing Board President, Tempe
Lauren Kuby, Vice Mayor, Tempe
Jennifer Longdon, State Representative, Phoenix
Juan Mendez, State Senator, Tempe
Otoniel “Tony” Navarrete, State Senator, Phoenix
Katie Paetz, Osborn School Board Member, Phoenix
Channel Powe, Balsz School District Governing Board President, Phoenix
Pamela Powers Hannley, State Representative, Phoenix
Stanford Prescott, Phoenix Union High School District Governing Board Member, Phoenix
Martín Quezada, State Senator, Phoenix
Rebecca Rios, State Senator, Phoenix
Tony Rivero, State Representative, Phoenix
Diego Rodriguez, State Representative, Laveen
Jonathan Rothschild, Mayor, Tucson
Athena Salman, House Minority Whip, Tempe
Victoria Steele, State Senator, Phoenix
Monica Trejo, School Board Member, Tempe
Raquel Teran, State Representative, Phoenix

Lioneld Jordan, Mayor, Fayetteville
Sarah Marsh, Vice Mayor and City Council Member, Fayetteville
Teresa Turk, City Council Member, Fayetteville

Eric Garcetti, Mayor, Los Angeles
Ben Allen, State Senator, Santa Monica
Tom Butt, Mayor, Richmond
Bob Blumenfield, City Councilmember, Los Angeles
Paul Koretz, City Councilmember, Los Angeles
Sheila Kuehl, County Supervisor, Los Angeles
Marc Levine, Assemblymember, San Rafael
Don Saylor, County Supervisor, Yolo County

Michael Hancock, Mayor, Denver
KC Becker, State Representative, Boulder
Stephen Fenberg, State Senator, Boulder
Dominick Moreno, State Senator, Commerce City
Adam Paul, Mayor, Lakewood
Dave Young, Colorado State Treasurer, Greeley

Matt Blumenthal, State Representative, Stamford
Raghib Allie-Brennan, State Representative, Bethel
Robin E. Comey, State Representative, Branford
Hacibey Catalbasoglu, Alderman, New Haven
Patricia Dillon, State Representative, New Haven
Roland Lemar, State Representative, New Haven
Matthew Lesser, State Senator, Middletown

District of Columbia
Muriel Bowser, Mayor
Brianne Nadeau, Councilmember
Elissa Silverman, At-Large Councilmember

Rysheema Dixon, City Council Member-at-Large, Wilmington
Linda Gray, 1st District Councilwoman, Wilmington
Debra Heffernan, State Representative, Wilmington

Buddy Dyer, Mayor, Orlando
Trish Becker, County Commissioner, St. Augustine
Erica Connor, Supervisor, Ponte Vedra Beach
Anna Eskamani, State Representative, Orlando
Kristin Jacobs, State Representative, Coconut Creek
Al Jacquet, State Representative, Mangonia
Evan Jenne, State Representative, Hollywood
Shevrin Jones, State Representative, West Park
Dotie Joseph, State Representative, Miami
Amy Mercado, State Representative, Orlando
Cindy Polo, State Representative, Hialeah
Carlos Guillermo Smith, State Representative, Orlando
Victor Torres, State Senator, Kissimmee

Yterenickia Bell, City Council Member, Clarkston
Anthony S. Ford, Mayor, Stockbridge
Patti Garrett, Mayor, Decatur
Deana Holiday Ingraham, Mayor, East Point
Ted Terry, Mayor, Clarkston

David Bieter, Mayor, Boise
Mathew Erpelding, State Representative, Boise
Maryanne Jordan, State Senator, Boise
Mark Nye, State Senator, Pocatello

Lori Lightfoot, Mayor, Chicago
Alma Anaya, County Commissioner, Cook County
Luis Arroyo Jr., County Commissioner, Cook County
Scott Britton, County Commissioner, Cook County
James Cappleman, Alderman, Chicago
Kelly Cassidy, State Representative, Chicago
Melissa Conyears-Ervin, Treasurer, Chicago
John Cullerton, Illinois Senate President, Chicago
John P. Daley, County Commissioner, Cook County
Bridget Degnen, County Commissioner, Cook County
Sara Feigenholtz, State Representative, Chicago
Laura Fine, State Senator, Glenview
Robyn Gabel, State Representative, Evanston
Will Guzzardi, State Representative, Chicago
Maria Hadden, Alderwoman, Chicago
Brandon Johnson, County Commissioner, Cook County
Matt Martin, Alderman, Chicago
Donna Miller, County Commissioner, Cook County
Kevin B. Morrison, County Commissioner, Cook County
Harry Osterman, Alderman, Chicago
Toni Preckwinkle, President, Cook County
Debra Silverstein, Alderman, Chicago
Peter N. Silvestri, County Commissioner, Cook County
Deborah Sims, County Commissioner, Cook County
Michele Smith, Alderman, Chicago
Larry Suffredin, County Commissioner, Cook County
Anna Valencia, City Clerk, Chicago
George Van Dusen, Mayor, Skokie

