Refugee Council USA Removes Islamic Relief USA from its Member Roster

That is strange.

Just now as I read this latest salvo against HIAS  (one of nine refugee contractors that monopolize all resettlement to the US) charging that the ‘Jewish’ group has been snuggling up to Islam-first groups like CAIR and Islamic Relief, I went back to the Refugee Council USA members page that I had partially screenshot only a week ago when I wrote about the growing storm over the leadership of the Conference of Presidents—an organization that brings together groups that support Israel and the Jewish people.

I took this screenshot only a week ago of the membership page of RCUSA which is the lobbying arm of the refugee industry in the US.

There were 29 groups listed as members.  Islamic Relief USA was one.


But somewhere between Monday and Friday this past week, Islamic Relief USA was removed (or removed itself) from the membership roster.  See a screenshot today!  There must be a story here!

Just to be sure I wasn’t hallucinating I went to the Wayback Machine and found that on April 27 Islamic Relief was still there and that RCUSA touted 29 member groups.  Today it is 28 members.



Here is the Member page today:


So, the question is, did Islamic Relief quit or did they get the boot!?

We will likely never know because RCUSA is a secretive organization I’ve been trying to learn more about for years.

On the day a few weeks ago when my internet went down I was planning a post about them.  They have a paid staff, they have a Washington, DC office, they are active ‘educating’ Congress about the need to bring in more refugees, they reach out to grassroots open borders activists to give them instructions, etc.


They are not incorporated (as far as I can tell), they are not a 501(c)3 charitable organization, but supposedly their banker is Church World Service.

However, when I searched through CWS’s Form 990s I found no mention of money that passes through CWS to RCUSA.

In 2017, we learned that RCUSA paid (or planned to pay) the Podesta Group $100,000 to lobby Senate and House members for more refugees and more money. (Later in 2017 the Podesta Group “ceased to exist” so it is unclear if the funds were paid out for the lobbying campaign.)

(I think you need to see the entire plan the Podesta Group had crafted for RCUSA in March of 2017.)

Where would that money come from if RCUSA (apparently) doesn’t exist as a business or as a non-profit group?

I won’t use the word, but can you hear the washing machine running?

See my many posts on the Refugee Council USA by clicking here.

Somali National Stabs to Death 7-year-old in UK Park; Katie Hopkins’ Letter is a Must Read

“I watch people wiping, disinfecting, masking, flinching, distancing themselves from nice looking couples with dogs. No amount of hand-sanitiser will save them from the state of this country and the people we have let in.”

(Katie Hopkins)


It happened in March, but made little news mostly we can only assume, and others have speculated, that it is because the violent act was perpetrated by a Somali woman against a beautiful innocent white child unknown to the attacker.

Emily Jones, Age seven


Early reports of the killing never mention a word about the identity of the attacker as a migrant from Africa.

I think that in addition to the political correctness of the media, much of the silence surrounding the horror is, yes, it was so horrible that people hide from the truth of it to protect their own hearts and to not have to face the blunt truth British writer Katie Hopkins says of it.

Facing it means that one should do something about it and that is too fear-provoking for most who cower at the prospect of being labelled a racist!


From Frontpage Magazine (read the whole thing!):

A Letter to Emily’s parents…

Dedicated to Emily Jones, Age 7

Dear Mrs. Jones,

Most people will avoid talking to you about Emily’s death because it is too terrible. The things we know are too shocking to mention in front of a grieving mum.

That your child was a happy little thing playing on her scooter in the park with her family on Mothering Sunday when she was stabbed to death, her life ended in one blow by a Somali woman, a stranger to you and to this land.

If these words are too brutal for the grieving, how is it possible these things can happen to the living, on an otherwise normal day?

Instead we tiptoe around the truth, soften our language. We do not talk of murder or of killing. We softly whisper that Emily was ‘taken from you’, like a reclaimed gift or prize, regretfully removed from your arms by gentle hands.

We are not supposed to talk, either, about the Somali killer who hides behind her color and her mental health.

That is only a bit of it.

Please read it all, and if you do nothing else today send this powerful letter to everyone you know!

Controversy Continues! Writer: Show HIAS the door!

News on refugees is pretty sparse these days involving mostly stories about how refugees (including illegal immigrants) don’t have work and are scrabbling to get their government bennies.  Stories like this one from New Hampshire where my message to the Open Borders movement activists is this—you now need to step up and personally help (with your own time and money) all of the migrants you have helped bring to America.

However, I’m delighted to see that there is a spotlight shining on HIAS (aka the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) from within the Jewish community.

I told you about the controversy here a week ago.

Now this from the Middle East Forum:

HIAS Endangers Jews, Empowers Their Enemies

HIAS, formerly known as the Hebrew International Aid Society*** until 2014, is in the news following a firestorm over the prospects of Dianne Lob, formerly the chair of its board of directors, becoming the chair-elect of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.

