Say what!
Editor: To my dedicated readers here at RRW (some of you have been with me since 2007) I have been distracted by the nightmare unfolding in Washington and have been busy posting at my other blog Frauds and Crooks in the wake of the great Election Steal of 2020.
You might like to see some of my posts there tagged January 6th 2021 to see what I’ve been saying.
But, alas, it is time to direct my attention, or at least some of my attention, to the US Refugee Admissions Program which Biden has said will now be on steroids to admit 125,000 refugees in his first year.
From Fortune where the writer is employed by one of nine refugee contractors*** working for the federal government.
Many of these contractors are supposedly religious non-profit groups, but they are largely funded by you—the US taxpayer!
“Unity and healing” here we come! NOT!

How refugees could help the U.S. become unified again
Last year was largely characterized by separation and survival. Whether it was social distancing and COVID-19, violence in America’s cities, or attempting to sort out one of the most contentious and confusing elections in modern memory, America struggled in 2020, and needs to view 2021 with an eye toward unity and healing.
Perhaps the best way to do that is to unify and heal by returning to our American roots, and welcoming refugees into our country.
President-elect Joe Biden has stated his intention to raise the ceiling for refugee admissions to 125,000 for fiscal year 2021. Unifying around this goal, and welcoming those who have fled persecution and are desperate to find safety and freedom in America, could help the U.S. to again find unity.
More importantly, this move would be a big step toward reunifying our nation by reinvigorating our historical practice of welcoming refugees. Aiming for that 125,000 goal is the perfect way to come together and recommit our nation to the best of our national ideals. This will be a challenge that revives a tired nation, but it will take work and commitment from all of our citizens.
So how do we use this as an opportunity to heal?
First, people—both individually and in charitable, religious, or civic-minded organizations—should focus on learning about who refugees are and how the U.S. refugee resettlement process works….
The problem is that the process doesn’t work in the way they claim, and is one of the most secretive programs the federal government has been undertaking for four decades.
Second, Americans should continue to advocate for refugee resettlement. It’s vital that Americans hold Biden accountable for his dedication commitment to refugee resettlement. [This sentence needs an edit, but you get the gist—ed]
Oh, very interesting, they already think that Biden is going to wiggle out of his promise! When our border is overrun by wannabe asylum seekers in the coming weeks, Biden is going to have a hell of a time telling America we need more poor sick people!
Third, Americans should reach out to the refugee resettlement agencies in their region and ask how they can help.
Do those things and PRESTO! America will be healed!
America Lasters!
***For new readers these are the Progressive groups, some claim they are ‘religious’ charities, that put the wellbeing of refugees and illegal migrants ahead of struggling Americans.
Again, these resettlement agencies (aka contractors) are largely paid by you the US taxpayer, they are not passing the plate at Sunday services. This is NOT Christian charity!