John Hamilton, Mayor, Bloomington
Zach Adamson, City County Councilor, Indianapolis

Marti Anderson, State Representative, Des Moines
Art Staed, State Representative, Cedar Rapids
Stacey Walker, County Commissioner, Linn County

Brandon Johnson, City Council Member, Wichita
Mary Ware, State Senator, Wichita

Logan Nance, City Council Member, Midway
Kathy Plomin, City Council Member, Lexington
Susan Westrom, State Representative, Lexington

Erika L. Green, City Councilwoman, Baton Rouge

Pious Ali, Council Member At-Large, Portland
Kristen S. Cloutier, Mayor, Lewiston

Malcolm Augustine, State Senator, Hyattsville
Brian Feldman, State Senator, Annapolis
Jessica Feldmark, State Delegate, Columbia
Dannielle Glaros, County Council Member, Prince George’s County
Ana Sol Gutierrez, State Delegate, Chevy Chase
Edouard Haba, City Councilman, Hyattsville
Julian Ivey, State Delegate, Cheverly
David Moon, State Delegate, Silver Spring
Joseline Peña-Melnyk, State Delegate, College Park
Paul Pinsky, State Senator, Hyattsville
Jeffrey Slavin, Mayor, Somerset
Kate Stewart, Mayor, Takoma Park
Deni Taveras, County Council Member, Prince George’s County
Rocio Treminio-Lopez, Mayor, Brentwood
Jeff Waldstreicher, State Senator, Annapolis
Jheanelle Wilkins, State Delegate, Silver Spring
Patrick L. Wojahn, Mayor and Council, College Park

Harriette Chandler, State Senator, Worcester
Annie Gilbert, Selectwoman, Andover
Laura Gregory, Selectwoman, Andover
Daniel Koh, Select Board Member, Andover
Alex Morse, Mayor, Holyoke
Tram Nguyen, State Representative, Andover
Denise Provost, State Representative, Somerville
William Reichelt, Mayor, West Springfield
Shannon Scully, School Committee Member, Andover
Jeffrey Thielman, School Committee Member, Arlington
Holly Vietzke-Lynch, School Committee Member, North Andover

Christopher Taylor, Mayor, Ann Arbor
Rosalynn Bliss, Mayor, Grand Rapids
Stephanie Chang, State Senator, Detroit
Abdullah Hammoud, State Representative, Dearborn
Ruth Kelly, City Commissioner, Grand Rapids
David LaGrand, State Representative, Grand Rapids
Steven Maas, Mayor, Grandville
Karen Majewski, Mayor, Hamtramck
Kurt Metzger, Mayor, Pleasant Ridge
Robert Wittenberg, State Representative, Huntington Woods

Tim Walz, Governor, Minnesota
Melvin Carter, Mayor, St. Paul
Jacob Frey, Mayor, Minneapolis
Jennifer Julsrud, City Councilmember, Duluth
Fue Lee, State Representative, St. Paul
John Lesch, State Representative, St. Paul
Sandra Pappas, State Senator, St. Paul
Dave Pinto, State Representative, St. Paul
Mitra Nelson, City Councilmember, St. Paul

Lyda Krewson, Mayor, St. Louis
Kip Kendrick, State Representative, Columbia
Martha Stevens, State Representative, Columbia

Kim Abbott, State Representative, Helena
Dick Barrett, State Senator, Missoula
Emma Kerr-Carpenter, State Representative, Billings
Mary Ann Dunwell, State Representative, Helena
Jessica Karjala, State Representative, Billings
Bob Kelly, Mayor, Great Falls
Connie Keogh, State Representative, Missoula
Jasmine Krotkov, State Representative, Neihart
Margaret MacDonald, State Senator, Billings
Mary McNally, State Senator, Billings
Andrea Olsen, State Representative, Missoula
David Strohmaier, County Commissioner, Missoula
Katie Sullivan, State Representative, Missoula

Tony Vargas, State Senator, Omaha

New Hampshire
Safiya Wazir, State Representative, Concord
Karen Zook, City Councilor, Lebanon