Not friends of Israel! Another issue rarely mentioned is the fact that HIAS works in Israel AGAINST the government as it puts legal muscle behind efforts by the government to deport illegal aliens there.

The increased attention on HIAS provides an opportune time to scrutinize its work in resettling refugees. Unfortunately, a close examination leads to the conclusion that HIAS knowingly promotes policies that endanger Jews, as well as aligns with those linked to Islamist terrorism.

Rather than debating whether a former HIAS executive should head the big tent of all big tents of mainstream Judaism, the Jewish community should instead begin discussing how to show HIAS the door, just as it would for any other organization that enabled dangerously racist communities.


….the company HIAS keeps is telling. It has been unapologetic in its partnership with the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). The ADL has raised serious concerns about CAIR, citing the fact, among others, that it openly delegitimizes Israel.

Read it all.

I suggest that HIAS’s close working relationship with the Southern Poverty Law Center is also concerning.  See my post yesterday.

For new readers, see that HIAS received more federal funding in FY19 under Trump than it did in the best Obama year.

See my HIAS archive for dozens and dozens of posts on the federal refugee resettlement contractor.

The writer uses the word “naivety” in describing HIAS actions. I don’t believe they are naive for one second.

***I don’t know where the author gets this name for HIAS.  See wikipedia here.


Memory Lane: Meatpackers Work Directly with ‘Religious’ Refugee Contractors

Because it is all over the news these days, I figured this might be a good time to repost some stories that you might not have seen or have long since forgotten.  Like this one from 2017 (sure is good we were able to recover RRW when it was removed from the web last summer!):

Foreign-owned Big Meat hires Lutherans to help them find and retain refugee labor

That is the crux of this story and not in my wildest dreams did I think that money was directly changing hands between the meat industry and a federal refugee contractor, in this case Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service headquartered in Baltimore, MD.

Don’t miss my post about LIRS just a few days ago.

I always assumed it was an informal relationship where the largely federally-funded ‘religious’ charity (LIRS is 96% funded by you and not via the collection plate) just happened to be bringing immigrant workers to small town America.

Now we learn that there is a formal (secret!), contractual arrangement planned for pilot projects in four states with JBS USA a Brazilian-owned company. And, it makes me wonder if this isn’t new and whether similar arrangements are being made with others of the nine federal refugee contractors.***

For those of you in places like St. Cloud, MN frustrated that you can’t get local elected officials to listen to you, remember their seemingly illogical resistance to slowing the flow of refugees has nothing to do with humanitarianism and everything to do with changing America for the almighty dollar!

From Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily:

Global meatpacking giant goes all in for refugee labor

A Lutheran resettlement agency that places United Nations refugees into dozens of U.S. cities and towns is working with the world’s largest meatpacking conglomerate to train refugees for work in four American states while also softening up the local natives to be more “welcoming.”

JBS Headquarters in Greeley, CO Photo credit: me

The secretive pilot program between Baltimore-based Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and the U.S. subsidiary of JBS Swift aims to pump more refugees into Georgia, Texas, Iowa and Michigan to work in the company’s meat plants. If successful, the pilot program could be renewed for a second year and replicated at JBS meat plants across the U.S., WND has learned.

JBS Swift, the Brazilian-based global meat-processing giant, has agreed to pay Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, or LIRS, $155,000 to implement the pilot program over the next year in the four states, according to a draft of the partnership agreement obtained by WND from a person with inside knowledge of the deal.

“The shock here is to find out that a religious agency is being paid by a foreign global corporation to train refugees and ultimately transform the demographics of small towns in America’s heartland,” said Ann Corcoran, an expert on the international movement of refugees and the nine volunteer agencies that resettle them for the U.S.

The deal between the global meat producer JBS and the Lutheran agency has been dubbed “Rebuilding Dreams,” and is described in the draft document as a “grant and collaboration agreement” between JBS USA and LIRS in the four states.

“The primary goal of this agreement is to improve the capacity of JBS USA and local resettlement agencies to support and improve the hiring and retention of refugee employees at four pilot sites in Michigan, Texas, Iowa, and Georgia,” according to the document.

The following are the cities in those states where JBS has meatpacking plants:

Iowa – Council Bluffs, Marshalltown and Ottumwa, mostly pork production
Michigan – Plainwell, mostly beef
Georgia – Elberton, Douglas, Athens, Ellijay, Canton and Carrollton, mostly chicken
Texas – Waco, Lufkin, Nacogdoches, Pittsburg and Mount Pleasant, mostly chicken

“Rebuilding Dreams will achieve this goal by creating customized trainings and resources for key stakeholders, building stronger relationships through communications and technology platforms, enhancing the collection and evaluation of data, and improving the overall quality and culture of the workplace experience for refugee employees,” the agreement states.

The agreement also calls for improving the local “welcoming culture” in the cities where the refugees will be placed.