New Jersey
Joshua Fine, Borough Council Member, Highland Park
Catherine Gural, Deputy Mayor, Montgomery
Sadaf Jaffer, Mayor, Montgomery
Gayle Brill Mittler, Mayor, Highland Park
Marvin Schuldiner, Township Committee Member, Montgomery=

New Mexico
Timothy Keller, Mayor, Albuquerque
Renee Villareal, Councilwoman, Santa Fe

New York
Noam Bramson, Mayor, New Rochelle
Byron W. Brown, Mayor, Buffalo
Kathy Sheehan, Mayor, Albany
Lovely Warren, Mayor, Rochester
Patricia Fahy, Assemblymember, Albany
Liz Krueger, State Senator, New York
Amy Paulin, Assemblymember, Scarsdale
Linda B. Rosethal, Assemblymember, New York
Steven Weinberg, Mayor, Village of Thomaston
David Weprin, Assemblymember, Fresh Meadows
Gregory Young, Supervisor, Gloversville

North Carolina
Pam Hemminger, Mayor, Chapel Hill
Steve Schewel, Mayor, Durham
Marikay Abuzuaiter, City Council Member-At-Large, Greensboro
Vickie Adamson, County Commissioner, Wake County
Jessica Anderson, Mayor Pro Tem, Chapel Hill
John Autry, State Representative, Charlotte
James Barrett, School Board Member, Chapel Hill
Natalie Beyer, Board of Education Member, Durham
Javiera Caballero, City Council Member, Durham
Heidi Carter, Durham County Commissioner, Durham
Jay Chaudhuri, State Senator, Raleigh
Christy Clark, State Representative, Huntersville
Susan Fisher, State Representative, Asheville
Brenda Howerton, County Commissioner, Durham
Mark Jackson, Town Councilman, Archer Lodge
Wendy Jacobs, Chair of the Durham County Board of Commissioners, Durham
Jillian Johnson, Mayor Pro Tempore, Durham
Michelle Kennedy, City Council Member, Greensboro
Audra Killingsworth, Town Council Member, Apex
Lydia Lavelle, Mayor, Carborro
Nasif Majeed, State Representative, Raleigh
Stef Mendell, City Council Member, Raleigh
Graig Meyer, State Representative, Chapel Hill
Wiley Nickel, State Senator, Raleigh
Renée Price, County Commissioner, Hillsborough
Damon Seils, Alderman, Carrboro
Kandie Smith, State Representative, Greenville
Karen Stegman, Town Council Member, Chapel Hill
Nicole Stewart, City Council Member-At-Large, Raleigh
Jennifer Weaver, Mayor Pro Tempore, Hillsborough
Mike Woodard, State Senator, Durham

North Dakota
Tim Mahoney, Mayor, Fargo
John Strand, City Commissioner, Fargo

Nan Whaley, Mayor, Dayton
Elizabeth Brown, City Council President Pro Tempore, Columbus
David Donofrio, South-Western City Schools Board of Education Member, Columbus
Emmanuel Remy, Councilmember, Columbus
Peter Ujvagi, City Councilman, Toledo

Carrie Blumert, County Commissioner, Oklahoma County
James Cooper, City Councilmember, Oklahoma City
JoBeth Hamon, Ward 6 City Councilmember, Oklahoma City
Carri Hicks, State Senator, Oklahoma City
Cyndi Munson, State Representative, Oklahoma City
Collin Walke, State Representative, Oklahoma City

Denny Doyle, Mayor, Beaverton
Chloe Eudaly, Commissioner, Portland
Alissa Keny-Guyer, State Representative, Portland
Rita Moore, PhD, Portland Public Schools Board of Education Director, Portland
Lori Stegmann, County Commissioner, Portland
Stephanie Stephens, David Douglas School District School Board Member, Portland

James F. Kenney, Mayor, Philadelphia
William Peduto, Mayor, Pittsburgh
Danene Sorace, Mayor, Lancaster
Danilo Burgos, State Representative, Philadelphia
Jason Dawkins, State Representative, Philadelphia
Janet Diaz, City Councilwoman, Lancaster
Elizabeth Fiedler, State Representative, Philadelphia
Isabella Fitzgerald, State Representative, Philadelphia
John Graupera, City Councilmember, Lancaster
Jordan A. Harris, State Representative, Philadelphia
Art Haywood, State Senator, Philadelphia
Malcolm Kenyatta, State Representative, Philadelphia
Joanna McClinton, State Representative, Philadelphia
Dan Miller, State Representative, Pittsburgh
Eric Papenfuse, Mayor, Harrisburg
Maria D. Quinones Sanchez, City Councilmember, Philadelphia
Joseph Schember, Mayor, Erie
Michael Schlossberg, State Representative, Allentown
Erika Strassburger, City Councilmember, Pittsburgh
Chris Rabb, State Representative, Philadelphia
James Reichenbach, City Council President, Lancaster
Rosita C. Youngblood, State Representative, Philadelphia

Rhode Island
Jorge Elorza, Mayor, Providence
Gayle Goldin, State Senator, Providence

South Carolina
Stephen Benjamin, Mayor, Columbia
Carol Jackson, City Council Member, Charleston

South Dakota
Reynold Nesiba, State Senator, Sioux Falls

David Briley, Mayor, Nashville
Madeline Rogero, Mayor, Knoxville
Fabian Bedne, Metro Council Member, Nashville
John Ray Clemmons, State Representative, Nashville
Jason Powell, State Representative, Nashville

Steve Adler, Mayor, Austin
Eric Johnson, Mayor, Dallas
Ron Nirenberg, Mayor, San Antonio
Clay Jenkins, County Judge, Dallas

Jacqueline Biskupski, Mayor, Salt Lake City
Jani Iwamoto, State Senator, Salt Lake City
Mark A. Wheatley, State Representative, Salt Lake City

Anne Watson, Mayor, Montpelier
Miro Weinberger, Mayor, Burlington
Tim Briglin, State Representative, Thetford
Thomas I. Chittenden, City Councilor, South Burlington
Ali Dieng, City Councilor, Burlington
Meaghan Emery, City Council Vice Chair, South Burlington
Maxine Grad, State Representative, Moretown
Jack Hanson, City Councilor, Burlington
Debbie Ingram, State Senator, Williston
Kristine Lott, Mayor, Winooski
Karen Paul, City Councilor, Burlington
Franklin Paulino, City Councilor, Burlington
Ann Pugh, State Representative, Montpelier
Helen Riehle, City Council Chair, South Burlington
Lisa Ryan, Alderwoman, Rutland
Robin Scheu, State Representative, Middlebury
Joan Shannon, City Councilor, Burlington
Michael Sirotkin, State Senator, South Burlington
Michael Yantachka, State Representative, Charlotte
Maida F. Townsend, State Representative, South Burlington
Theresa Wood, State Representative, Waterbury
Michael Yantachka, State Representative, Charlotte
David Zuckerman, Lt. Governor, Montpelier

Justin Wilson, Mayor, Alexandria
Creigh Deeds, State Senator, Charlottesville
Kaye Kory, State Delegate, Falls Church
Mark Levine, State Delegate, Alexandria
Dave Marsden, State Senator, Burke
Scott Surovell, State Senator, Mt. Vernon

Jay Inslee, Governor, Olympia
April Barker, City Council Member, Bellingham
Reuven Carlyle, State Senator, Seattle
Jeannie Darneille, State Senator, Tacoma
Mona Das, State Senator, Auburn
Todd Donovan, County Councilmember, Bellingham
Jake Fey, State Representative, Tacoma
Joe Fitzgibbon, State Representative, West Seattle
David Frockt, State Senator, Seattle
Mia Gregerson, State Representative, SeaTac
Bob Hasegawa, State Senator, Seattle
Sam Hunt, State Senator, Olympia
Karen Keiser, State Senator, Des Moines
Patty Kuderer, State Senator, Olympia
Mary Leavitt, State Representative, University Place
Debra Lekanoff, State Representative, Bellingham
Michael Lilliquist, City Council Member, Bellingham
Kelli Linville, Mayor, Bellingham
Liz Lovelett, State Senator, Anacortes
John McCoy, State Senator, Tulalip
Gerry Pollet, State Representative, Seattle
Chris Roberts, City Councilmember, Shoreline
Christine Rolfes, State Senator, Bainbridge Island
Cindy Ryu, State Representative, Seattle
Rebecca Saldana, State Senator, Seattle
Sharon Tomiko Santos, State Representative, Seattle
Lillian Ortiz-Self, State Representative, Mukilteo
Tana Senn, State Representative, Mercer Island
Derek Stanford, State Senator, Bothell
Hannah Stone, City Council Member/At-Large Representative, Bellingham
Gael Tarleton, State Representative, Seattle
Javier Valdez, State Representative, Seattle
Pinky Vargas, City Council Member, Bellingham
Amy Walen, State Representative, Kirkland

Carousel Andrea Bayrd, County Commissioner, Dane County

Charles Pelkey, State Representative, Laramie

They are still looking for more signatures for their propaganda stunt letter, see here.