Part of United Nations agenda for sustainability

JBS is a transnational, global corporation that beats the United Nations “sustainability” drum on its website, and it also cashes in on the globalized “labor mobility” concept pushed by the U.N.’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Read more here. The story is a detailed must-read about how a global corporation and a supposedly religious charity are changing America by changing the people.

And as a side reading project, see this 2006 article from the Greeley Tribune involving Swift (JBS bought Swift) explaining how the meat industry went from being a desirable place for Americans to work to their model today that is increasingly reliant on the global movement of labor—-middle America be damned!

Don’t miss Bloomberg: Big Meat worried about Trump’s reduced refugee flow, here.

For Republicans it’s about money!

We know the Dems are pushing refugee resettlement in order to boost the number of Democrat voters, and if you are wondering why the Republicans aren’t doing enough to get the program controlled—look to the Chamber of Commerce and GLOBAL Corporations that have convinced the Republican leadership that the free flow of cheap and captive (uncomplaining) labor across borders is the future.

The jig is up!

Big Meat gets cheap labor, the Dems get voters, and you, the taxpayer, get to subsidize it all (including welfare for workers paid insufficient wages!). If you complain you are a hater, a racist and an Islamophobe!

LIRS  is headquartered here in Baltimore. This is their own description: The Lutheran Center (LIRS headquarters) is a six-story structure constructed in 1999 on property owned by Baltimore’s historic Christ Lutheran Church. The building is located near Baltimore’s Inner Harbor in the historic Federal Hill neighborhood, a charming area rich with history and an eclectic array of eateries and shopping venues.

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
is the lead federal contractor for the following list of subcontractors.

Making it clear! 

LIRS, in Baltimore, is not a separate group from the others on the list!

LIRS is the lead contractor that deals directly with the US State Department and divvies up incoming refugees between the agencies below—LOL! it is the ‘mothership’ to the following:

(Update: Since this post is from 2017 some of the subcontractors listed may no longer exist.  I didn’t bother checking. See if the one near you is still up and running and let me know!)

Canopy of Northwest Arkansas, Fayetteville

Refugee Focus, Phoenix, Tuscon

Interfaith Refugee and Immigration Service, Los Angeles

Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains, Denver, Colorado Springs, Greeley

Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida, Jacksonville
Lutheran Services Florida, Miami, Orlando, Tampa

Lutheran Services of Georgia, Atlanta, Savannah

RefugeeOne, Chicago

Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area, Hyattsville

Ascentria Community Services, Westfield, Worcester

Samaritas, Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Grand Rapids, Troy

Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota, Minneapolis, St. Cloud

Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska, Omaha

New Hampshire
Ascentria Community Services, Concord

New Mexico
Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains, Albuquerque, Santa Fe

New York
Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees, Utica

North Carolina
Lutheran Services Carolinas, Raleigh

North Dakota
Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota—Center for New Americans, Bismarck, Fargo, Grand Forks

Lutheran Community Services Northwest, Portland

Bethany Christian Services, Allentown, Lancaster, Philadelphia

South Carolina
Lutheran Services Carolinas, Columbia, Charleston

South Dakota
Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota, Sioux Falls

Refugee Services of Texas, Dallas, Fort Worth, Amarillo, Houston

Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area, Falls Church

Lutheran Community Services Northwest, Tacoma, Vancouver

Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, Madison, Milwaukee

So what do you do?  Go to this post I wrote earlier this month and get to work where you live!

For more on meatpackers and cheap immigrant labor, go here.


*** For new readers, these are the nine major federal refugee contractors largely funded by you, the taxpayer. Refugee resettlement is not first and foremost about humanitarianism so don’t let them shut you up!


Exposed: Southern Poverty Law Center has Millions Stashed in Offshore Bank Accounts

Did you make the list? Wouldn’t it be great if someone did a project to find out how many of these “groups” actually exist.

Please visit my other blog (Frauds and Crooks) today to see the latest information on the king of non-profit scammers—the Southern Poverty Law Center.

I haven’t been paying any attention to them lately but apparently in March they published their latest Hate Crime report and have once again listed RRW as an anti-Muslim hate group.

As I have pointed out for years, RRW is just me and my blog—I HAVE NO GROUP—but apparently the facts be damned when they rake in millions scaring people out of their money.

As Tyler O-Neill asked in his Pajamas Media story this week:

If the SPLC were an impeccable civil rights organization, why would it hide money in offshore accounts?”


See my archive on the SPLC here at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ and here at RRW.

As I said, they have once again listed Refugee Resettlement Watch as a hate group, nevermind that RRW is just me and my blog.  I wonder if I have any legal rights?  I couldn’t claim that they have hurt my income since I do what I do without any funding.

By the way, I suspect I was recommended for their list by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society several years ago because I was exposing HIAS’s ‘business model’.  I explained all that in 2014.

I have no way of proving it, but I suspect that HIAS and the SPLC had a hand in shutting down RRW last summer.