Tennessee Lawsuit is On Again as Thomas More Law Center Files New Motion

“This case has enormous jurisprudential consequences, not only on the issue of the federal refugee resettlement program, but on the ability of Congress to force states to pay for future bizarre, fantastical, unwanted programs as proposed by current Democrat candidates without any recourse to the courts.”

(Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Law Center)


Here is the news from the Thomas More Law Center:

Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Is Petitioned to Rehear the Federal Refugee Resettlement Opinion ‘Painfully’ at Odds with Supreme Court Precedent

ANN ARBOR, MI— The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) and Bursch Law PLLC have filed a petition for rehearing by the entire Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals bench of a two-judge panel opinion of that court dismissing Tennessee’s challenge to the constitutionality of the federal refugee resettlement program for lack of standing.

The basis for the rehearing petition, which was filed last Friday, Sept. 6, is that the two-judge opinion is “painfully at odds” with Supreme Court precedent.

The Thomas More Law Center, a national nonprofit public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, agreed to represent the State of Tennessee, its General Assembly and two state legislators at no charge, after the state’s attorney general refused to bring the requested lawsuit. John Bursch of Caledonia, Michigan, represented the plaintiffs on behalf of TMLC at the oral arguments in the Sixth Circuit.

If your state government was serious about concerns with the US Refugee Admissions Program, your governor or legislature could follow Tennessee’s lead on this critical issue! Why don’t they?

TMLC filed the federal lawsuit on behalf of the plaintiffs in March 2017, alleging that the Refugee Act of 1980, currently imposed on it by the federal government, amounts to an unconstitutional power grab – commandeering millions in state taxpayer dollars for a purely federal program.

A federal district court granted the federal government’s motion to dismiss the case. On appeal to the Sixth Circuit, a two-judge panel affirmed the lower court’s dismissal on the sole grounds that the plaintiffs lacked standing. It never reached the merits of the case.

Consequently, the petition for rehearing asks the Sixth Circuit’s full bench to consider the question: Does the Tennessee General Assembly have standing to challenge a regulatory regimen that allows the federal government to siphon dollars from the state treasury “at times and in amounts of the federal government’s choosing,” effectively diluting the legislature’s exclusive power of appropriation?

The controversy over refugee resettlement in Tennessee dates back to 2008. That’s when the state pulled out of the federal refugee program in accordance with its agreement with the federal government. But the flow of refugees continued, as the federal government simply transferred management of the program to a private agency, Catholic Charities of Tennessee, an arm of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, observed, “This case has enormous jurisprudential consequences, not only on the issue of the federal refugee resettlement program, but on the ability of Congress to force states to pay for future bizarre, fantastical, unwanted programs as proposed by current Democrat candidates without any recourse to the courts.”

Crucial to the argument for rehearing is the 2015 case of Arizona v. Independent Redistricting Commission (AIRC), wherein the Supreme Court ruled that state legislatures have standing to bring lawsuits when their legislative powers are threatened.

The petition for rehearing states, “In sum, the federal government is siphoning state funds to pay for a program from which Tennessee has withdrawn, and it can do so on any date and for any amount it wants. As the federal government admitted in its brief, Tennessee’s decision to end participation in the Refugee Resettlement Program had ‘no implications whatsoever’ on Tennessee’s obligation to fund the program. The federal government mandates Plaintiffs provide Medicaid to otherwise eligible refugees, or face termination of federal benefits.”

Accordingly, the federal government forces Tennessee to continue funding the refugee program by threatening to pull $7 billion in federal Medicaid funding, which represents 20 percent of the state’s total budget.

The rehearing petition warned, “As the federal bureaucracy continues to grow, federal officials will increasingly look to state budgets as the solution to federal funding deficits. When federal bureaucrats do so in violation of the Constitution, e.g. by coercing states to continue funding under pain of losing 20% of the state budget, state legislators must have the ability to bring suit.”

Besides Medicaid funding, the federal government also commandeers state funds for other welfare programs and for public education of the refugees.

TMLC’s complaint alleges that “the federal government has violated the United States Constitution’s Spending Clause and the Tenth Amendment” by enacting legislation and rules which purport to give the federal government authority to commandeer state funds to finance the refugee resettlement program.

There is more, continue reading here.

You can find many previous posts on Tennessee’s Tenth Amendment case here.